Office of Thrift Supervision

Statistical Releases

Cost of Funds

Indices that are among those that federally chartered institutions may use in changing rates on adjustable-rate mortgage loans made in accordance with OTS Regulation 560.35.

National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions

Interest Rate Risk

Aggregate IRR Exposure and CMR Report - Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report and Aggregate Schedule CMR Report for the Entire Industry.

Asset & Liability Price Tables - Contains tables listing the estimated values of selected assets, liabilities, and off-balance sheet instruments, in various interest rate scenarios.

Interest Rate Risk Measures - Recent industry statistics for several measures of interest rate risk.

Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk - Quarterly publication of industry position with respect to interest rate risk.

Net Portfolio Value Model Manual - This publication explains the computer model used by OTS to assess interest rate risk at thrift institutions and to calculate their interest rate risk capital component.

Risk Modeling Bulletin - Provides up-to-date information on developments related to the Enhanced Net Portfolio Value Model (NPV Model).


Other Statistical Releases

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