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Examples of ARC Telecommunications Projects

The following are ongoing telecommunications projects that are achieving notable results.

Establishing Internet Service and Use Patterns to Attract Better Telecom Services
The state of Kentucky is conducting the second phase of a regionwide survey of high-speed Internet services available in the 51 counties that comprise the Appalachian portion of the state. During phase one, ARC funded an initial assessment of the availability of Internet services in the project region.

The survey, conducted by a calling service, is

  • yielding valuable information on how the Internet network performs in the region;
  • identifying problems with access to services in the region; and
  • examining who uses the Internet and for what purposes.

With this information, the state can identify gaps in service and use patterns that will help the state, communities, and local organizations to aggregate their demand to attract better telecommunications services. The project collaborates with other activities in the state.

The third phase will continue the assessment as well as expand and provide continued community awareness and technical assistance services. The project will also strive to put into place more community implementation strategies.

Project Dates: October 1, 2001 to the present

Funding sources:
ARC: $200,000
State: $200,000
Local: $284,000
Private Resources: $120,000
Total: $845,000

Project Contact:
Linda Johnson, PhD.
(270) 781-4320, extension 25

Installing Wireless Equipment in Emergency Vehicles
Pickens County, Alabama, is installing wireless telecommunications equipment and software in all 25 emergency vehicles in the county. Nearly 5,000 calls a month are routed through the county's communication center, which sends the appropriate vehicle to the exact location using GIS software and wireless technology, in order to reduce the response time on emergency calls by ambulances and other emergency services. The project is being coordinated by a central dispatch service in the county.

Expected Outcomes
It is estimated that the new dispatch system will increase response time by 25 percent, thus helping to save additional lives, in addition to coordinating fire, police, and emergency services throughout the county. The FCC will certify the new emergency service as compliant with industry standards.

Project Dates: October 1, 2002 to the present

Sources of Funding
ARC: $200,000
Local: $50,000
Total: $250,000

Project Contact:
Ken Gibson
(205) 367-9800

Acquiring Mobile Technology for Towns County High School
The Towns County, Georgia, Board of Education felt that gaining access to the Internet—especially wireless access—was important to enhancing both students' and teachers' educational programs. So, during the first phase of this project, the board used ARC funds to purchase laptop computers equipped with infrared wireless technology.

For the second phase of this three-phase project, the Towns' County Board of Education is replacing the laptops of 80 ninth-grade students, equipped with infrared microwave wireless systems, with laptops compatible with those in the high school that use a radio frequency signal. The middle school's infrared system is also switching to a radio frequency system so the laptops in both the middle and high school will have the same type of high-speed Internet connection, which can be used anywhere on school grounds.

The ninth grade students can use curriculum-based software in the high school, access the Internet and email, and use computer-based applications to prepare homework and make presentations. The new laptops also include special software to assist adults (parents, older siblings, and others) in completing the GED and in improving their computer and work skills.

Project Dates: July 1, 2000 to the present

Sources of Funding:
ARC: $63,936
Local: $15,984
Total: $79,920

Project Contact:
Stephen Smith
(706) 896-4131, extension 4011

Chattooga County Acquires Laptops for Community Use
The Chattooga County, Georgia, Board of Education made available 20 laptop computers to students, teachers, parents, and administrators through a library-style loan program in which any community member could check out a laptop for up to 30 days.

Nearly 3,100 students and teachers, and 300 parents and local citizens have used the laptops to access the Internet, complete school projects, prepare for the GED, develop Web sites, and perform database management.

Students in the technology class at the high school also offer outreach services to the community. Students tale the laptops to traditional business and government locations that do not have access to the Internet, develop Web pages for businesses and government clients, and provide technical assistance in the community by using the laptops for demonstrations.

Project Dates: November 1, 2001 to the present

Sources of Funding:
ARC: $220,000
State: $25,000
Local: $68,500
Total: $313,500

Project Contact:
Diane Bryant
(706) 895-3340

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