[This Transcript is Unedited]



January 30, 2008

Hubert Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.

Proceedings by:
CASET Associates, Ltd.
10201 Lee Highway
Fairfax, Virginia 22030


P R O C E E D I N G S (9:00 A.M.)

Agenda Item: Call to Order

MR. REYNOLDS: Good morning. I would like to welcome you to the Standards and Security Subcommittee of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics. I am Harry Reynolds, Co-chair along with Jeff Blair the other Co-chair. NCVHS serves as a statutory advisory, a public advisory body of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. In that capacity, the committee provides advice and assistance to the department and serves as a form interaction with interested private sector groups on a variety of key health data issues.

I would like to mention to everyone that we are on the Internet. We are being recorded. Those at the table keep your Blackberries away from the microphone to keep the static down. In general, we do not want to have to take them away. We do not want to confiscate anything. If each of you as presenters will speak clearly into the microphone since we are on the Internet, people will be anxious to hear what you have to say.

I will now like to go through introductions and have each member of the committee mention whether or not they have any conflicts. I do not have any conflicts.

[Introductions around the room.]

MR. REYNOLDS: Thank you everyone. Our agenda for today starts off with the HITSP overview and then our panel on upcoming issues. As I mentioned a bit ago, the important thing to us today is to learn more about you because as we plan our schedule for the rest of 2008 and then looking at 2009 and so on, we make sure we are also doing the things we need to make sure we keep our eye on the ball to help all of this wonderful momentum that is going on continue forward. That is what we are really looking for. Starting at about 11:15, the committee will be going back into some discussion and touching a little bit on what we did yesterday plus a few of the other things we have listed here. With no further ado, John, welcome. We always look forward to your comments.

Agenda Item: HITSP Overview

DR. HALAMKA: Well, thank you. Thanks certainly for inviting me. These are friends around the table. It is very good to see you all.

In my previous presentations to the committee, I have described HITSP as an organization of over 300 groups coming together to harmonize standards through an open transparent public private process. Today, I will be describing what have we done in 2006-2007. What are we doing in 2008 and planning for 2009? I certainly look forward to your questions and discussion.

Importantly to start with, the first slide is an overview of the process of getting us to acceptance and recognition of standards. These are very, very important terms that I will be using throughout the presentation today. Recognize that AHIC serves as the body that sets priorities, sets the use cases and the breakthroughs for HITSP to work on. HITSP then with those use cases goes through a process that takes between six and nine months and results interoperability specifications. Interoperability specifications are delivered to AHIC. AHIC then recommends to the Secretary the acceptance of the standards where acceptance then triggers a one-year period of implementation and review. Presuming that the standards are deemed appropriate course in that period of review, there may be technical adjustments and clarifications made. Then the secretary recognizes these interoperability standards.

As we will talk about today, we have our first body of work for 2006, body of work that has been officially recognized and published in the Federal Register. Once published, then that triggers both federal systems and health care contracts and executive order 13410 as part of procurement to require these interoperability standards. They feed into the NHIN project, and CCHIT now will look at these as possible certification criteria. The end result of the process going from AHIC's initial use case for breakthrough to final incorporation to CCHIT functional criteria and recognition by the Secretary with regard to federal procurement and it takes about two to three years, as you will hear about. We have done this now for three use cases end to end, and we are well along the way on additional four use cases. In 2008, we will be going through six use cases.

Here are the rounds. As Secretary Leavitt calls these, these are the terms of the crank for HITSP. Round 1, we were given the challenge to do laboratory exchange, both documents and messages between constituents, bio surveillance, and consumer empowerment. That body of work has been completed all the way through recognition. There are two exceptions. The first exception was that in order to achieve harmony on the lab standard, HL7 itself needed to come together with a variety of stakeholders and create the HL7251 message standard. That was fully ratified, passed by all appropriate HL7 processes in December of 2007. Therefore, recognizing that there did have to be appropriate time between the official work products of HL7 and the Secretary recognizing this. It will be recognized in June of 2008.

Also, there is the HAVE standard on hospital availability. In the case of a mass casualty incident, certainly many stakeholders would like to know are hospital beds available. What resources are available to deal with such an issue? That standard has been fully balloted by Oasis and we will have its final resolution of comments done by the first quarter. So, again, we are looking at the June timeframe for recognition by the Secretary. All of that Round 1 has gone through the HITSP process, and all of the stakeholders have accepted these HITSP standards by consensus without objection. We recognize of course that implementation of these standards such as unifying all of the labs in this country cannot over night change to HL7251. So CCHIT and the federal government procurement agencies will recognize this will be a process that will probably be about two years to ration as these standards are now baked into vendor-based systems and systems that are home-grown.

Round 2, three use cases and security and privacy. Now, let me start with security and privacy. We know that security is foundational to everything that we do. All healthcare information exchange must have robust security. We worked hard as a HITSP organization to come up with a security framework. Of course the challenge is, we do not have a national privacy policy. Of course we have HIPAA. That is a floor, but to suggest that we have one uniform set of privacy practices in every locality in this country, not yet. Therefore, we had to devise security standards, technology standards in the absence of unified privacy policy. This means the security standards need to be robust enough such that any local privacy policy, whatever it may be, can be supported by these technical standards. I will give you some more details on what we did there in a moment.

Also, in round 2, we have done some additional consumer empowerment work. We have worked on medication management, although we will be finishing up some aspects of medication management by March of 2008. We have done a very challenging use case, which I will tell you about, called the Emergency First Responder. We call it the Katrina Use Case. What do you do in a mass casualty incident to exchange information? We had some work that is truly multidisciplinary with folks at MQF, NCAQ, AMA, and AHRQ on quality standards. I will go through those. That body of round 2 work, the quality, the EHR for emergency first responders and the work that has been done to expand consumer empowerment all has been presented to AHIC. AHIC has unanimously forwarded that to the Secretary for acceptance. We expect that the Secretary will be accepting those shortly.

Round 3, six draft use cases that have been circulated for their public comment, and I will detail those and show you the roadmap in a moment.

So, I recognize this slide is very challenging to read. It does summarize a number of the issues that I have described that in 2006 we finished consumer empowerment, comprising registration and medication history. The lab standards, which was result reporting, and that covered both a document and a messaging standard and bio surveillance, which include visit utilization data for emergency departments, registration information, clinical data exchange including lab and radiology reports. In 2007, consumer accessed information was expanded to include not only registration and medication history, but also problem lists visit history.

Importantly in 2007, that use case not only describes exchange of personal healthcare information over a network, but also transportable media. So, should you want to carry around your lifetime medical record on a thumb drive, you can. I thought it would be interesting for the committee just to actually see what that looks like in reality, so this is my lifetime medical record in the continuity of care document format that I have brought to the committee on transportable media. What is great about this is it is human readable and computable. Underneath this, this is a CDA document all created in XML that has both tabular data, vocabulary controlled, and narrative data. So, if you will look – by the way, I am releasing this to you with my full consent. There are no issues with HIPAA. You will see that it includes co-defined information about my payer and my coverage, advance directives. Problem lists and current status of the problem, active are resolved. You will see my problem list includes I have had lime disease twice. I have had a corneal abrasion. Being vegan is an active problem. I accept that. My family history is displayed, including the relationships of all of those individuals to me and their medical history. By the way, all living relatives have consented for me to disclose this information. Again, we are fine. Social history, you will see that I have absolutely social history of any interest. I am allergic to amoxicillin. I get a rash. I take medications of a multi-vitamin and vitamin D because in my vegan diet I cannot get B12 and I do not drink milk that is supplemented with vitamin D. I have a lifelong immunization history. There is co-defined tabulized vital signs trended over time, vocabulary controlled so that a computer or a provider can understand what is my pulse and what is my blood pressure. All of my laboratory results trended over time and normals versus abnormals. The only thing I have in this entire trended tabular data that is abnormal is my vitamin D level is low, hence why I am now taking vitamin D. Here is an example of narrative text on procedure results. Bone density and exercise treadmill. As a procedure, I have implanted RFID with my medical records on them.

Now, this in contrast is a highly structured transportable, computable record. In fact, if I were to just show you the source of this – I recognize this is far more than anyone would really want to digest in the committee, but what you see is it has been very human readable, but underneath it is the full codification of all the controlled vocabularies that describe in a computable way my entire record. So, this one CCD document can be used as a personal health record can be used to transfer to a doctor's EHR and can be used for quality measurement, used for bio surveillance, and in some future state should be given the use case could be used for clinical trials or research. So, it is very nice that this one standard is highly repurposable.

This, of course, compares to – this is actually what my doctor produced for me. This is a leading nationally provided electronic health record system. I said, can you please me my entire personal lifelong history in a transportable way? It is a 77-page PDF that mixes administrative and clinical data. It has no vocabulary control. It is not searchable. If you just go through it, it would take the average doctor about three hours to get anything out of this because there is no sense of what my active problems are. There are labs scattered over dates. There are huge amounts of boilerplate that are repeated. This is of course the state of most electronic health records today. So, I am very excited by the notion that vendors, over the course of the next two years will begin to adopt that continuity of care document standard. Therefore, emit from vendor-based systems that codified consumer centric, but as well interoperable with other EHR summaries of my entire lifelong medical record.

Let us go back to the slides. Also in 2007, the emergency first responder use case I described, they are a challenging use case because this one requires that if an emergency first responder finds a patient in the field may be able to find medical information about this patient from wherever it may be, a clinic or a hospital. As well, as the patient receives medical care that may be a nursing note, a triage note, a physician note, all of those need to be recorded in electronic format. The reason this one was so challenging is if you look at the workflow that exists today, ambulances have paper-based run sheets and no interoperability. Although these standards are extraordinarily important for the future, the current workflow between healthcare providers and hospitals and clinics and ambulances today does not incorporate a lot of technology. In some ways, we were really pushing the envelope on even finding the standards to make this possible.

As a theme, and I did mention this to Secretary Leavitt when I testified to AHIC last week, as we go to AHIC 2.0, I really look forward to business cases that cover domains as opposed to use cases that cover very narrowly defined while cross sections of data transfer. If you were to say, what is the workflow that is necessary in a doctor's office, in a pharmacy, or a patient at home? It may be actually quite different than a use case, which is quite specific in this case. Electronic data exchange to a first responder only a microcosm of everything that actually goes on in a mass casualty incident.

Quality – let me describe the quality use case. The challenge we have with quality measurement in this country, and all of you I know have certainly done aggregate data analysis and are familiar with some of these issues. Quality measures are often based on experts looking at the best evidence, not what data is actually is available and the quality of the data that is available electronically. This implies there are armies of chart abstractors going through paper-based records trying to extract subtle impressions of patient care because even though we are 85 percent electronic, we do not necessarily record in a vocabulary controlled way the patient has comfort, care measures only. Yet, a quality measure may say, congestive heart failure must have ACE inhibitors given except in patients on comfort care measures only. Hence, the measure becomes instantly incomputable for us. Therefore, it may take months and 20 dollars a chart for us to abstract the data into a measure that we report back whether that is whatever entity desiring such a measure.

This quality use case was very important because it brought together the National Quality Forum and its Healthcare Information Technology Expert Panel (HITEP) to begin to start looking at the entire ecosystem of those groups that generate quality measures and metrics, those that have to generate the data, and then other stakeholders such as the AMA and the NCQA who may be consumers of the data that is resulting and said, can we revise the entire mechanism by which quality measures are generated such that first experts would gather evidence and quality measures would be proposed. Then the NQF and its Healthcare Information Technology Expert Panel would be able to look at what data elements would actually be needed to make that quality measure more automatic. Then HITSP would be involved to determine what standards would be most appropriate to populate those particular data elements and also identify gaps such as, you have required here that we identify comfort care measures only. There is a standard, however no one has ever used it, therefore this would be a very challenging measure to require if you wished electronic near real-time dashboards with this quality measure. NQF would then feedback to the metric's authors, AQA and others, those limitations and gaps, and the resulting quality measures would be revised to eliminate, we hope, many of the exclusionary criteria, which are not computable.

Folks may argue that will create a measure that is less than perfect. True. One would hope, assuming that comfort care measures are equally distributed across all providers in the country that it will be imperfect equally for everyone. The advantage, however, is that we can have a computable measure in near real-time giving feedback about the quality of care, and I would much rather have an imperfect measure in near real-time quality than a perfect measure six months after I delivered poor quality care to a patient.

So, what we have done in this quality use case is working with NQF we have taken the Institute of Medicine's 13 priority disease states. We have examined all of the quality measures that were currently AQA, HQA measures around those disease states and identified the data types and data classes that were necessary to compute these quality measures and then provide all the standards necessary to populate those automatically. This is work that is ongoing. Caroline Clancy has really Sheppard quite a lot of this work along. I do believe as we see the next year to two what I have outlined as a new mechanism for defining quality metrics will really empower these HITSP standards now and into the future to be very usable for real-time dash boarding of quality measure from EHR's and hospital information systems.

Medication management – I did mention that we are continuing work on that through March is just refining a lot of the e-prescribing standards. E-prescribing standards are very good and very rich and certainly millions of transactions are already being done, but we also recognize there are certain elements that are still in evolution, such as RxNorm as a mechanism of describing the actual medication itself. Fill status, as a transaction still evolving. So, HITSP has worked closely with NCPDP and others to make sure that we have got a very crisp and best description of how to fill some of the gaps in these transactions that are still evolving.

In 2008, we have been given six use cases. I have read all of these use cases. They are still up for public comment. One impression I have is that these are six use cases that really represent about eight or ten. One frightening thing to me as the Chair of HITSP is the body of work that will be required in 2008 is extraordinary. We have done 2006 and 2007 without a lot of volunteer burnout, but of course this is all volunteer work. We had 20,000 hours in 2006, and 40,000 hours in 2007. Looking at the use cases, it is 80,000 hours in 2008. So, we obviously have to be very careful about this. I suspect we will work very closely with AHIC 2.0 as these use cases are further refined to make sure we are delivering business cases that are useful to everyone and that we do not have volunteer burnout because these use cases are quite broad.

The use cases include remote monitoring. I call this bench to bedside to sofa. That is, if you are caring for a patient at home who has a blood pressure cuff, a gloucometer, or an electronic scale, how is that data transmitted to a PHR or an EHR from the patient's home? Presuming that is done, there may be desire for a clinician to interact with the patient remotely for tele-consultation. There may be secure e-mail. There may be alerts and reminders to go back and forth from provider to patient. So, remote consultation includes all those standards that are necessary to support those workflows and that messaging.

Referrals and transfer of care as patient goes from outpatient to in-patient to outpatient again, long-term acute care, or SNIP. How do we ensure that a summary of the patient's problems, medications, what has been done in the last sight of care, current labs, dietary restrictions, et cetera are transmitted from caregiver to caregiver. Of course, we will repurpose all of the continuity of care documented clinical summary work we have already done for that set of standards.

Personalized healthcare will include family history and the genome. This is quite interesting because there has been some work done in HL7 to date around the standards of representing family history, relationships, et cetera and some work on the genome, but these are very evolving standards. So, this is a good example of, yes, this it is necessary. Yes, it is forward thinking, but the standards are very embryonic. This will be a challenging body of work for us in 2008. Folks who know me on the committee know that I really do try to be as helpful as I can, so in addition to contributing my lifelong medical record for the CCD, I am the fourth person who have been fully sequenced in my genome will be the basis for some of the work to look at how it might be represented in these genomic standards.

Just to give you the fun capsule summary of this, two aspects of my genome have been sequenced. First, a set of aprometric chips have been processed into SNIP's. So, I have all of the SNIP analysis of 500,000 pieces of my genome which indicate that I have a higher than normal risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease, which is very good because if I would have known that, I would have become vegan far earlier than I did at age 40. I did lose 70 pounds between seven years ago and today. I think that yes, that SNIP analysis may have some credence.

What will be happening between now in February is 60 million based pairs will be fully sequenced and made public through the personal genome project in addition to all of my phenotypic data, three dimensional photographs, and cell lines made available. This will be a rich set of data that will help us as we progress towards standardizing and protecting genomic information.

Public health case reporting, of course as a clinician, I always want to report disease to public health departments regional, local, and national as necessary. Today, it is a very manual process. How do we make sure that workflow is automated?

Response management – the important key on this particular use case is lifelong immunization, vaccination histories transportable across a community. There are also a variety because this does have some pandemic – what if czars happens? How do you figure out who in the population needs resources? What are the vaccination statuses and what is the electronic health record data? Immunization is key here.

In 2009 and beyond, you will see a vast number of potential use cases. Things that are in there include clinical trials and clinical research and long-term care. Many things that have been proposed during the HITSP process over the last three years as gaps in the use cases because they were not domain-wide business cases. We look forward to working with AHIC 2.0 on prioritizing those in 2009 and beyond.

The overall timeline in this slide is really more diagrammatic. This just shows you between the introduction of the use case and its final CCHIT certification inclusion in the implementations goes two to three years in duration. So, I have promised to Secretary Leavitt because he now has 359 days left in office that we will have of course ensured that our 2007 standards are fully ready for recognition and that we will have the 2008 work to the extent that we have all of the use cases finalized and ready for acceptance by the time that he does leave office. We will have finished the three turns of the crank, which is Secretary Leavitt's desire.

To give you a sense of what was involved in doing this and to give you a sense of how we have achieved parsimony of interoperability standards. In round 1, we were given these use cases. Initially, we looked at all the standards that might be most appropriate for those three use cases. We found over 700 standards that were candidate standards. Through committees, Lynne Gilbertson for example, chaired our Harmonization Readiness Committee. We developed objective criteria to filter those standards based on such things as, how were they developed? Is this an SDO that has got an open transparent process that is sustainable that will maintain these standards? Are they appropriate for the business needs, et cetera? We were able to dwindle those 700 standards to 30. Those 30, of course I mentioned, are now completed.

We got a little better in 2007 as we were given the four use cases. We were looking at just 200 candidate standards. We were able to dwindle that down to 20, but recognized that the 20 standards that we picked for 2007 had an 80 percent overlap with the 30 standards from round 1. So, we are really trying to repurpose and reuse our interoperability specifications by repurposing base standards and transaction packages which may be collections of these name standards wherever possible.

Let me talk a bit about our security and privacy work in 2007. I did mention that this has to be a set of security standards that are flexible enough to support any privacy policy. Just as a description of variation in privacy policy that gives you a context for this. So, I practiced in Boston, Massachusetts. I practiced on the south side of the Charles River. On the south side of the Charles River, we believe that in the interest of continuity of care, sharing patient data with an opt-in consent with any provider related to providing patient care is a good thing. On the north side of the Charles River, they want those providers to be credentialed and controlled should there be any violation of patient privacy therefore there are sanctions that are possible because you credential the provider, you can fire them. That is on two sides of the Charles River, the privacy policy on record disclosure varies. This is the challenge. It is not a region. It is not a state. It is not a country. It is two sides of a river.

Let me give you a sense of what those privacy and technical standards include. We wish a robust audit trial to be standardized across all applications that informs us as to who looked at what and why and where they work. We have a standard for that. For legal purposes, we need consistent time. When was a record modified? When was a record examined? For transmission of records, we use secure communication channel. In 2006, HITSP was criticized because we came up with standards for representing the data but not for sending them from place to place in a secure and audited fashion. This security and privacy technical note now fixes that. We have gone back by the way to the 2006 initial interoperable specifications and retrofitted them with all of these security standards. So, those are now intact. All future work will have these standards as a foundation.

How do we authenticate individuals? Now, let me explain this one because there are hundreds of ways you could authenticate an individual from secure ID to biometrics to user name and password to voice recognition, et cetera. Rather than specify, the one best way to authenticate is iris scan. We said, no. There will be many ways to authenticate, but we have to represent who is the user, how were they authenticated, and it is up to the implementer of the application whether or not to trust that mechanism of authentication. It may be for an internal user, standard user name and password on a corporate intranet is sufficient. If they are coming from an external site, they need something additional like two factor authentication. This set of standards allows us to represent the authentication method of who you are, but not specifically specifying the means of authentication that must be used.

Once an individual is identified, then the question of access control. Who can see what under what circumstances? In this case, for example, as a clinician in the emergency department, I may be given right to see the psychiatric notes of an individual. Now, a psychiatric note may have a special lock box that I have to specifically get into by justifying why I am opening, but this set of standards allow us to lock down portions of the record with access controls and have a workflow such that individuals with certain credentials and qualifications can look at pieces of the record under specific circumstances.

Non-repatriation of records, where did they come from? Who created them? When were they created? They were signed at the level of entries into the record. Managing patient consent, now this was a challenging one. HL7 has come up with a consent standard. We obviously want to represent, was this a consent opt-in or opt-out? What specifically did the patient specify as their consent? Sharing of documents among entities, how in the context of transmitting a record from place to place do we know it is being sent from and being sent to?

That is the security and privacy technical note. Note it is not called the interoperability specification. It is a set of constructs that are so foundational, it is cross cutting every use case in every interoperability specification.

Just to give you the final description of the standards that we actually picked. There were some 249 standards evaluated. The final selection were 8 composite standards and 20 base standards including some that are already in existence in our previous interoperability specifications. Note that these standards are many of them foundational web standards. So, we are using SSL, Secure Socket Layers. We have tried to adopt the web 2.0 XML driven standard IETF mediated standards wherever possible. We obviously do not want to reinvent the wheel. Let us leverage the security of the Internet where you can, but clearly there were such standards such as Oasis, access control, and HL7 consent that were unique to healthcare that needed to be added in.

A brief overview of the other 2007 use cases. The emergency first responder I described already, but this gives you a granular sense of some of the standards that we include. Encounter summaries, the patient summary with a continuity of care document, summary documents, triage notes, nursing notes, physician notes, and data exchange in a messaging level. This does allow all of those stakeholders, ambulances, hospitals, and clinics to exchange data. Secretary Leavitt commented in my AHIC testimony, if you would imagine a Katrina use case with this that an individual now without having an electronic record could show up for care in the Super Dome and have with them a CD or a have with them a thumb drive which would have the representation of the patient summary like the one I showed you. Or, assuming that there was network connectivity and that hospital information systems such as the Veteran's Administration highly distributed clinical information system were available that providers in the Super Dome could query the VA and get records on an individual using these standards.

In these standards, the CCD has now fully included the medication history, allergies, encounters, problems and conditions, immunizations, and key laboratory test results just as the one that I showed you. It is a much richer CCD than the original one they came up with in 2006. This does include the continuity of care record within it. Just so folks understand that HL7 and ASTM truly came together. How could you take the richest of the continuity of care record in its XML representation of tabular data with the richness of the clinical document architecture and its representation of narrative data and put these together in one container? That is really what the CCD is. It really represents HL7 and ASTM coming together and harmonizing.

Comments about consumer empowerments use case, there are many new vendor products that you have heard about and will hear about in upcoming months such as the Microsoft Health Vault and the rumored Google Health Activities. All of these have a workflow that enable a patient to be the steward of their own data. A patient registers on these vendor based websites, connects securely with their consent to sources of data such as clinics, hospitals, labs, or pharmacies and then transfers data into these secure areas where presumably the patient can apply privacy flags and exchange data with other providers or care givers as appropriate for the patient's desire. This set of standards, the updated consumer empowerment standards really do support that kind of workflow. I really look forward to 2008 as more and more of these vendor products come online to see these continuity of care document standards used more ubiquitously between payers, providers, and patients.

On the consumer empowerment, just to reemphasize that this is media as well as network. So, should there truly be absence of a network, you do have a physical means of carrying your record with you.

Quality I described in some detail already, but just to reemphasize that this does now give us the capacity to represent what our 28 different data types and 11 data classes, and let me just describe what a difference between a class and a type might be. A type, very specific, might be allergy to penicillin. A class may be adverse reactions in general. When you looked at all of the IOM disease states and the AQA measures, we were able to define these data classes and data types and represent them using both documents and messaging standards as we had done for some of the other use cases I had described.

Where we are on – January 22nd we presented a security and privacy technical note, emergency first responder, consumer empowerment, both our networks, media, and quality to AHIC. Unanimously AHIC recommended these to the Secretary. The Secretary noted that he would process these rapidly for acceptance, and also on that date published in the Federal Register were all the initial 2006 initial work recognizing those standards. So, to date 2006 done, 2007 nearly done, and 2008 beginning. Our committees are already gathering to look at the use cases and begin the process of standards harmonization.

I look forward to your questions, but that is where we have been in our roadmap for the future. I look forward to working with you.

MR. REYNOLDS: Exciting. Questions from the committee?

DR. STEINDEL: John, thank you very much. I am glad Harry let me jump in front of the line because I actually have to go down in a few minutes and chair one of those goals on the next use cases. Yes, this is a very ambitious time. I am going to put on my NCVHS hat right now, and you will see some of this resulting in comments coming in on the various use cases. What we are finding, and I think the first real instance of this was in the quality use case last year. We are definitely seeing in the two population health use cases on case reporting and immunizations that on the ONC use cases are extremely broad. What we are getting are extremely broad, and they do not tend to respect what is going on in the community today in the way of workflows. They are difficult to parse out for standards, for harmonization, to make actual sense of what they are doing.

Is there anything that can be done to try to get initial, more focused work products into HICSP because if we do that, it is going to reduce the work loads to all of the volunteers. In many of those use cases, like we saw this with the quality use case, we are seeing it with the population health use cases. There are people coming in who want to contribute on that process that haven't contributed before. So, there is ingoing and outgoing volunteer flow. I am not that concerned about volunteer burnout except for the few crazy people who hang around a lot, like me. We are very concerned and unless we have more focused products, there is going to be a lot of burnout really due to frustration more than anything else. Could you have any comments on what you would focus?

DR. HALAMKA: Sure. You are speaking with AHIC 2.0 individuals at Brookings. I really do believe we are going to see a revision of this process to be business case domain focused rather than use case focused. I think that there has been enough input both for individuals involved in the HITSP process and the NHIN processes, but also lessons learned from other countries. If you actually look at what Canada has done. Well, first recognize that HITSP has been funded by about $5 million dollars for all of its work over the last two years. Canada has put $100 million dollars into these same standards, harmonization efforts. But what they did with that $100 million dollars was they specified why the domains around workflow and business case. That has seemed to work quite well.

They said we are going to take the medication domain. The medication domain will be everything from the supply chain to e-prescription and the patient and it is really a whole ecosystem of all the stakeholders in the pharmaceutical world.

I think the short answer to your question is, AHIC 2.0 realizes this. I do think that the future use cases will be quite different.

DR. STEINDEL: That is very encouraging. Thank you.

DR. FITZMAURICE: A couple of questions. Let me just run through the questions, and then I can repeat them. The first one is a matter of resources. In 2008, we have six new use cases. We have gaps in some of the existing use cases. We have some permanezation of data elements across the use cases and across some of the CDA or CCD documents. We have the NHIN cooperative, which is looking through them and finding their own gaps and will come to HITSP with a fast track to expand some of the existing use cases to meet their use cases. All of which, I think these are all good things, but the concern is over resources. That is the first question.

Secondly, can we have a copy of your slides? Good.

Third, where do you anticipate the resources in the future to come? In the immediate future, will they come through ONC or will they come from AHIC 2.0? Is that just a matter of discussion, and we will find out when the future hits us?

Fourth and final, the CCR is codified you said, but you also said at Beth Israel you have vocabulary control. Some people wish that there were more vocabulary control across these things and realize that people who adopt them will have their own sets of vocabularies and code sets. I would like to see a target or a map able code set and vocabulary so people who use the use cases can talk with each other through their own language by mapping and eventually, by talking the same language with each other. Can HITSPY help move us toward that direction if you think that was a good direction?

DR. HALAMKA: Those were all excellent questions. With the first, recognizing this issue of scaling HITSPY was a real challenge as we have more and more work. We have taken what were three technical committees and now created six committees specifically charging three committees with maintaining existing HITSP interoperability specifications and now giving three other committees more strategic ability to look at such things as urgent issues that the NHIN may raise. Issus of harmonization that are crosscutting across use cases, so by creating this new structure which has just been put in place. We do believe we will be scalable, and we are getting now more volunteers in to populate those six committees.

With regard to my slides, all of my presentation materials are on the laptop here. It is fine with me if the NCVHS wishes to use the CCD and my printed PDF medical record as examples. Certainly feel free to repurpose those.

With regard to the resources in the future, the AHIC 2.0 organization I have been told will include funding for standards harmonization support. Obviously, I cannot predict the future, but my experience in the past has been when we looked at the business viability of standards harmonization, it is a public good and there are few folks who will pay for a public good. So, we could offer educational seminars. That certainly would give us some funding. We could conceivably charge for some of our work products. It still will not cover the cost of administrating all the program management at HITSPY. Even though we are a volunteer organization, it still does cost to organize meetings and keep all of this harmonization running. I believe AHIC 2.0 will fund that.

DR. FITZMAURICE: The last question was about the CCR codification vocabulary control.

DR. HALAMKA: Right. Obviously, we try to whenever possible in the HITSPY data standards describe not only content but actually the vocabularies used. So, this is SNOMED. Units of measure will be standardized. Typically what we have done because we recognize you cannot adopt new standards and vocabulary controls over night is that we will have a triplet in the standard. The triplet will be first, use what you are using now. It may be non-vocabulary controlled, but it allows you a soft path to transition. Second to the triplet is, here is the standard that is vocabulary controlled and therefore it will be interoperable. It will be computable. The third is human readable. It means that an individual can actually understand that G-3 means milligrams. I use that example because in standardizing labs, we actually had to come up with standardized units of measure using the vocabulary, which in a sense is very metric like. Will a doctor who is use to seeing mg now seeing G-3 understand that to mean milligrams? Hence, you might imagine the standard shows us for this transitional period all three of those and the application consuming it can elect to use the visual display for the doctors, where the G-3 where it is interoperable comparisons or decision support.

We do try to be quite specific. We do allow transition to the future. I share your thoughts. We want to get as controlled of vocabularies as much as possible.

DR. FITZMAURICE: I want to thank you and HITSPY and all of the volunteers for the great work you have been doing.

DR. HALAMKA: Thank you.

MR. REYNOLDS: I have got a question. The question I have is we did a lot of planning yesterday as part of our session about where we see this committee making the difference and the things we aught to be looking at. So, with the good stuff you have going on, what can we do to help in your eyes?

DR. HALAMKA: Well, sure. A couple of thoughts. The first, as we have talked about, is this theme of let us look at domains and workflow and business cases. That is really quite important to me. Second, implementation is really the measure of our success. So, how do we go from what has been a wonderful body of harmonization work in the interoperability specifications to products that are actually using it? Certainly, one thing that we have started with is communication and education quite importantly. We just started a new committee, and that new committee will be how do we get the word out. Here is what the standards here. Actually, CCD is not that scary. It is not that hard. We hope that over the next two years, implementation will then result in many more opportunities for personal health records, electronic health records, and decision support because we are speaking in a common vocabulary. Anything you can do to foster an implementation would be wonderful.


MR. BLAIR: Let me echo everyone else's comments on how impressed we are with how much you have achieved by leveraging the private sectors for all of these voluntary efforts and pulling it together into something that has moved quickly and effectively. My questions really are along the same path as Harry's. You mentioned that you thought NCVHS could help in domains and business cases and implementation. Could you elaborate a little bit what you mean by domains and what you mean by business cases?

DR. HALAMKA: Sure. When we get a use case, typically it has not taken into account all of the workflow that is necessary to accomplish a specific task. So, if we look for example at the NHIN implementations, we would say, we have a community that needs to actually insure continuity of care for good quality, and therefore we actually need is all of the standards appropriate for sending data from emergency departments to provider and then from provider to patient. It is more than just a very discreet set of use cases. It is a business flow that takes place in a community. So, I worry that because we have attacked this problem like Swiss cheese, there are going to be a lot of holes that need to be filled. Presumably, NCVHS, you will have some sense of what are the most urgent business needs. As a representative from the NHIN project you, I am sure, will be articulating those as well. By domain, what I mean is, instead of just focusing on e-prescribing, it is the whole of medications from supply chain to delivery to the patient to post market pharmacy surveillance. What you will see is that since we just looked at pieces of this, we may have done good work, but we are getting medications into the patients' hands that have no idea if they are doing harm to them.

MR. BLAIR: Let me add one other area. This prompting a little bit with my own thinking here. HITSPY has taken these cases, which are an indication of where the nation has high priority things that it wants to achieve and improve in health care. So, you are very directed and very focused. One of the topics on our agenda that I sort of want to run by you for your reaction to this is that as we look at things over a period of time, we look at the evolution of standards. ICD9, ICD10, ICD11, SNOMED, LOINC, RxNorm, that transition, the process seems to take so long to be able to move forward. Is this an area where you think we can be helpful either directly or indirectly to HITSPY or to the nation?

DR. HALAMKA: If I look at the last couple of years, the work that we have done at HITSPY I think has created an acceleration to harmonization. I believe there is a pace of change that is acceptable to stakeholders. I think what has been interesting about this process is you look end to end at the entire process of going from use case definition to HITSPY to acceptance to recognition of three years. Maybe there are some elements of that process that could be shortened, the hand offs, the periods that seem to be being used for a year of review, et cetera. The actual harmonization activities, those six to nine months, seem to be going about as quick as they can go. Now, I do hope that because we have fought some difficult battles, we actually have now got a record summary standard that maybe the future use cases are simply repurposing the work of the past, so it will go even faster than the six to nine months. I believe the Office of National Coordinator is looking at the end to end process, asking where they can skinny it down, and certainly, your role if there are ways to help prioritize and focus the work further so that we get those things that are necessary to empower connectivity first. That would probably get us there sooner than by just trying to fill in every potential use case and eventually get to a business case.

MR. REYNOLDS: Jorge and Judy, if you have a specific question on something that HITSP is doing, we can hold that. Maybe talk to John. If you have a question on how it affects us, then we can move forward.

DR. FERRER: Very quickly, when you move from the use case to the business case, are you using the use cases to drive the parameters for that business? The business case can be very large long-term care. Why do you think based on use case development you will draw those arbitrary primers initially before you get to --

DR. HALAMKA: Sure. What is most concerning to me about the use case approach is it leaves whole gaps. It gets you part of the way there, but then you have missed what you actually need to accomplish the workflow. So, what I guess I would hope is – again, I see this sometimes from a doctor's perspective. From a doctor's perspective, I would have said if we can get to a really well codified problem list, medication list, allergy list, a very brief summary of the current care, and the laboratories. That would empower quite a lot of workflow, but of course if you look, we did some surveillance over here and some consumer empowerment over there. We eventually got to that clinical summary, but we would have been better to start with the clinical summaries the very first thing that we did. What I just hope is that looking at the business case would inform you in not a completely broad fashion but in a constrained way to get those things done that were just sufficient to empower the workflow of the clinician or the stakeholders rather than highly detail here, there, and over here but not getting the whole workflow done.

DR. WARREN: This is why I couldn't figure out whether or not my question qualified. I noticed that on the standards you pushed forward you had some IHE profiles. We had a discussion yesterday on whether or not IHE was standards development organization. What I am wanting to hear from you why those were selected, and are they selected as standards – I think it was the next slide down.

DR. HALAMKA: There are a number of IHE constructs.

DR. WARREN: Then you had the emergency responders.

DR. HALAMKA: Let me just talk about what is a standard. Here is the slide that I wanted to emphasize. Okay, if you look, a standard – when we think of a standards development organization, specifically ANSI may certify certain standards development organizations like your HL7's, your NCPDP, but what HITSP wishes to do because HITSP is not a SDO, is to repurpose standards, but also code sets, terminologies, and integration profiles that may be created by organizations that are adopting the standards and then doing very good implementation guides from them. Is IHE and SDO ANSI certified? No. Is it a consensus-based organization that comes up with profiles and implementation guides that are highly useful? Yes. We will leverage those.

DR. WARREN: That helps. That helps put a perspective on this continuum of the word standards, which has wide meaning.

MR. REYNOLDS: It is also helpful as we say the word standards from now on around the room. It gives us a little different view. John, thank you. Outstanding. Excellent work. We appreciate it. Are you leaving.

DR. HALAMKA: Well, I will be in the building for the next three hours on a joint commission phone call.

MR. REYNOLDS: All right, moving to our next panel. We are going to hear from John Quinn from HL7, Robert Barbour from WEDI, and Alix here?

Agenda Item: Panel Discussion on Upcoming Issues

MR. QUINN: First of all, can I ask the chair for some guidance on how much time we have here?

MR. REYNOLDS: We are shooting for each of you to have about ten minutes to give us an overview. Again, you can see the questions. We are trying to look forward. What are you doing, and how can we help make a difference, and how can we understand it better? So, rather than everything you are doing, if you could really focus there, that would be great. Thank you.

MR. QUINN: I will try to skip around then. Let me – you have a copy of my comments, and I am going to skip right along to first of all I am John Quinn. I am the Chief Technology Officer of HL7. While I have been with the organization for 21 years, this is a new position. I started this by last September's meeting.

First, HL7, what is it now? This is a standards development organization.

MR. REYNOLDS: Again, on some of these things we know what it is.

MR. QUINN: We have 31 affiliates as this point. Here is the affiliates. You can see they come from all over the world. We have a couple more coming online right now.

Let me skip to what has happened recently. We have reorganized on the CTO. Chuck Jaffe is the CEO. The board was restructured to include outside board members, specifically Dr. Kemlon from the NHS, Dennis Giekas the CTO of Canada Health Info Way and Doctor Don Simborg, our three outside board members. Some of you are probably aware of some of these individuals and brings interesting advice into the board.

Let me skip ahead to the reorganization. We reorganized HL7. This is a three-year process. The Robert Wood Johnson funded a process where we went through. This is the first significant reorganization of HL7 that has occurred since we started our previous which was 1988 I believe. You can see on the slide that it was a CEO, CTO potential for COO in the future. The most important part of this slide is the lower left pieces, the technical steering committee. We have reorganized the entire working group that is 50 some committees into four steering divisions, under technical steering committee. What is important to understand is the running of the development of a standard now is a responsibility of the technical steering committee. It is not an issue that is consuming board meanings. The board is now focused towards the strategy and business of HL7. The technical steering committee, which meets weekly on conference calls, managing the day-to-day running of the development of the standards.

You asked about our vision. Here it is, to create the best and most widely used standards and healthcare. We revisited our vision and our mission statement both last July at our board retreat. This is relatively current. Here is our mission statement. HL7 provides standards for interoperability that improve care delivery, improve care optimize workflow, reduce ambiguity, and enhance knowledge transfer among all of our stakeholders, including healthcare providers, government agencies, the vendor community, fellow SDOs and patients. In all of our process we exhibit timeliness, scientific rigor and technical expertise without compromising transparency, account-ability, practicality, or our willingness to put the needs of our stakeholders first. So, we are going to be talking a little more about stakeholders as well.

That brings us to the industry advisory board. HL7 routinely seeks advice from an outside group of advisors from the healthcare industry. This is a diverse group that represents the business of healthcare both in this country and from our major affiliates. The scope of industry represented here includes all of our major stakeholders, the IAB meets with HL7 officers and staff once a month by conference calling once each year face to face at our annual board retreat. From this has come a road map that is now in the process of development. We had a two-day meeting with an extended group of stakeholders last October. From that the board is now coming up with a business strategy for HL7 based on the roadmap suggestions.

The easiest way to try and understand what HL7's scope is to look at the titles associated with our various committees. This is what is buried in those boxes called steering divisions on that orange chart you saw. Each one of these are individual committees with co-chairs that have their own meeting schedules. We have typically 30 or so committees meeting in parallel in HL7 meetings. This list gives you a good idea of what the scope of things we are working on. For instance, clinical genomics was something that Doctor Halamka was something he spoke about in his presentation. That committee has been meeting for about six years as well.

Major recent developments, in order to deal with this, I went to the HL7 web page. I took the last five headlines off the page, copied it onto the slide and that is pretty much where to go to find out what is going on recently in HL7. Most specifically ongoing work with OMG and SOA. The new board members, personal health record, this has to do a lot with CCHIT and the work of RAHRS Committee, and a collaboration between HL7 and America's health insurance plans for their PHR, which unfortunately has the same acronym with the one we are working on as well with CCHIT. So, some harmonization, some collaboration, and some better understanding of what is going on with personal health records is a big focus right now within our EHR Committee.

Our formal collaborations, here is the list of all the organizations that we have formal agreements with. This means there is a signed agreement. It is reviewed every year. It is resigned typically every three to five years, and there is somebody within HL7 that has point responsibility to be the liaison with each one of these organizations. Okay? I will just leave it at that.

Let us talk a little bit about X12 and WEDI and what we have been doing with them. We can let them talk about it later with what they are doing. I guess I got first shot, not that I believe there will be any disagreement here because the folks that wrote this are the joint group.

Our attachment special interest group is showing volunteer fatigue. After 12 years of work on HIPAA 275 attachments without yet seeing final rules publishing, you might imagine it is getting a little difficult to find people to step up for leadership in this group. You asked what you could do, and things we feel are out of our control, and this clearly falls into that category.

You will hear about this later. We have done a pilot on the adoption of 275 using the HL7 CEA based attachment transactions. This is another implementation guide for CEA just like CCD was. They have seen as much as 30 days faster turnaround. By the way, the pilot is over, but they are continuing to use it because it has been that successful for them. We would love to see the rest of the country get that benefit as well.

Education about HIPAA, its transactions and its other rules is becoming a more urgent need. This really has to do with the 12 years that it has taken to get us to this point. Some of us are retiring. Some of us are finding other things to do. The group that so enthusiastically started working on this 12 years ago, you have to expect there is going to be some attrition. There is not – without the obvious use, it is hard to get people to say they want to come to a meeting, to volunteer to run all these projects, and take the responsibilities of being at all these meetings. That is important.

HL7 along with Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and America's Health Insurance Plans are working together to leverage the HIPAA 275 transaction with the Continuity of Care Document to move member information between plans when an individual changes health plans. This same implementation guide is the focus of what AHIP wants to do with the movement of PHR information. That is the basis. You can understand that there is repurposing going on of the implementation guides that we are creating that are being used.

We need, and you will see specific questions at the end of this presentations, but the HIPAA legislation and the existing processes for updating and revising rules are cumbersome, expensive, and slow. You will see that as a formal request at the end of this. Vendors will not implement without published final rules. We really end up with the reality that once final rules are announced, then we start getting pushed back. It is too quick. We need this. We need that. So, they wont implement HL7 until we publish a ballot, at least as an HL7 standard if not as an ANSI standard. Those all have timelines associated with them further on. There is a certain amount of time required for uptake afterwards, so even as we approach hopeful publication of 275 final rules, we still have to deal with the time that will occur after that.

CDISC, the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, this is a pretty active group of HL7, specifically focusing on what does it take to get HL7 and its artifacts used in the area of clinical research, or how do we connect DHRs to clinical research. There is a lot of activity going on in that area. There is very substantial presence of pharmaceutical companies in this particular committee. The FDA has clearly strong involvement as well.

The roadmap, I have taken a few of the most general and most clearly emphasized principles that came out of our meetings. The current board is a current Board of Initiative. It is based on our recommendations from the stakeholders in our meetings. Some samples, we have to measure our success by the use of our standards. It is not an issue of how many documents that we publish, how many dollar cycles a year we go through, it is an issue of how many people will use it. When we talk about things like HL7 version 2, we know it is somewhere north of 90 percent of the organizations and the authority diagnostic centers and reference labs that in some version use the HL7 version 2.

Our standards and technologies are founded and managed by a set of architecture principles. In other words, an architectural review board that has leadership as opposed to being passive, we want a more active ARB. We have created that. They had their first meeting two weeks ago in San Antonio. They are having weekly status calls at this point. I co-chair that group.

The continued development of the Standards, implementation guides, and other technologies of the V2 are critical. A loud clear message from our stakeholders. Do not think for a minute that V2 is going away. It makes absolutely no business sense to work out a working Version 2 interface and replace it with anything whether it is a Version 3 interface or a newer version 2. It makes no sense at all. That is a loud and clear message. What we are seeing is, V3 is being back fitted into V2. Things we have developed for V3 that were not in V2 are now being back fitted in, giving V2 a lot more normalization across the standard.

What should NCVHS do? Do all you can to revitalize HIPAA, its rules, and its processes and to finish what has not be done. Help the Department of Health and Human Services and Congress see the importance of more streamlined maintenance process. One of the points I make in my prepared notes is, just imagine what has changed in technology since 1996 that nobody even considered when the legislation was written or when we first took a look at our initial rules. Try to figure out some way to get HIPAA and other standards and implementation guides like it on a timeline that starts to resemble the rate of change we see of technology. It is a standard that dictates how we use technology. If it does not at least approximate that same timeline, we are going to have just increasing gaps.

Recognize and report that although the US's Healthcare Finance system maybe different than other countries. The science and medicine, clinical processes, practice and healthcare information technology used in the US are also largely the same in other countries. We see that a lot with those 31 affiliates. Okay? None of them use HIPAA transactions. There is a claims transaction in the HL7 for use outside the United States, but they specifically asked us to put it inside of HL7. More importantly, the vocabularies, the workflow processes, the use cases, those are all very, very similar. I travel to a lot of these countries. No two health care systems in any two countries looks exactly the same, but there is far more similarity than difference. When we look at the clinical side of this, this is especially true.

With 30 participating affiliates, we see and manage to this commonality every day. Nevertheless, cooperation and leadership from the US Government working with other countries would allow all to achieve our goals with much less difficulty. One of the interesting things I read just last night in researching is an announcement from our Turkish affiliate that they are probably the most active group right now mapping version 2 interfaces to version 3. That would not have been my first choice where to look. The use of HL7 continues to surprise me. We had over 100 individuals certified in the use of HL7 from India last year. Okay?

That is the short version of the prepared comments, so any questions?

MR. REYNOLDS: Robert, we will move on to you. I want to make sure that – I want to make sure you introduce yourself and say whether you have any conflicts. I want to have on the record that you were here.

DR. CARR: Yes, I am Justine Carr from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. I have no conflicts.

MR. REYNOLDS: Okay. Thank you. We are glad to have you with us. Robert?

MR. BARBOUR: Actually, my first name is John. I am wondering if I could use this. For those of you who can only hear, I was putting Dr. Halamka's sign up in front of me since he is just an excellent speaker. He is a tough act to follow. I am here to give you a brief overview of what WEDI is going to be doing over 2008. We structured our slide presentation just to be what we are going to be doing in 2008. I am actually quite pleased to hear that the areas we overlap with HL7, the message is identical. That should give this committee some comfort that the industry is seeing some of the issues and concerns in a likeminded fashion.

We have six items that we wanted to bring to your attention. The health industry timeline, and it is implications with the 5010 new X12 transaction that needs to be implemented, the standardization of a new transaction called the acknowledgement process. What we think may be the most exciting thing that will actually make all of this work is a concept of real time transactions. It may be the hidden place where the elusive ROI of all of these transactions will come together and actually make the end dream we all share actually create value for us. The claims attachments, we are going to support what was told before. New ideas around standardizing health care identification card, and to let you know what WEDI is going to be doing in its continuing role in the National Provider Identifier Outreach Initiative.

The first thing we would like to bring to your attention is the constant and always troubling realization that the process to move standards forward is a long protracted process. The North Carolina group, NCHICA has been working on that for a while. They vouch only forces with WEDI to get a broader industry consensus on it. Their particular timeline that they have developed and now publishing is based on the idea that it will be furthering the upgrade to the 5010 series that X12 is now finishing. The concern we all have is this is a realistic timeline that shows it is going to take maybe 6 years to do that. That is bringing us out to date 2014. Unfortunately that number is on the list serves. Everyone is now saying exactly what we heard from the other presenters that nobody is planning to do anything now to 2014.

We desperately need your help to get the word out that we need to figure out ways not only to shorten the timeframe, but whatever that timeframe is, it is not serial. It is not A follow B follow C. We need to think about how we can do things in parallel, otherwise that is how we will end up in a never-ending repetitive process of the industry is not ready for something. The most important thing we can ask NCVHS to do is to encourage CMS to move the industry forward in parallel and not wait for a final rule, but whatever the final rule is, we have to shorten that process. The timeframe from the NPRM publication to the final rule itself needs to be shortened. Again, we want you to encourage CMS to quickly publish the NPRM and to do whatever it can to shorten the ensuing period to the final rule.

The other thing that this all brings together, and it is another way of saying the same thing we have heard from others is there is a number of other things happening in parallel. We have the new NCPDP standards coming out. The claims attachments standards will hopefully be adopted. CAQH, the core initiative is getting ready to do phase 2, and probably in the same period as phase 3 and phase 4 because they have a much faster cycle. ICD10 is looming. E-prescribing is going to have a lot of work to be done. Real time adjudication will consume resources. All of these will take technical support. Guess what, at least in my shop and most of the people I talk with, it is the same people, the same technology experts that are being asked to do this. We do not have this huge backlog of IT geeks waiting to address each of these projects independently. We need some sense of where the priorities are, and we would really, really hope that the NCVHS could reach out and get some sense of how these things not only should be prioritized, but where they integrate and will create the best synergistic response to all of the concerns that we all share together in this process. The timeline and its implications are very important, and it is very important for us to make sure the industry does not adopt a wait and see approach.

Acknowledgements are a very important piece that escapes most people on its face as to why. Right now, there are a myriad of different proprietary ways that payers will let us know where in the spectrum they received a claim or another transaction. A number of payers do not even tell us anything. Why is that important to the provider community and to the people who are trying to develop this? For a very practical reason, if we cannot agree where something is, we cannot agree that it ever occurred. So, from a very practical viewpoint from providers, we are constantly in a conversation battle with payers. Did you get my claim? Where is it in the process? If we could have a standard that actually tracks every step of the way where a transaction is in a federal express model that we all seem to quote. That would be a major step forward. We urge NCVHS to work with WEDI on approving voluntary standards that support for this kind of transaction and to develop pilot projects for it.

Real time transactions are an activity that has brought together both WEDI and X12. What is driving it is that most of us that are involved in it really think the concept of real time is missing glue that brings all the transactions to a meaningful basis foundation and something that will generate an ROI. The easiest way to describe it is in the position with the new experiments we are trying to do with consumer-directed healthcare. We are talking about how do we go about getting patients to participate in the cost of healthcare, what treatment modalities they should use, and be true consumers. How ca we ever be a consumer of anything in healthcare if we only know the cost of it after it was done? How are we going to know whether we should do process A versus process B based on the ability of resources one has if we only know about that after it is done. Being able to have transactions transmit information either contemporaneously or before they are done opens up all kinds of opportunities we could never have without it.

For example, if a provider sends a transaction that basically says to the payer, I am thinking of doing A, B, and C for this patient who has this condition. From a provider's perspective, they are really saying how much you are going to pay for it. From the consumer's first impression, they are going to be told, if we do this, this is how much you are going to have to pay for it. The payers already at the table said, you are telling me this before you are going to do it. That gives me the opportunity to come back and say here is best practices, here is pay for performance criteria, and patient here are your alternatives that you may want to consider. The patient now has become a consumer. For this, an endless list of other reasons we want to get NCVHS's support to encourage CMS explore both Medicare and Medicaid who can take advantage of this to move forward. You can imagine we cannot do real time transactions without the full spectrum of the payer systems supporting it.

Claims attachments, likewise we are here at WEDI supporting the need to go forward. We have held a number of meetings on that. We worked with NCHICA and WEDI and incorporated it into our timelines. We have developed a whole series of white papers, and we continue to go forward on that. We are going to be opening up a website to have an area for people to post issues and other conversation son it and be able to talk to those of us who were involved in the pilot project. I can on the side put my Monty hat back on and say claims attachments are a great idea. We encourage and urge NCVHS to encourage CMS to expedite the publication of the final rule as quickly as possible particularly in light of the extremely positive results for early implementers so far.

WEDI has also gotten involved in developing a health identification card standard. Again, the best way to explain why it is important is to tell it again from a provider's perspective. When we try to train our employees how to take information off an ID card, we show them almost countless different examples of where that information is. The good cards have it somewhere. All too often, many of the cards have part of the information and the people are looking for more, and it is not there. Unfortunately, if it is not there, we may invent it. There is a blank on the screen that the employee has to fill out. God knows what is going to go in there. If we could have a standard of what goes on a card and more importantly, we see the card as a triggering event. One concept may be the start of real time. If it triggers the transaction, goes out to the payer, we get the information back, it minimizes the employee input. It is a wonderful thing. As you can imagine, we want your support to encourage CMS to consider something like this for the Medicare and Medicaid operations as well.

Finally, the area of NPI, which is coming rapidly to a closure, WEDI will continue its educational efforts there. There are some initial concerns that are bubbling. Suffice it to say that it will not be as smooth a transition as most of us would like it to be. Most of the problems will occur in the payer systems for trying to figure out how to cross map this new NPI to legacy numbers. The biggest area we see will be a problem is where providers had multiple legacy ID's. How did they take one number and cross map it to many? That would be our biggest problems. There are others on the phone along with me that would be delighted to take your questions.

MR. REYNOLDS: Thank you. Alix?

MS. GOSS: It is a pleasure for me to be able to say Amen to the remarks of HL7 and WEDI. We very much support their remarks and are very much inline with the spirit of the comments. I have tried to design this presentation to stay within the ten minutes that we were allowed. Hopefully I will achieve that goal knowing that the larger context of the issue has already been discussed.

I should probably introduce myself. I am Alix Goss of the Payformance Corporation. I am here today as the chair of the Insurance Subcommittee. We are very glad to be here, anticipating in this important discussion.

Just to give you some background for those of you who are not familiar with X12 --

MR. REYNOLDS: We are very familiar.

MS. GOSS: Moving on, if you would like us to discuss any more of our mission and our efforts I would be welcome to come back and talk to you about our strategic cleaning effort, our focus over the next several years in meeting our stakeholders' needs. I will move on from there.

Okay, let us talk about a problem you are probably all too well aware of. It is a narrative of healthcare initiatives that occurring today. These initiatives focus on proving patient safety, insuring efficient and reliable data exchange of clinical, financial, and administrative data and establishing a national health information structure based on interoperability standards. It is a very complex landscape and it is hard for the industry participants and consumers to understand how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

Many of today's initiatives of building on cornerstones are in place. For instance, the HIPAA law of 1996 provided us with administrative simplification codes to set standards, privacy, security, and identifiers. CHI is an integral part of the federal health architecture program. For today's health information and technology standards panel, effort is mindful of that HIPAA work and high efforts among others.

A simple example it is easy to see how the interrelatedness and progress being made can be difficult to understand, follow, and influence. A road map is needed to enable the various parties to the process to be informed and promote a festive collaboration. The current process for adoption and transactions adopted under HIPAA is problematic. Operating in the regulatory environment, the ability of the standards development organizations to be responsive, to be evolving and changing industry needs is greatly impaired resulting in stakeholders waiting a minimum of five years to be able to implement new specification adopted under the current regulatory infrastructure.

Most concerning are the underlined industry assumptions. They are assumptions on when to participate in the process, when they can make comments on the process, and the skepticism of the adoption timing and enforcement of mandated standards. Although we are not under a regulatory environment with HITSP, we have a related conundrum including widespread adoption of the current focus, which is based on use cases to achieve patient safety and national health information infrastructure. We may not have robust use cases nor enough support to bring the current initiative to pass.

The key to interoperability is being able to trust and rely upon the word, language and values we use to exchange data. The goal is to be able to know that when I say the value of X, the receiver knows what X means and can then determine the appropriate uses of X in their world. For instance, it is more specific than saying we are talking apples to apples. It is known we are talking about a red delicious apple grown in Adams County, Pennsylvania near historic Gettysburg, not a red delicious apply grown in Yakama Valley in the southern part of Washington state.

X12, NCPDP, HL7 among others are collaborating in the HITSP form to tackle this vocabulary issue. We must create a dictionary that is very detailed in defining the terms and values used to describe every piece of data exchanged within the healthcare industry to support data exchanges across multiple standards and platforms resulting in having a high degree of trust and use of data. The dictionary becomes the foundation for normalizing and harmonizing standards, which leads to interoperability. Vocabulary, dictionary normalizing efforts underway, we fully supported he who understood, incorporating the existing processes, and compile by entities adhering to a universal healthcare dictionary as a foundation for interoperability of parts and data exchanges regardless of the things we use and support the national initiative. This week leads to the role of NCVHS.

NCVHS has a critical role in carrying various viewpoints and articulating to the secretary at HHS with balance while making recommendations. NCVHS should support and advocacy for efficient adoption, an education of the processes is very important. We need to learn from our experiences under HIPAA and the need for standards that involve business needs. We have many competing priorities, and we need to support businesses. We need to be agile in today's marketplace. Data is the lowest common denominator across all of the entity types in healthcare. We need to enable businesses to have predictability and have limited resources effectively. We need to have regulatory government involvement in the process to be an enabler.

X12 project and focus is in mind with the goals of interoperability. We undertook related projects before HITSP and will continue to actively participate, contribute, and seek ways to meet the healthcare industry needs. We strongly believe we must use industry resources widely that result in being adopted and will make a difference. We will continue to develop our Health Care Implementation Guide or develop a new guide to meet the needs and support interoperability. I hope I made that time, Harry.

MR. REYNOLDS: You get the star. That is great. Thank you. That is very comprehensive and a wonderful message, as were all of them. Now, I would like to open it up to the committee for any questions.

DR. FERRER: John, I have a question. As HITSP now moves into a different scope, if you will, from a business standpoint, how does that influence the ongoing work of HITSP? Is it disruptive for HL7? Does it help? Prior to HITSP, HL7 by and large was the leader, if you will, in exchange of clinical data, standards, and so forth. If you had to do it over, would you suggest that HITSP have a different mechanism by which they worked with you guys?

MR. QUINN: On the record, let me start out by saying, we produce a standard. I like to tell folks in my class that standards are framework of possibilities. An implementation guide is a very specific recipe. An implementation guide, I should be able to write software that can take an implementation guide and produce a message or consume a message. Whereas a standard is just like saying English. That doesn't help me very much decide it is going to be this book versus that book. I think there are those issues. Would we do it differently? Well, HL7 is evolving. It clearly moves slower. Right now, my ballot has far more implementation guides in it that are being balloted. We have three ballot cycles a year. The pages of implementation guides that are being produced most of them structure documents CDA implementation guides is becoming substantial for us. It is pretty obvious that the group is becoming far more focused on implementation guides.

There is an element that was brought up of what we refer to as the dynamic model. The dynamic model really refers to this use case or process. Very broad use cases for us, we have complained that the use cases as AHIC had produced them were just too broad for us to create any sort of implementation guides off of it. It has taken a tremendous amount of work by HITSP in order to be able to get them down to a point where implementation guides could be created. So yes, far more focused use cases are an advantage.

When we talk about that term semantic interoperability, really we talk about the context. The context of who is doing what, where, when, and why. As we move to more real time messages including in the provider organizations, it is important that context by understood by both systems, both the sender and the receiver because if we take a look at getting really interactive with things like lab tests or ordering procedures, you realize there needs to be something to tie this all together. That has to be in context. Not just what am I sending, but why am I sending it, and who is it going to?

DR. FITZMAURICE: Let me start with John. HL7 first started –

MR. QUINN: Which John?

DR. FITZMAURICE: John Quinn. HL7 started to develop messages for within hospital use, sent from the laboratory to the patient or to the pharmacy. When you installed HL7 version 2, each hospital had its own code sets for laboratories. As HL7 grew and the demands for HL7 standards grew more and more, there was a demand for exchange of information across hospitals. Then you ran into the problem of, hospitals have all these different code sets, so we need a version 3. I guess I am asking, where is HL7 going with regard to a vocabulary controlled and code set harmonization? Does it take version 3 to get that? How do we solve the problem of across hospital communication? It goes beyond hospitals.

MR. QUINN: Correct. In my script, I talk about green fields like RIO's or NHIN's or NHS or these type of projects where you are integrating already existing organizations. NHS is a great example in a sense that they make huge use of version 2. All of their institutions use version 2 inside their organization just like we do here, yet both in Canada and in the UK when it came to saying, how are we going to integrate them across organizations – for that very reason you just gave, which is vocabulary along with an ability to become quite formal in my definition of exactly what that implementation guide looks like based on modeling that we see almost universally in other countries when I get to a green field, they want to go to version 3. Why? For the same reason I said that we have a problem with HIPAA because it was developed in 1996. Technology has moved so much since 1987 when we started HL7 that you cannot really look at it and say, I do not want to use XML. I do not want to use model-based methodologies for creating these messages. I do not want to tie them and bind them to vocabularies on a day to type by day to type basis. That is why the version 3 is important.

What happens the most now is we map where you cannot throw out the existing interface. You take that interface and you map it to the version 3 implementation guide that you are going to use. That is what we have seen happen successfully.

DR. FITZMAURICE: For Robert, is WEDI looking at what is required for generating claims from electronic health records? That is, if you look down the road, what would it take to generate a claim from an electronic health record that followed the HITSP standards, or are those so far down the road and we have enough problems here that that is all WEDI can handle at this point?

MR. BARBOUR: WEDI itself is not looking at the messaging standards that would create that, but WEDI in its workgroups recognizes that is where it is going to start. Again, if we are putting it in conjunction with real time, we are focusing in the physician environment means if we look at it from the point of view of starting with charges that should be a by product of documenting in the medical record that a real time transaction or message will flow from the medical record to the billing side of the process, go out in real time to a payer, come back and the way we try to put it is that the entire revenue process ideally should occur before the patient finishes getting dressed so that by the time they come out from the front desk, we know what they owe. More ironically, we know why the payer does not want to pay the claim just yet, and we have both the provider and the patient right there to address the denial process, and we can close even the denial process before the patient leaves the office. The point you are talking about is the most critical part of the process. WEDI acknowledges that it is a critical part of it, but we ourselves are not looking to address it other than to say it is a necessary component.

DR. FITZMAURICE: I love it. You jumped right in to real time, which is the business case for the return on investment and what the consumer gets out of it.

MR. BARBOUR: That is correct.

DR. FITZMAURICE: Alix, I have a question for you. How does the vocabulary of the X12 standards correspond A with the vocabulary of clinical data, and then B will the vocabulary of the other non-health insurance data? I know X12 has to be concerned about fitting in with all the other insurance uses, but standardizing the things like patient demographics for example would seem to be a no-brainer. Yet, if we standardize differently in health than we do in other insurance areas, it will cause problems outside of the health arena. How does the vocabulary of X12 correspond with the vocabulary of clinical data, and with the vocabulary of the other health insurance partners?

MS. GOSS: That is a great question because demographics is something HL7 and X12 started working on a while ago. So, it is harmonizing those. What we have found is that we not only have our non-healthcare insurance partners to worry about within the X12 arena, but we have our other cost industries here like finance, transportation, supply chain, government where we have – X12 is a big standard. That is usable by anybody in any of the industries that is doing X12 development. So, we have the data elements, and it can be used across multiple transactions. The data elements, when you maintenance them, it is not just getting an approval process of the insurance subcommittee, it is also getting the buy off of finance, which is used globally. X12 has been focused on these vocabulary issues in creating a common dictionary and understanding the interplay of our industry with the other industries and how we can work together to expand our data element total values. When you say gender, we know it is male, female, and unknown that we work with the other industry organizations to say, what is the common denominator that we need to put in place? Then we go back to our organizations and modify those SDO specific values in the data elements, and that that process is going to be somewhat complex because we have got to negotiate consensus across multiple industries to enable everybody to have the flexibility of what they do. There are a lot of implications about how we bring this whole process together and work when we have got standards that are used in multiple industries.

From a clinical perspective, you asked about the data content I believe of an X12 set of transactions. Let us just say the claim and how that works in the clinical world. Where there are two pieces to that. There is the basic that we have in the initial transactions for supporting the payment processes that need to happen. People need to be paid for their services. We need to move that data, which contains not only the value of who we are talking about and who has responsibility in this process, the payers and the patients, but we also have the information that enables claim adjudication determinations to be made. There is a fairly robust set of values within the X12 transactions, but when we get down to a clinical domain that goes along with the final nuances of the medical policy determination, we actually have patterned with HL7 and encouraged in various ways today –

You heard about the Patient Health Record Initiative that HL7 was talking about. That HL7 initiative is actually the clinical part of the CDA that goes into the X12 transaction for portability among the entities. So, we are leveraging our infrastructure. Although in X12 we have a lot of clinical values, the very detailed specificity that goes into the clinical nuances of lab reports, et cetera is not our domain. We partner with HL7 to provide that. It is transported in a 275 world of X12 transactions so we can provide that service with the information.

DR. FITZMAURICE: Alix, let me interrupt for one final quick question.

MR. REYNOLDS: We have time constraints. Justine, I haven't had a chance to call on you.

DR. CARR: I do not have a question at this time.

MS. GREENBERG: I have a short question. Just going back to the very beginning of your slides, John Quinn. When you had the mission of HL7, and I guess this is a soapbox, but you had on it that you wanted to develop the best standards possible for healthcare. I wondered if everyone was on board with that, nobody had any questions, or whether anyone raise the point that I would like to raise which is, what about population health and public health? The health, as we know, of the American people and of the global population is affected by a lot more than healthcare. I think I know that HL7 is clinical, people who are trying to do electronic messaging and are looking to use HL7 and certainly I know CDC and others in population and public health participate actively in the HL7 process and not just to facilitate exchange of data from healthcare to public health or vice versa, but within public health. The whole movement that is afoot now to develop electronic birth and death registration and messaging is an example. This may sound that I am just being picky, but my concern is that people in public health and population health are much less likely to get on board with standard – we have looked at using X12 or should we use HL7? I think we have come to the conclusion that we should use HL7, and that is the way we are moving. If they see HL7 as being healthcare, then they are going to say, where do we fit in? Particularly with all of your international affiliates where there is often a more organic relationship in their countries between population health and healthcare. If you are only looking at healthcare, you are cutting out a lot of people who aren't even getting healthcare in the traditional way of transactions. Did anyone else raise this?

MR. QUINN: Well, the CDC is such a large participant in HL7 for such a long time. Going back to one of our standards on immunization registry that we are quite comfortable with it. I do not think for a minute in our discussions that we weren't considering public health when we said healthcare because of the long established relationship we have had with the Center of Disease Control. When it comes to other countries, the NHS for instance had about 80 public registry databases that basically are already integrated into their program of creating public health information. Their ability to actually automate and have almost up to date information through the web in their environment of public health metrics is actually already organic to their environment. As far as this country goes, I do not think we felt uncomfortable because it is hard for me to have a conversation in a board meeting that the CDC doesn't come up.

MS. GREENBERG: I guess what I am asking is, do you recognize that that is more limiting by saying standards for healthcare? Would you consider referring to standards for health and healthcare or something like that? Healthcare really doesn't mean health.

MR. QUINN: I understand and I will take that message back to our board. We have another board retreat this July, so we typically revisit it. So, I may be hearing it in the next board meeting as well.

MR. REYNOLDS: To close the panel, I will make one last comment. First of all, I want to thank everybody for exactly what we needed. One of our plans was to start having standards be adopted faster and implemented faster because I think it is important to remember HIPAA took a long time implement MPI, which is kind of the easiest one. When it is done, it will be four years and four months. You will be a target rich group for us to pull in as we do these deliberations on how to do this better because you as others are talking about doing more faster. We accept. You heard one time frame from WEDI. We as a group have set forward and we felt three years – there is a difference from parallel and maybe a more appropriate sequencing where you have a little overlap and not necessarily a complete overlap. Your point was well made. You only have X amount of people doing the key things. All of you have helped us with the planning, but you have also helped us see the road map, and then we will ask you to join us because as you mention the education and everything else.

May of 2008 is four years and four months and we still may not have crosswalks right now. Those are the things that we have to figure out as an entire group and an industry, and maybe we can help lead that on how do we really get to everybody sooner? It is who all we get to and whether they do it. So, thank you very much. You have given us exactly what we wanted. We covered it within five minutes of the timeframe. I think it allows us to plan. All of you are regular testifiers. Thank you to everyone.


Agenda Item: Subcommittee Discussion

MR. REYNOLDS: Let's get started. I just want to touch base on a couple of things that we have listed here. The AHIC letter, what that means in terminology is there has been a suggestion by the AHIC members to the Secretary that there be consideration made to having e-prescribing mandatory, possibly around the 2010 timeframe. That has been discussed. The only reason we wanted to bring that up here is if that were to occur, I believe we would have some kind of involvement. We talk about process and we talk about the other things we heard this morning on how you implement it and how you make it happen. I think that would be a subject that if it occurs would be one that we would probably want to weigh in on and make sure it is on the list of this group to in fact do this. There is an actual letter that has come out about this.

The second thing is, just so we can kind of wrap this up. We heard a number of different streamlining proposals on the whole process of HIPAA. We heard a little bit about that this morning. We have taken that as a possible letter to the full committee twice for approval and moving forward. We felt that we, from good process, owed a comment back out of this subcommittee as to exactly where we are. What we realized as we went forward was that there is a firm belief by the testifiers or else we would not have written a draft letter in context that there should be a way. There needs to be a way to streamline the process. As we got to the full committee, and you had a much more diverse set of thinking going on, there were enough questions about what does that really mean? What does it really change? How does it really look? What does it really happen? We never were able to quite sell ourselves through that even if we had multiple discussions about it and wanted to go forward. We felt that we owed that to everyone that had presented to us that it is not something that we let drift off into the past. We truly took a forward – I felt that their input is why this is a good committee. In context, everyone that knew the process and understood what was going on was fine, but when you had other people who step back from it and said, so what are you really doing? What is the real difference? If anyone else can more eloquently say that please jump in and do so. If not, that would be – we want to make sure we at least brought that forward to close it.

One other thing I wanted to mention and then we can wrap up our planning. Yesterday there was the discussion – we heard from the long-term group and from the NCPDP and so on the idea of things they want us to move forward. So, we felt that there were probably two letters that came out of yesterday as far as what we need to do. We felt that we probably try to work those letters through conference calls and other things rather than having that. Again, with the makeup of the committee right now, again, since there may be some significant change, we really need to close that before the May full committee meeting so that we have all the right players in place to get that done and make sure that letter is done. Jeff and I will be working with Denise to put that together, and we will move forward accordingly about that.

The other question I have, based on everything we talked about and based on the current knowledge of the committee, is there anything that we should adjudicate prior to May that would require us or have us to have a desire to have another meeting prior to May to close that subject since we will move forward through letters – I am talking about face to face, making a difference on something that we could close out. Again, starting something now when there is going to be a change in some of the players in the committee, we won't be really excited when they have to drop back and figure it out again. I want to open that to the floor as to whether or not there is anything that any of you have heard or felt should be adjudicated at another meeting prior so that we could take it to the full committee in May?

MS. GIBERTSON: You mentioned yesterday needing to hear testimony on the post adjudication standard coming forward. Since that is tied into the other standards with the HIPAA, that probably would have a timeliness as well.

MR. REYNOLDS: Denise, why don't you make a comment on that please.

MS. BUENNING: We relayed the information last evening to the OASS, and they are taking under consideration the information that you gave us trying to determine where it fits in in terms of timelines and what information we need to move forward in terms of, we know we had some survey results, but we also needed to get more input from the industry as to the value of this and how it will be used and the other information that we need to develop any kind of a impact analysis.

MR. REYNOLDS: What we are going to do is we obviously need to wait in here some more from CMS and others as to exactly how this would fit in and what process. Yes?

DR. STEINDEL: Harry, can we presume from what Denise just said that the look that CMS gave to this last night says it is under the purview of HIPAA? Since you have been asking for details regarding moving on with the HIPAA process.

MS. BUENNING: Again, we got this information late yesterday, and our analysts haven't had a chance to really fully vet this, but the initial impression that we have is that this is HIPAA and that it is a new transaction and new standard.

MR. REYNOLDS: If that is the case that may be something that would generate that. Lynn, we will make sure that we adjudicate that quickly with CMS on what it is.

The last thing, we have had a lot of good discussion and I want to see if we have anymore. We did a lot on the planning yesterday. We kind of hoped that today would give us a further look at it, and I think it did. We had a lot of discussion yesterday and had a lot of different individual items. Today, they talked about almost the same subjects, but they crystallized a lot of them as to why they were or were not a problem. Also, I appreciated that they made it clear where we could play and what were some of the other subjects that we felt we could play in and make a difference as a group. I think we are all seeing that there are a lot of standards that are coming out. There are a lot of committees and a lot of efforts. Is there anything that anybody heard today that they thought was dramatically different than yesterday? I believe everything we heard today, we will incorporate into the document that we put together as to how we think we need to approach it and the categories we talked about last night on what is strategic and what are things moving forward, and what are the tactical things that we tend to have to do. Personally, I think it will all fit together nicely. We need to sit back and look at the data a little closer. We have a lot of great stuff today that maybe helps tell a story better.

MR. BLAIR: I don't have any comments.

MR. REYNOLDS: Is there anybody else that has something they want to add or any other comments in general? Our plan is that we will begin working on the two letters. We figure we should be able to handle those by conference call. Those are on the long-term care, and the second one is on some of the changes that came through yesterday for the NCPDP. We did discuss earlier that there was one new transaction, and that is being vetted now by CMS as to exactly where they see that fitting in the process. If it is a part of HIPAA as it may be indicated, then we may have to go over that and have hearings to go over that and move that forward.

MS. GREENBERG: I am sorry, so is the letter related to the current exemption for long-term care and there is a letter related to 10.0 or 0.1 or 0.2?

MR. REYNOLDS: Don't worry about that.

MS. BUENNING: That would probably be covered in the same letter.

MS. GREENBERG: I would think that. What is the other letter?

MR. REYNOLDS: If you will remember, Lynn and others presented a litany of changes and so on. Most of those would probably just be a letter from us recommending that they be accepted. However, the other one that is a new transaction is where we are trying to decide exactly how to do it.

DR. COHN: I guess I just I want to remind everyone that there are actually three pieces. One was the long-term care. It actually had two pieces to it. One was miscellaneous stuff and then there was actually some things that directly effected the dental community. I think given that we did not hear anything from the DSMO representative that represents the dental perspective on this one, nor from dentistry in general, we probably need to get some way – we need to hear something from them to make sure they are comfortable and agreeable with the changes that were sort of brought forward.

MR. REYNOLDS: I appreciate it. We will hear soon in a final position on whether or not the other thing Lynn brought forward fits into HIPAA and so on. I know the recommendation is to try to move that forward before this committee significantly changes possibly. We can put the two of them into a hearing prior to and try to have it to the May. That is what we are doing. I am just telling you the process that we are going through. We do not have all the answers yet, but I am telling you the process that we are thinking through. Again, we got it yesterday. It went to CMS last night. We are working in a 24-hour window trying to make sure we understand exactly what fits where. They have all of the documentation from yesterday and can help us and figure out exactly how to go about it.

DR. STEINDEL: Given those comments, can I ask that we get enough information to make a go/no-go decision on a meeting between now and the May full committee meeting before the executive committee meeting next week?

MR. REYNOLDS: That would be good. I think we can do that. I do not think there is any question.

DR. STEINDEL: I think that gives CMS a few days to get their information together.

MR. REYNOLDS: Okay. That is perfect. Again, we want to understand what our charge is, but we do not want to leap ahead with our charge until we do. We are trying to do some planning right now. We will put this document together and make sure we get that out to everyone. We will probably use the substance of it in next week's executive subcommittee planning discussion as to how it should be. Unless there is anything else, Simon?

DR. COHN: I apologize because you were probably ready to adjourn. I just wanted to observe very briefly that I was sort of struck in the testimony today. I was reminded about streamlining.

MR. REYNOLDS: I covered streamlining. That is why we had it on the agenda. Absolutely, as to why we had taken it forward a couple times and where it was and this whole approach again. Great question. I want everyone to be comfortable. With that, I am not trying to rush it, but I don't want to hold anyone longer than we have business. With that, the meeting is adjourned.

[Whereupon as of 11:38 am the meeting was adjourned.]