The Health and Human Services (HHS) FY 2010 Budget supports the Department's mission to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. Among the topics presented on this site are:
The HHS Budget in Brief [PDF - 2 MB] provides an overview of the HHS budget and how the budget supports the major initiatives of the Department.
The HHS FY 2008 Citizens’ Report [PDF - 659KB] provides an overview of the Department’s performance over the past fiscal year and major initiatives of the Department. It includes summaries of key past and planned performance and financial information.
Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For assistance, contact the HHS Office of Budget at 202.690.7393.
HHS Operating Divisions are listed below with links to their sections of the FY 2010 President's Budget Request and Online Performance Appendices that describe the divisions' past performance in more detail.
Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For assistance, contact the HHS Office of Budget at 202.690.7393.
Links to HHS Office of the Secretary Staff Division budget requests and Online Performance Appendices, that describe the division's performance in more detail, are listed below.
Departmental Management - includes General Departmental Management (Staff Divisions and the Office of Public Health and Science), Medicare Hearings and Appeals, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund.
Persons with disabilities experiencing problems accessing portions of the above PDF files should contact the HHS Office of Budget on 202.690.7393.
Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For assistance, contact the HHS Office of Budget at 202.690.7393.
HHS Operating Divisions are listed below with links to their sections of the FY 2008 Annual Performance Reports that describe the divisions' past performance in more detail.
Staff Divisions within the HHS Office of the Secretary are listed below with links to their sections of the FY 2008 Annual Performance Reports that describe the divisions' past performance in more detail.