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Dr. Rita M Sambruna

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 661, Astroparticle Physics Laboratory
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301-286-1205
fax: 301-286-0677
e-mail: rita.m.sambruna @

Present Position

Astrophysicist, Multiwavelength studies of Active Galactic Nuclei, GLAST Observatory

Brief Bio

October 2001 - June 2005: Clare Boothe Luce Professor of Astrophysics
August 2004 -- June 2005: Associate Tenured Professor, George Mason University
October 2000 -- August 2004: Assistant Professor, George Mason University
July 1997 -- September 2000: Research Associate, Pennsylvania State University
June 1995 -- July 1997: NRC Research Fellow, NASA's GSFC

Educational Background

October 1994, PhD, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy. Thesis: The X-ray Properties of Blazars

October 1992, Master Phil. SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy. Thesis: The EXOSAT Spectral Survey of Blazars

October 1989, Laurea degree, Univ. of Milan, Italy. Thesis: X-ray Observations the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables E1405--451 (V834 Cen)
and E1013--477 (KO Vel)

Research Interests

Radio-loud AGNs (blazars and radio galaxies), from an X-ray, gamma-ray, and multiwavelength perspective;
physics and environment of extragalactic jets; unification models for AGN;
origin of the high-energy emission from jets;
low-luminosity accretion in AGNs and LINERs;
high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of AGNs.

Current Projects

I am currently working on Chandra and XMM observations of jets and radio-loud quasars.

Selected Publications

Over 70 publications in refereed papers, 50 invited talks, 34 contributed papers. List available upon request.