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Subject: NERSC reminder: system downtimes during move to Oakland
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2000-10-19 16:10:47
Dear NERSC user, A reminder that NERSC will be moving a significant portion of its computing resources to a new building in Oakland beginning Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000. This move is currently planned to end no later than Friday, Nov. 3. The following NERSC production systems will be moved: Cray T3E, Cray PVP cluster, HPSS, PDSF, Newton, and Escher. These systems will be unavailable during the move. Please see this NERSC web page for current downtime estimates: The IBM SP Phase I system, gseaborg, is not being relocated and is expected to be down only on Oct. 26 from 14:00 to 16:00 Pacific Time. Note, however, that HPSS will not be available from gseaborg while the storage system is being moved. During the move the NERSC web sites and will be available, but some dynamic features (e.g., queue listings) may not function properly at times. The account management web interface ( will also be unavailable at some time during the move. Updated downtime schedules will be available during the move at the web URL NERSC User Services ****************************************************** * Richard A. Gerber, Ph.D. * * NERSC User Services (510) 486-6820 * * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * ******************************************************

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