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Astrophysics Science Division

Astrophysics Science Division: Staff

Code 660.1: High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center


Civil Servant Scientists:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Marshall, Francis 6-5279 GSFC
Smale, Alan 6-2602 GSFC

USRA, ORAU and Contract Scientists:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Holland, Stephen 6-7063 USRA

University Scientists:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Krishnamurthi, Anita 6-2597 UMCP

Graduate Students:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
VanDeCastle, Tom 6-8299 SP Systems

Engineers & Technicians:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Gliba, George 6-1119 SP Systems

Programmers & Data Technicians:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Chai, Pan 6-8099 RSIS
Eyermann, Sarah 6-7412 SP Systems
Gibb, Meredith 6-1578 SP Systems
Gordon, Craig 6-5307 RSIS
Hall, Peter 6-8412 SP Systems
Hinshaw, Dean 6-0959 SP Systems
Horner, Donald 6-9903 RSIS
Irby, Bryan 6-1508 RSIS
McDonald, Laura 6-7242 ADNET
Mitchell, Sara 6-4598 SP Systems
Padgett, Alex 6-4996 RSIS
Peachey, James 6-6115 RSIS
Pereira, Divya 6-5908 RSIS
Perry, Brendan 6-3569 RSIS
Preciado, Michael 6-1949 SP Systems
Rohrbach, Gail 6-1516 SP Systems
Sabol, Ed 6-1510 ADNET
Sheets, Teresa 6-5168 GSFC
Smale, Karen 6-7612 SP Systems
Smith, Evan 6-9346 RSIS
Tripicco, Michael 6-9244 ADNET
Tyler, Patricia 6-3566 SP Systems
Wiegand, Bob 6-5090 GSFC

Support Staff:

Name   Phone   Affiliation
Appleman, Dot 6-5689 SP Systems
Reddy, Frank 6-4453 SP Systems