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Subject: Escher: ssh and ntp updated
Author: David Skinner <>
Date: 2001-11-07 15:48:09
The following changes were implemented during the escher's maintenance period on 11/6/01. The changes were made to address security issues with ssh and ntp (network time protocol) software on escher. openssh 2.9.9p2 is now the default secure shell software on escher. As a result, the host key for escher has changed and will require all users to update their known_hosts file. This new ssh daemon supports both SSH protocols 1 and 2. As before, the ssh subdirectory is pointed to by /usr/local/ssh. Also, ntp 4.1.71 is now the production network time protocol software. The daemon and associated utilities are located in /usr/local/bin. The older version of this software (xntp 3-5.93) is no longer usable with the new softare. xntp 3-5.93 is archived in /usr/local/xntp3-5.93 and accessible only by root. -- Ken Okikawa <> e-mail: NERSC Computational Systems Group <> <> Voice: (510) 495-2311 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab <> FAX: (510) 486-7520

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