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Technology Consumers

What are the NASA SBIR and STTR Programs?

NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs are a three phased approach for the small business concern or research institution to develop a technology in response to a specific set of NASA mission driven needs as presented in the NASA SBIR/STTR Annual Solicitation. Please check out the NASA SBIR/STTR schedule for important dates.

I am interested in a particular technology, how can the NASA SBIR/STTR Program help me?

You may search for a previously developed technology that may meet your need by searching NASA’s SBIR/STTR Abstract/Archives Gateway or Success Stories. This information will provide you with the name of the small business or research institution that developed the technology and provide contact information. The intellectual property as a result of the technical development is resident with the small business concern.

NASA develops a request for proposals or Solicitation based on specific technology requirements to meet overall mission needs. These are described in detail in the Solicitation topics and subtopics. Your technical need may correspond with a subtopic description. Questions regarding that technology description can be directed towards the NASA Field Center Program Manager that sponsors the technology need.

NASA's SBIR/STTR Program develops mission needs with direction from the NASA Mission Directorates. The Mission Directorate identify, at the most fundamental level, what NASA does and for whom. Each Mission Directorate is analogous to a strategic business unit employed by private-sector companies to focus on and respond to their customers' needs. Each Mission Directorate has a unique set of goals, objectives and strategies. Research topics and subtopics in the solicitation are organized by the four directorates of Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems, Science, and Space Operations. Information regarding these Directorates can be found through NASA's Technology Portal.

Can I access samples of SBIR/STTR deliverables?

If you are interested in viewing samples of the reports and deliverables, companies must submit please visit the NASA SBIR/STTR Firms Library.

How can I participate in the development of the technology?

NASA invites those interested in furthering the development of a specific technology for their own needs to investigate the potential for a Phase 3 contract by providing non-SBIR funds to the small business concern to further develop the technology. NASA is able to accelerate its post-Phase 2 procurement process by recognizing that the federal competition-in-contracting requirements have been met by the Phase 1 and 2 competitions. Private-sector investment, in various forms, is also a vehicle for the Phase 3 process.

In addition the government Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR) assigned to each contract awarded may designate technologists, primarily from within NASA, that will be given access to technical reports. These individuals will act as advisors, and can help provide insight, based on NASA's needs and missions, to the technical development of the technology.


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Curator: Samidha Manu
NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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