FTC Fraud Forum

February 25 & 26, 2009
February 25: 8:30 - 5:15 pm
February 26: 8:30 - 5:00 pm

at the FTC Conference Center
601 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

and via webcast.

The Federal Trade Commission will host a free two-day Fraud Forum on February 25 and 26, 2009, in Washington, DC. The Forum will examine how the FTC can more effectively protect consumers from fraudulent schemes. The first day of the Forum will be open to the public and will provide an opportunity for law enforcement, consumer advocates, business representatives and academics to examine, among other things:

  • the extent of fraud in the economy and what survey research indicates about fraud victimization rates;
  • the drivers – economic, sociological, and psychological – that create and sustain fraudulent actors; how new fraudulent actors learn the tools of the trade, and how they target victims;
  • whether some segments of the population are at greater risk of being targeted by fraudulent actors; whether victim surveys adequately identify the magnitude and types of fraud launched against all segments of the population; what techniques law enforcement has employed to reach these segments of the population; and
  • which best practices in private industries, such as banking, telecommunications, and online commerce, are best suited to identify fraud and prevent their services from being used by fraudulent actors; which systems adequately track potentially fraudulent activity and whether opportunities exist to use new or improved self-regulatory efforts to combat fraud.

The second day of the Forum will be open only to domestic and international law enforcement officials, and will focus on improving interagency coordination in the battle against consumer fraud.

The FTC staff invites interested parties to participate by submitting comments or original research by the dates specified below.


Video is available online for all panels from Day 1.

In addition, you can download powerpoint presentations from the forum:


When you pre-register, the FTC collects your name and affiliation. We will use this information for administrative purposes related to the workshop and will dispose of it following the workshop. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other laws, we may be required to disclose the information you provide to outside organizations. For additional information, including routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, see the FTC Privacy Policy. The FTC Act and other laws the FTC enforces allow the collection of your pre-registration contact information for the purposes described above.

For additional information, including routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, see the Commission’s comprehensive Privacy Policy.


The Conference Center is accessible to people with disabilities. If you need an accommodation related to a disability, please call Carrie McGlothin at 202-326-3388. Such requests should include a detailed description of the accommodations needed and a way to contact you if we need more information. Please provide advance notice.