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Subject: Newton to be decommissioned September 30, 2005
Author: Harsh Anand <>
Date: 2005-08-31 14:52:46
Dear NERSC users, Newton, the Mathematics Server will be decommissioned on September 30, 2005. Users are responsible for their files/data that reside on Newton. Please copy your files to other systems e.g. DaVinci, Jacquard, HPSS or your home system ASAP. WHEN NEWTON IS DECOMMISSIONED, ALL FILES REMAINING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE LOST. Please note the Math applications that are available on Newton, viz., MATHEMATICA and MATLAB have already been installed on the new Linux Networx supercomputer, Jacquard, and the shared-memory computer, DaVinci. NERSC will also soon make MAPLE software available on DaVinci and Jacquard. Users are encouraged to migrate to DaVinci and/or Jacquard. DaVinci is intended to be the primary analytics platform at NERSC. It has 192 GB of shared memory, and no interactive limits. For more information on DaVinci and Jacquard please see: Regards, -- Harsh Anand email: hanand_at_lbl_dot_gov NERSC User Services phone: (510) 486-5575

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