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Stephan F Fantasia

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 660.2, Science Operations and Data Managment Office
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301-286-4944
fax: 301-286-1498
e-mail: stephan.f.fantasia @

Present Position

Principal Systems Administrator
ADNET Systems, Inc.
ASD System Team

Brief Bio

Steve Fantasia received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Alabama in 1987. After that, he worked for Rockwell International Space Tranportation Systems Division in Downey, CA in the Space Shuttle Ascent Performance Group. After tiring of the monotonous, if pleasant, Southern California climate, Steve moved back to the east coast where he worked for CSC developing Attitude Ground Support System software in 1990 and 1991. He then attended graduate school at the University of Maryland, receiving a M.S. in Astronomy in 1993.

After receiving his master's, Steve joined the staff at the HEASARC. Initially, he helped analyze X-ray data from the ROSAT mission, looking for and analyzing variable sources in the WGA catalog.

Currently, Steve works as part of the ASD System Administration team, where his chief responsibility is as the webserver administrator for a majority of the ASD websites.

Educational Background

B.S. in Aerospace Enginerring from the Unversity of Alabama, 1987
(with minors in Mathematics and Computer Science)

M.S. in Astronomy from the University of Maryland, 1993

Current Projects

  • primary ASD webserver administrator
  • maintain WebSpec

Selected Publications

"RX J0045.4+4154: A recurrent supersoft x-ray transient in M31", White, N. E.; Giommi, P.; Heise, J.; Angelini, L.; Fantasia, S., 1995, ApJ, 445, L125.

"RX J0045.4+4154", White, N. E.; Giommi, P.; Angelini, L.; Fantasia, S., 1994, IAU Circ., 6064.

"BATSE spectroscopy catalog of bright gamma-ray burst", Schaefer, Bradley E.; Teegarden, Bonnard J.; Fantasia, Stephan F.; Palmer, David; Cline, Thomas L.; Matteson, James L.; Band, David L.; Ford, Lyle A.; Fishman, Gerald J.; Meegan, Charles A., 1994, ApJS 92, 285

Publications at the ADS website.