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David T. Chuss

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 665, Observational Cosmology Laboratory
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301-286-1858
fax: 301-286-1617
e-mail: David.T.Chuss @

Current Position:


Brief Bio

Previous Position:

NRC Postdoc- NASA GSFC 2002-2004

Educational Background

Northwestern University- Ph.D. Physics and Astronomy, 2002
Pennsylvania State University- M.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997
Villanova University- B.S. Physics, 1995

Research Interests

Far-Infrared through Millimeter Polarimetry, Magnetic Fields, the Galactic Center, the Cosmic Microwave Background

Current Projects

  • PAPPA- The Primordial Anisotropy Polarization Pathfinder Array
  • ACT- The Atacama Cosmology Telescope
  • Hertz/SMTO- A 350 micron polarimeter with novel polarization modulators
  • SHARP- The SHARC-II Polarimeter
  • HAWC- The High Angular Resolution Widefield Camera for SOFIA
  • SPARO- The Submillimeter Polarimeter for Antarctic Remote Observing

Selected Publications

Chuss, D. T., Davidson, J.A., Dotson, J.L., Dowell, C.D., Hildebrand, R.H., Novak, G., & Vaillancourt, J.E., Magnetic Fields in Cool Clouds within the Central 50 Parsecs of the Galaxy, ApJ 599 1116 (2003)

Renbarger, T.R., Chuss, D.T., Dotson, J.L., Griffin, G.S., Hanna, J.L., Loewenstein, R.F., Malhotra, P.S.,Marshall, J.L., Novak, G.N., & Pernic, R.J., Early Results from SPARO: Instrument Characterization and Polarimetry of NGC 6334, PASP 116 415 (2004)

Novak, G., Chuss, D.T., Renbarger, T., Griffin, G.S., Newcomb, M.G., Peterson, J.B., Loewenstein, R.F., Pernic, D., Dotson, J.L., First Results from SPARO: Evidence for Large-Scale Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center, ApJ 583 L83 (2003)

Chartas, G., Chuss, D., Forman, W., Jones, C., Shapiro, I., X-Ray Detection of the Primary Lens Galaxy Cluster of the Gravitational Lens System Q0957+561, ApJ 504 66 (1998)