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ACF Region 4 - Atlanta
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About Region 4

Our Mission

The Region 4 mission is to deliver resources that enable our customers to provide services that measurably improve the lives of individuals, families, children, and communities.

Service Area

ACF Region 4 serves the 8 southeastern states of Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Kentucky.


8 States
306 Head Start Grantees serving 156,185 children
59 Early Head Start Grantees serving 12,399 pregnant women, infants and toddlers
30 Runaway and Homeless Grants


Region IV Organizational Chart

Immediate Office of the Regional Administrator

The Office of the Regional Administrator is located in Atlanta and is responsible for the Administration's key national goals and priorities in the eight state area. The Regional Administrator provides executive leadership and direction to state, county, city, territorial and tribal governments, as well as to other public and private local grantees to ensure effective and efficient program and financial management. The Regional Administrator ensures that grantee agencies conform to federal laws, regulations, policies and procedures governing the programs, and exercises all delegated authorities and responsibilities for oversight of the programs. The Deputy Regional Administrator, also in the Atlanta office, serves as the full deputy to the Region IV Regional Administrator.

The Regional Administrator (RA) reports to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families through the Director, Office of Regional Operations, and leads the following activities:

  • Manages cross-cutting initiatives and activities among the ACF regional program offices, promotes regional interests with HHS and other Federal agencies, and focuses on State agency working relationships to facilitate more effective partnerships and improved customer service.
  • Coordinates ACF programs during regional emergencies (e.g., natural disasters, pandemic flu, or other disasters) to include deployments of human services assessments and action teams during State and/or federally declared emergencies and disasters. The RA is also the designated agency point of contact for Continuity of Operations Plan planning, implementation and coordination.
  • Serves as the focal point for public affairs and media contacts, public awareness activities, information dissemination and education campaigns in coordination with the ACF Office of Public Affairs and the HHS Regional Director.

Grants Management Regional Unit

The Grants Management Regional Unit is headed by the Regional Grants Management Officer and supports the Chief Grants Officer/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration. The Unit ensures that business and financial responsibilities of grants administration are carried out; manages ACF's discretionary, formula, entitlement and block grants in the region; directs all grants and cooperative agreements; ensures compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and policies; performs audit resolution; and provides leadership and technical guidance to ACF programs on grant operations and grants management issues.

Children's Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Children’s Bureau (CB) Regional Program Unit is headed by a Regional Program Manager who reports to the Director, (CB) within the Administration for Children and Families.  The Unit has responsibility for monitoring child welfare programs and providing technical assistance to States and Tribes.  In addition, the Unit provides programmatic oversight and technical assistance to the Court Improvement Project as well as the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention grantees.  The Unit collaborates with ACF CB Central Office, other Regional Program Units and other interested parties on all significant program and policy matters.

OCSE Regional Program Unit

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Deputy Director/Commissioner, OCSE. The Unit has responsibility for providing program and technical administration of OCSE entitlement and discretionary programs and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, States, Tribes, and other grantees on all significant program and policy matters.

TANF Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Associate Director, TANF, within the Office of Family Assistance.  The Unit has responsibility for providing centralized program and technical administration of the TANF block grant and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, States, and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Child Care Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Child Care Bureau (CCB) Regional Program Unit is headed by a Regional Program Manager who reports to the Associate Director, CCB within the Office of Family Assistance. The Unit has responsibility for providing centralized program and technical administration of CCB block and discretionary programs and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, States, and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Head Start Regional Program Unit

The Head Start Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Program Operations Division in the Office of Head Start (OHS). The Unit has responsibility for providing centralized program and technical administration of OHS discretionary programs and for collaborating with OHS State Collaboration Projects on all significant policy matters. The Regional Program Unit oversees the day-to-day management of Head Start grantees and the provision of technical assistance.

Runaway and Homeless Youth Regional Program Unit

The Office of Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) staff is housed in Region IV under the direction of the Family and Youth Services Bureau.  They are responsible for RHY grants and provide oversight for funding in the region.


Functional Statement