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Dr Dean A Hinshaw

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 660.2,
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301-286-0959
e-mail: dean.a.hinshaw @

Present Position

Principle Programmer/Analyst
SP Systems, Inc.

Brief Bio

1993-1995 Research Associate, Medical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, Duke Unv. Medical Center

1990-1993 Research Associate, Experimental Particle Physics, Labo. de Physique Nucléaire, Univeristé de Montrèal

1985-1990 Research Assistant, Experimental Particle Physics, Unv. of Colorado at Boulder

Educational Background

Ph.D. 1990, Unv. of Colorado, Boulder in Experimental Paricle Physics.
B.S. 1982, Seattle Pacific Unv. in Physics.

Research Interests

Program development in C, C++, Perl and FORTRAN90 under Unix. System administration under Unix ( Sun Solaris and Linux). Object oriented data base development in O2. Data reduction, archiving and statistical analysis. Image analysis and signal processing. Computer readout and control of remote sensing devices.

Current Projects

Swift Data Center data processing pipeline development and maintenance.

Selected Publications

A. J. Blustin, et al. Swift panchromatic observations of the bright gamma-ray burst GRB050525a. ApJ in press (2005).
N. Gehrels et al. A short γ-ray burst apparently associated with an elliptical galaxy at redshift z = 0.225. Nature Volume 437, Issue 7060, pp. 851-854 (2005).

M.G. Watson et al. The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey; I. The role of XMM-Newton Survey Science Center. Astronomy & Astrophysics 365:L51, 2001.

D. A. Hinshaw, J. T. Dobbins III. Plate scatter correction for improved performance in dual-energy chest imaging. Med. Phys. 1996, accepted for publication.

D. A. Hinshaw, J. T. Dobbins III. Recent progress in noise reduction and scatter correction in dual-energy imaging. Proceedings, Physics of Medical Imaging, 1995. SPIE:134.

J. T. Dobbins III, D. L. Ergun, L. Rutz, H. Blume, D. A. Hinshaw, D. C. Clark. DQE(f) of four generations of computed radiography acquisition devices. Med. Phys. 1994, accepted for publication.

S. R. Wagner, D. A. Hinshaw, R. A. Ong, A. Snyder et al. (Mark II Collaboration): Measurement of the B0 meson lifetime. Phys. Rev. Lett. 64:1095, 1990.

J. P. Alexander et al. : The Mark II vertex drift chamber. Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A283:519-527, 1989.

S. R. Wagner, D. A. Hinshaw, R. A. Ong et al. (Mark II Collaboration): Measurement of the D0 lifetime from the upgraded Mark II detector at the SLAC e+e- storage ring PEP. Phys. Rev. D36:2850, 1987.