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Anita Krishnamurthi

Astrophysics Science Division
Code 660.1, Office for General Investigator Programs
Greenbelt, MD 20771

tel: 301-286-2597
fax: 301-286-1684
e-mail: Anita.Krishnamurthi @

Present Position

Faculty Research Associate, University of Maryland
Astrophysics Division Lead for Education & Public Outreach
Beyond Einstein Outreach Lead
James Webb Space Telescope Outreach Scientist

Brief Bio

  • 2003-2005: Program Planning Specialist for Education & Outreach, Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters
  • 2001-2003: Program Officer, The National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
  • 2000-2001: Volunteer web designer and technology outreach, Boulder Community Network
  • 1997-2000: Postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Jeffrey Linsky at JILA (University of Colorado)

    Professional Society Memberships:
  • American Astronomical Society (AAS)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)

    NASA SMD Working Group Memberships:
  • Out-of-School-Time Working Group
  • Pre-service Education Working Group

    NASA Goddard Committees and Working Groups:
  • Deputy Director's Council on Science
  • Code 600 Diversity Team for the Goddard Diversity Council
  • Chair, Scientist Communication Working Group

    Educational Background

    1997 - Ph.D. (Astronomy), The Ohio State University
    Thesis title - Angular Momentum Evolution in Low Mass Stars
    Thesis Advisor - Dr. Marc H. Pinsonneault

    1994 - M.S. (Astronomy), The Ohio State University

    1989 - Bachelor of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics); Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, India

    Research Interests

  • Low-mass stars, brown dwarfs, exoplanets
  • Public understanding of science/research
  • Education in non-school environments
  • Communicating science using new media

    Current Projects

  • Astrophysics Division Education and Public Outreach efforts
  • Afterschool Universe, an out-of-school-time astronomy program for middle schoolers
  • Big Explosions and Strong Gravity, a program for Girl Scouts
  • Family Science Night, a program for middle schoolers and their families
  • James Webb Space Telescope website
  • JWST Outreach efforts
  • Beyond Einstein website
  • Beyond Einstein Teachers' Academy, a year-long program for local-area high-school physics teachers

    Selected Publications

    Publications at the ADS website.