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Ms. Gladys Vieira Kober

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 667, ExoPlanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301 286 4530
e-mail: gladys.v.kober @

Present Position

Data Analyst in Astronomy,

Brief Bio

Experience in Science Education:
Planetario do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2 years)
Experience in Research:
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, data analyst in Astronomy (3 years)
NASA- GSFC, data analyst in Astronomy (Oct.1999 to present)

Educational Background

Bachelor of Astronomy
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Masters in Extragalactic Astrophysics
Observatorio Nacional, Brazil
Thesis: "Axisymmetrical Dynamic Models of Elliptical Galaxies"

Portuguese, Spanish, English

Research Interests

Astronomy in general

Current Projects

Interestellar Medium
Circumnstellar Medium around Eta Carina Star

Selected Publications

"Discovery of New Isolated T-Tauri Stars"
De la Reza,R, Torres,C.A.O., Quast,G., Castilho,B.V., Vieira,G.L. Ap.J. 343, L61, 1989

"A Catalog of Faint Interacting Galaxies in Pairs and Groups II"
De Mello,D.F., Infante,L., Menanteau,F., Vieira,G.L., Ap.JS,110,227, 1997

"Rapid Temporal Variations of Interstellar Absorption Lines in the Carina Nebula"
Danks,A.C., Walborn,N.R., Vieira,G.L., Gales,J.M., landsman, W.B. Ap.J,547 L155, 2001

"Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Echelle Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151: Physical Conditions in the Ultraviolet Absorbers"
Kraemer,S.B., Crenshaw,D.M., Hutchings,J.B., George,I.M., Danks,A.C., Gull,T.R., Kaiser,M.E., Nelson,C.H., Weistrop,D., Vieira,G.L., Ap.J. 551 671, 2001

"Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Observations of High Velocity Interstellar Absorption Line Profiles in the Carina Nebula"
Walborn,N.R., Danks,A.C., Vieira,G.L., Landsman,W.B., Ap.J.S., 140 407, 2002

"The Absorption Spectrum of High-Density Stellar Ejecta in the Line of Sight to Eta Carinae"
Gull,T.R., Vieira,G., Bruhweiler,F., Nielsen,K.E., Verner,E., Danks,A.C., Ap.J. 620 442, 2005

"Ultraviolet Spectrum of Eta Carinae: Investigation of the Ejecta Absorption"
Nielsen,K.E., Gull,T.R., Vieira Kober,G. Accepted 2005

"Eta Carinae Across teh 2003.5 Minimum: The Character and Variability of the Ejecta"
Gull,T.R., Vieira Kober,G., Nielsen,K.E. Submitted 2005

"Discovery of CH and OH in the -513km/s Ejecta of Eta Carinae"
Verner,E., Bruhweiler,F., Nielsen,K.E., Gull,T.R., Vieira kober,G., Corcoran,M. Accepted 2005