Multi-wavelength Catalogs

These are an assortment of catalogs which the high-energy astronomer may find useful, either in themselves or for cross-correlation purposes versus our X-ray and gamma-ray catalogs and databases. We have somewhat arbitrarily divided this broad category into 7 sub-categories:

Galaxy Catalogs:

These include catalogs of galaxies (e.g., RC3, the Third Reference Catalog of Galaxies), clusters of galaxies (e.g., the Abell Catalog), and of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and quasars (e.g., the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN). Notice that catalogs of the contents of nearby galaxies are not listed here, but in the sub-category corresponding to the type of objects being tabulated: thus, a catalog of bright stars in M31 will be under the `Star Catalogs' class.

Master Catalogs:

These are catalogs that have (mostly) been created by the HEASARC by concatenating the basic parameters from a set of related catalogs: e.g., XRAY is a master database that contains most of the modern era X-ray source identifications. These master catalogs contain only a few of the more important parameters that are in common in the various constituent catalogs, e.g., the XRAY catalog contains the names, positions, X-ray count rates and fluxes (and associated errors, when available), and a few other parameters; for more detailed information, the user should switch to the specific member database(s) after having found an entry of interest in a master catalog. The INFRARED master catalog was not created by the HEASARC, notice, but is the Gezari et al. Catalog of Infrared Observations (CIO).

Nebula Catalogs:

These are catalogs of gaseous nebulae, such as planetary nebulae, supernova remnants (SNR), and HII regions.


These are catalogs that are either of wide general interest or that contain a variety of objects that cut across our somewhat arbitrary divisions. Currently, only a handful of catalogs have been placed in this sub-category, inclusing the Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog (GSC), the Messier Catalog, and the NGC2000 Catalog.

Physics Data Catalogs:

Most of the HEASARC's catalogs are related to catalogs containing lists of objects that have associated celestial co-ordinates (RA, Dec). However, there are some other types of physics data that are needed in order to do astrophysical analyses, and the HEASARC has started to gather these together into a sub-category called `Physics Data Catalogs'. Presently there is only a couple of catalogs of this type (listings of X-ray lines and bound-free edges), but more are in preparation.

Radio Catalogs:

These are catalogs of radio sources, including both large surveys (e.g., the Dixon Catalog) as well as more specialized catalogs (e.g., the Taylor et al. Radio Pulsar Catalog).

Star Catalogs:

These are catalogs of stars and of stellar clusters, both in our own Milky Way Galaxy and in other Local Group galaxies. This sub-category includes both general star catalogs such as the SAO and HD Catalogs, but also specialized catalogs of specific types of stars, such as VSTARS, the General Catalog of Variable Stars, and XRBCAT, the Catalog of X-Ray Binaries.
The HEASARC is always adding more catalogs to its database: if there are any not presently included that you think that we should ingest, please e-mail us.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Nov-2003 20:04:28 EST