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Medicare Learning Network=

Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Educational Web Guides provide educational and informational resources related to certain Medicare Fee-For-Service initiatives.  The MLN Educational Web Guides include links to information about the initiative, such as educational products, press releases, and links to other web pages internal and external to CMS.

Guided Pathways incorporates existing MLN education products and other CMS resources into organized sections and sub sections that can help providers and suppliers understand and navigate the Medicare Program. The Guided Pathways curriculum directs the user to resources for Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) policies and requirements for providers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 B, I or S forms; and providers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 A form. Please find the link to the Guided Pathways in the left hand banner of this page.

The Documentation Guidelines for E&M Services contains both the 1995 and 1997 guidelines for E&M services.


MLN Products Catalog, Updated Sept 2008 [PDF 4.7MB]

Provider Call Center Toll-Free Numbers Directory [ZIP 27KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
Guided Pathways

MLN General Information

MLN Products

MLN Product Ordering Page

MLN Matters Articles

Web Based Training (WBT) Modules

CMS Mailing Lists
Related Links Outside CMS

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Page Last Modified: 03/20/2009 9:44:04 AM
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