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Subject: Annual NERSC User Survey
Author: "Horst D. Simon" <>
Date: 2001-10-23 23:26:05
Dear NERSC Users, As every year NERSC is conducting an annual survey of its user community. Many of you have responded already to our call and filled out the on-line survey. To those of you who have responded already, I would very much like to say thank you for your input. If you have not yet provided your feedback to us, I would like to encourage you to do so. The survey is at and it will only take a few minutes ot complete it. There are two very simple reasons, why you want to fill out the survey. If you aren't happy with the way some things are going at NERSC, this is a great opportunity to let us know what you want us to change. NERSC has always taken the feed back from the user survey as one of the key guidelines toward refocusing its efforts. But, if you are happy with the service and support and the computational resources (which is of course what I hope that you are), then it is also very important to let us know. The user survey is used in many ways in DOE reviews and other venues to demonstrate that we are providing excellent services to the DOE computational science community, and that NERSC is contributing an important element towards accomplishing the DOE mission. So in either case, please take a few minutes ad fill out the online user survey. Many thanks, Horst -- Horst D. Simon Director, NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division) Mail Stop 50B-4230 1 Cyclotron Rd Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-7377 (510) 486-4300 fax

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