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Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Planning and Evaluation

Policy Information Center

Appendix B

Inventory of HHS Evaluations in Progress

Listed below are evaluations that were in progress during Fiscal Year 1996, organized by HHS agency. The expected date of completion is given for each project. For more information about a particular project, one may search the HHS evaluation data base accessible through the Internet at the URL address http://www.hhs.gov.

Administration for Children and Families

Project Title
Date of
Evaluation of Nine Comprehensive Community-Based Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Programs 10/31/96 5851.8
Social and Educational Development of Tribal-Based Communities of the Sonoran and Negev Deserts 11/3/96 5978
Descriptive Study of the Head Start Health Component 11/30/96 5849
Responsible Fatherhood: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations for Policy and Program Development 12/31/96 5981
National Child Welfare Research Center--University of Chicago 1/31/97 4390.1
Arkansas Prenatal and Postnatal Paternity Project 3/31/97 6221
Evaluation of the Head Start Family Service Center Demonstrations 4/1/97 4394
Study of the Characteristics of Families Served by Head Start Migrant Programs 5/30/97 4974
Evaluation of the Impact of Homelessness on Administration for Children, Youth, and Families Programs 6/30/97 4396
National Study of Protective, Preventive Reunification Services Delivered to Children and Their Families 6/30/97 3874
Foster Youth Mentors 9/30/97 4388
National Child Welfare Research Center--University of California at Berkeley 9/30/97 4390.2
Factors Related to Gang Membership Resistance 12/28/97 5042.1
Home Visitor Services Demonstration: Home Visiting for Teen Parents Required To Participate in JOBS 9/30/98 6160
Descriptive Study of Families Served by Head Start 7/18/99 6331
Early Head Start Research and Evaluation 9/30/2000 3570
Avenues (Avenidas) 9/29/2002 6430.6
Bridgeport Artisan Center 9/29/2002 6430.1
Green Institute's JOLI Project 9/29/2002 6430.7
Harlem Railyards Transportation Program 9/29/2002 6430.2
HOMECARE CO-OP 9/29/2002 6430.A
Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) Project, Bethel New Life, Inc. 9/29/2002 6430.5
JOLI Project of Black Dollars Days Task Force 9/29/2002 6430.9
JOLI Project of the Women's Self-Employment Project 9/29/2002 6430.4
JOLI FY 1996 Projects 9/29/2002 6430
Project RISE, Yakima Valley (Washington) Opportunities Industrialization Center 9/29/2002 6430.8
Venture, a Highway Construction Program of the Rural Advancement Fund in North Carolina 9/29/2002 6430.3

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

Project Title
Date of
Mapping a New Industry: The Performance of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research in the Private Sector 2/3/97 6385
Compiling an Encounter-Level, Managed Care, Research Database: First Stage 3/31/97 6374
Diagnostic Efficiency in Primary Care: What Do We Know, and What Do We Need To Know? 3/31/97 6381
Partners in Research: Identifying Common Interests 4/28/97 6386
Effects of Information Tools and Decision Aids To Support Shared Patient Decision Making About Medical Screening and Treatment 5/1/97 6376
Evaluation Synthesis: Research Related to the Implementation and Use of Guidelines and Other Quality Improvement Research 5/12/97 6382
Evaluation of AHCPR Minority Health Services Research Training Activities 5/30/97 6384
Customer Satisfaction Survey of AHCPR Publication Recipients 6/16/97 6375
Assessment of Data Release Strategies 9/29/97 6383
Health Care Informatics Standards of Selected Federal Agencies: A Revised and Updated Report and Conference 12/1/97 6387

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Project Title
Date of
Evaluation of the Medical Certification Process for Death Certificates 9/30/96 4230
Evaluation Design of the Business Responds to AIDS (BRTA) Program 10/15/96 6277
Case Studies of Prevention Marketing Initiatives (PMI) Local Demonstration Projects 12/15/96 6337
Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Interventions in Four Native American Communities 12/30/96 5504
Building Partnerships With Managed Care Organizations 12/31/96 6273
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of CDC Surveillance for Drug Resistant Pneumococcal Infections 12/31/96 5501
Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention in the United States 12/31/96 5348
Assessment of the Effectiveness of the National Laboratory Training Network 2/3/97 5507
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Outreach Worker Activities 3/30/97 5502
Evaluation of Dental Treatment/Fluoridation 6/20/97 6334
Community Indicators for Assessing HIV Prevention 6/30/97/TD> 6278
Development and Implementation of Strategic Planning 7/6/97 6275
Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury (TBI/SCI) Program 8/30/97 6338
Evaluating Small Business Interventions 9/30/97 6336
Evaluation of Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)--Phase II 9/30/97 5923.1
Evaluation of Teen Pregnancy Interventions 9/30/97 6274
Management and Operational Indicators of HIV Community Planning 9/30/97 5518
Evaluation of Data Use of National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance (NETSS) and Public Health Laboratory Information System (PHLIS) 1/31/98 6332
Early Warning Signs: Intimate Violence Prevention 3/30/98 6272
Evaluation of Group B Strep Guidelines 9/30/98 6333
Evaluation of the Impact of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) 9/30/98 6335
Urban Health Systems Sentinel Network 9/30/98 6276
Evaluating Guidelines for Preventing Perinatal HIV 9/30/99 6279

Food and Drug Administration

Project Title
Date of
Assessment of the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992 9/20/97 6080
Prescription Drug User Fee Act Management 12/31/97 6079.2
FDA Inquiries Assistance Program for Small Businesses 3/20/98 6462
FDA Penalty-Reduction Program for Small Business 3/20/98 6461
Evaluation of Influenza Virus Vaccines in High-Risk Patient Categories 9/30/98 4355
Food Labeling and Package Survey (FLAPS) 12/20/99 5711
Nationwide Evaluation of X-Ray Trends 12/20/99 4984

Health Care Financing Administration

Project Title
Date of
Evaluation of the Medicare Case Management Demonstrations 12/30/96 6291
Evaluation of the Essential Access Community Hospital/Rural Primary Care Hospital Program 1/30/97 5200.1
Medicaid Quality of Care Study 1/30/97 6302
Evaluation of the Community Nursing Organization Demonstration 2/28/97 6306
Medicare Participating Heart Bypass Center Demonstration Extended Evaluation 2/28/97 5958.5
Evaluation of Cost Health Maintenance Organizations and Health Care Prepayment Plans 3/30/97 6314
Evaluation of Rural Health Clinics 3/30/97 6299
Evaluation of the Utah Prepaid Mental Health Plan: Coordinated Care Systems as Alternatives to Traditional Fee for Service 3/30/97 6293
Examination of the Medicaid Expansions for Children 3/30/97 6300
Evaluation of the Iowa Implementation of Ambulatory Patient Groups (APGs) 4/30/97 6320
Evaluation of Medicaid-Managed Care Programs With 1915(b) Waivers 5/31/97 6290
Evaluation of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly Demonstration 6/30/97 6309
Impact of the Medicare Fee Schedule on Access to Physician Services 6/30/97 6301
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Medicare Cataract Surgery Alternate Payment Demonstration 8/30/97 6295
Community-Supported Living Arrangements Program: Process Evaluation 9/30/97 6304
Comparative Study of the Use of Early and Periodic Screening, Detection, and Treatment and Other Preventive and Curative Health Care Services by Children Enrolled in Medicaid 9/30/97 6236
Evaluation and Technical Assistance of the Medicare Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration 9/30/97 6305
Evaluation of the Demonstration Entitled Delaware Health Care Partnership for Children 9/30/97 6288
Evaluation of the Demonstration for Improving Access to Care for Pregnant Substance Abusers 9/30/97 6297
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Operation Restore Trust Demonstrations 9/30/97 6311
Evaluation of the Impact of Health Plan Report Cards on Consumer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Choice in a Managed Competition Setting 9/30/97 6312
Evaluation of the Medicaid Uninsured Demonstrations 9/30/97 6298
Project Demonstrating and Evaluating Alternative Methods To Assure and Enhance the Quality of Long-Term Care Services for Persons With Developmental Disabilities 9/30/97 6310
Medicare HMO Evaluation 10/10/97 6294
Drug Utilization Review Evaluation Contract 2/28/98 6296
Evaluation of the Medicare Choice Demonstration 6/30/98 6292
Evaluation of HMO Outlier Demonstration 9/1/98 6287
Maximizing the Effective Use of Telemedicine: A Study of the Effects, Cost Effectiveness, and Utilization Patterns of Consultation via Telemedicine 9/30/98 6303
Evaluation of Oregon Medicaid Reform Demonstration 9/20/99 6166
Evaluation of Phase II of the Home Health Agency Prospective Payment Demonstration 9/30/99 6308
Evaluation of the Nursing Home Case-Mix and Quality Demonstration 9/30/99 6307
Evaluation of the State Medicaid Reform Demonstrations (HI, RI, TN) 9/30/99 6289
Evaluation of the State Medicaid Reform Demonstrations (OH, MN) 9/30/2000 6289.1

Health Resources and Services Administration

Project Title
Date of
Rural Applications of Telemedicine 10/23/96 5749
Bilingual Assistance Program: Evaluation of Strategies for Reducing Cultural and Linguistic Barriers to Health Care for Hispanic and Asian Pacific Islander Populations 11/22/96 6356
Analysis of HRSA Participation in the HBCU Initiative: FY 1992-FY1995 11/30/96 6206
Collaborative Models That Work: Examining the Relationship Between HIV/AIDS and TB Programs in Selected Title I-Eligible Metropolitan Areas 11/30/96 6359
Development of a Performance Management System for Ryan White Titles I, II, and SPMS 12/10/96 5954.1
Development of a Performance Measurement System for the Division of Organ Transplantation 12/10/96 5954.2
Sixth National Sample of Registered Nurses 2/27/97 6367
Ability of Community-Based Health Organizations To Integrate Services for Individuals With Multiple Risk Factors 2/28/97 6369
Evaluation of Activities To Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission: Case Studies and Feasibility Assessment 4/30/97 6202
Institutional Factors Which Influence the Likelihood of Living-Related Kidney Transplant Operations--Part II 4/30/97 4917.1
Person-Place Approximations and Utilization versus Health Status Analysis of the National Health Interview Survey 5/30/97 5614
Reasons African-American and White Waiting List Patients Are Unavailable for an Organ Offer 6/30/97 5601
Development of a Self-Assessment Tool for HIV Health Services Planning Councils and HIV Care Consortia 7/31/97 5735
Health Maintenance Organization Staffing Strategies in Underserved Areas 7/31/97 6366
Casemix Differences in Health Centers and Other Providers and Their Relationship to Cost 8/9/97 6363
Follow-Up To Determine State and Local Utilization of the Maternal and Child Health Programs Model Application--Phase I 8/15/97 5598
Tracking of J-1 Visa Exchange Students 8/23/97 6360
Training and Educational Needs of the Public Health Workforce Under Health Care Reform 8/30/97 5747
Review and Synthesis of HIV-Related Consumer-Level Evaluations 9/4/97 6362
BPHC Uniform Data System: Data Collection and Analysis Plan 9/9/97 6365
Analysis of CHC User Survey and Analysis of Managed Care/Non-Managed Care Users of Community Health Centers 9/11/97 6253
Evaluation of the Response to Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives by Federally Qualified Health Centers 9/17/97 6353
Meeting Industry Standards for Performance Measurement Through Clinical Outcome Measures at Community and Migrant Health Centers 9/23/97 6254
Strategies for the Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Hispanics into Baccalaureate Levels of Nursing 9/29/97 6249
Community and Migrant Health Centers' Immunization Efforts--A Joint Study With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9/30/97 4921
Community Health Center User and Visit Survey 9/30/97 5737
Consortia Development for Health Professions Training in Community-Based Settings 9/30/97 6251
Development of Outcome Measures for Critical Ryan White CARE Act Titles I and II Funded Services 9/30/97 6252
Evaluation of the Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities Program 9/30/97 5739
Health Care Status Outcome Measures for the Bureau of Primary Health Care: The Assessment of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Through State Medicaid Recipient Files 9/30/97 6364
Measuring the Costs of Medical Education in Ambulatory Training Sites 9/30/97 6358
Performance Assessment of Managed Care in Community and Migrant Health Centers 9/30/97 6354
Synthesis of Local Evaluations Sponsored by Ryan White Grantees 9/30/97 6256
Community Care Network Evaluation 10/30/97 6361
Assessment of Bi/Multilingual Services Offered at Selected Community and Migrant Health Centers 12/10/97 6368
Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Impact of Community and Migrant Health Centers: Implementation Phase 12/31/97 4918.1
Impact of Community Health Advisors on Access, Utilization, and Patient Knowledge and Behavior 12/31/97 6355
Selected Aspects of Education in Managed Care 6/30/98 5603
National Evaluation of the Healthy Start Program 9/20/98 5610
Effectiveness of the National Health Service Corps 12/9/98 6357

Indian Health Service

Project Title
Date of
Development and Implementation of a Strategic Planning Evaluation Model 5/30/97 5548
Development of a Health Services Research Agenda for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations 5/30/97 6153
Resource Requirements Methodology Update 4/29/98 6450
Evaluation of IHS-Supported Substance Abuse Treatment Program for American Indian and Alaska Native Women--Phases III and IV 7/31/98 5675.1
Elderly Wellness 9/1/2001 6452
Prior Trauma Care of Intoxicated Patients as a Predictor of Subsequently Fatal Injury 9/1/2001 6451

National Institutes of Health

Project Title
Date of
Methodology To Assess the Impact of NHLBI Research 9/20/96 5577
Design and Pilot Test of an Inventory of Cancer Research Across Federal Agencies 12/6/96 6091
Electronic Student Tracking and Reporting System--The Bridges Program 12/20/96 6093
Evaluation of the Regional Primate Research Centers Program--PhaseI--Planning and Methodology Development for a Full-Scale Evaluation 12/20/96 6045
Evaluation of the NHLBI Programs of Excellence in Molecular Biology 1/31/97 5584
Comprehensive School Health Programs in Grades K-12 3/31/97 5586
Development of a Database for NIH-Supported Rare Disease Research 3/31/97 6043
Use of Antimicrobial Agents and Omeprazole in the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Disease--Analysis of Physician Prescribing Practices 3/31/97 6284
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Training Program for Minority Students Evaluation 6/1/97 6282
Evaluation of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) National Research Service Awards for Predoctoral Individual M.D./Ph.D. Fellows--Phase I 6/20/97 6096
Follow-Up Study of Young Investigators in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences 6/20/97 6098
Characterization of User Population and User Satisfaction of the Physician Data Query (PDQ) Database 6/30/97 6092
Evaluation of the Research Demonstration Projects for Homeless Persons With Alcohol and Other Drug Problems 6/30/97 4509
Phase II: Survey To Assess the Impact of the NICHD Antenatal Steroids Consensus Development Conference 6/30/97 6120
Evaluation of the National Research Service Award Research Training Programs 7/20/97 5571
Chemical Science Roundtable 9/1/97 6281
Survey of Academic Research Equipment 9/20/97 6121
Survey of Biomedical Research Facilities 9/20/97 3562.2
Career Outcomes of a Matched Sample of Men and Women Ph.D.'s in Science and Engineering 9/30/97 5588
Career Status and Satisfaction With NIH Research Grant Application and Award Processes: A Sample Survey of FY 1992 R01 and R29 Applicants 9/30/97 6280
Planning Phase for an Evaluation of the NIDR Center Program 9/30/97 5578
Task Force on Genetic Testing 9/30/97 6090
Vaccine Development: Establishing Priorities for the United States for the 21st Century 9/30/97 5984
NIH AIDS Research Program Evaluation 10/20/97 6122
Evaluation of Knowledge-Based Expert System for Subject Indexing 12/20/97 4663.1
Evaluation of New Technology: Audio-Casi 12/20/97 5569
Evaluation of the Institutional Award (IDeA) Program, Phase I: Evaluation Design 12/20/97 6046
Evaluation of the NCRR Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program Phase I: Planning and Methodology Development for a Full-Scale Evaluation 12/20/97 5580
Evaluation of the Resource Centers Activities With the Biomedical Research Technology Program of the NCRR, Phase I: Planning and Methodology Development 12/20/97 6047
Strategic Plan for Public Health Agencies 12/20/97 6097
Evaluation of Laboratory Animal Use, Facilities and Resources--Phase II 1/20/98 6048
Evaluation of the NHLBI Short-Term Training for Minority Students Program 6/19/98 6118.1
Full-Scale Evaluation of the Regional Primate Research Centers (RPRC) Program 12/20/98 6045.1

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Project Title
Date of
Research and Evaluation Framework for the New Pharmaceutical Marketplace 9/20/96 6049
Public Health Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 12/1/96 6177
Augmenting the Evaluation of Iowa's Limited Benefit Plan 12/27/96 6390
Child Welfare and Domestic Violence: An Exploratory Study 12/31/96 6155
Waiver Evaluation Project 12/31/96 6050
Analysis of AFDC Caseload Growth and Decline 1/1/97 5953
Innovative and Interdisciplinary Education and Training Programs for Professionals Caring for Persons With Disabilities 1/31/97 6052
Identifying and Characterizing Distressed Urban Neighborhoods 2/1/97 6421
Strategies for Obtaining Public Health Infrastructure Data at Federal, State, and Local Levels 3/20/97 6179
Administrative Data Guide 3/30/97 6389
Characteristics of Informal Kinship Care 3/31/97 6016
Registry of Projects to Integrate Health Information Systems at the State Level 3/31/97 6178
State Telephone Survey Estimates for Evaluation and Monitoring 3/31/97 6420
Learning From Ongoing Welfare Waiver Evaluations: Lessons From Implementing Work-Focused Employment Programs for Welfare Recipients 4/13/97 6227
Identification and Synthesis of Activities Addressing the Adequacy of Information About the Organization and Delivery of Health Care in the United States 4/30/97 6388
Learning From Ongoing Welfare Waiver Evaluations: Lessons From Programs for Teen Parents 5/3/97 6228
Trends in the Well-Being of America's Children and Youth: 1997 5/20/97 6170.1
Evolving Health Care Delivery Systems: A Workshop 5/31/97 6341
Assessing the Feasibility of Making State-Level Estimates From National Surveys 6/1/97 6380
Medicare Home Health and Medicaid Personal Assistant Service Benefits 6/1/97 6426
Public Health Infrastructure and the Private Sector 6/30/97 6458
State Linked-Data Meeting and Monograph 6/30/97 6346
Exploring the Linking of Supply and Demand Health Utilization Data 7/1/97 6425
Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage and the Employment of People With Disabilities 7/31/97 6240
Assessment of Access to Liability Insurance for Tribes and Tribal Organizations With Self-Determination Contracts or Compacts 8/15/97 6345
Evaluation of Practice in Care (EPIC) 9/20/97 5888
Consequences and Costs of Intimate Partner Violence 9/30/97 4528.1
Evaluation of the Minority Male Consortium for Violence Prevention 9/30/97 5789.2
Resource Evaluation of the FDA Food Additive Petition Review Process 9/30/97 6342
Role of Home- and Community-Based Services in Meeting the Health Care Needs of People With HIV/AIDS 9/30/97 6418
Statistical Linkage of Data Files for Evaluation: National Health Interview Survey and Survey of Income and Program Participation 9/30/97 6419
Analysis of Data on Use of Nursing Homes in Florida 10/20/97 5759
Analysis of the Health and Mental Health of Immigrant Children and Their Families 10/20/97 6150
Health and Long-Term Care Expenditure Patterns of Children With Disabilities 10/20/97 5758
Evaluating the Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Consumers 10/30/97 6343
Teenage Parent Demonstration and Evaluation 12/20/97 2771.9
Panel on Performance Measures and Data To Support Public Health Performance Partnership Grants 12/31/97 6176
Structural Health Care Changes in Maryland: Studies on Access and Public Health Infrastructure 12/31/97 6459
What Works for Youth: An Examination of Youth Development Evaluations 12/31/97 6551
Innovative Coverage of Health Promotion, Clinical Preventive Services, and Other Coverage Issues in the Private Sector 1/30/98 6347
National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly 6/30/98 4719.5
Study of Private Long-Term Care Insurance Claims 8/1/98 6399
State Development and Use of Insurance Coverage Surveys 9/20/98 6017
Study of Managed Delivery Systems for Medicare Beneficiaries With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses 9/30/98 6391
National Evaluation of Family Preservation Services 1/20/99 5337.1
Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid Reform Demonstration 8/31/99 6166.1
Evaluation of the State Health Reform Demonstrations 8/31/99 6289.2
Evaluability Assessment of Responsible Fatherhood Projects 9/20/99 6159
Estimating an Analytical Framework for Assessing Insurer Response to the Health Care Market 9/30/99 6429
Private Payers Serving Disabled Individuals and Research Synthesis on Managed Care for Persons With Disabilities 9/28/2000 6398

Office of Public Health and Science

Project Title
Date of
Assessing Public Health Agencies' Capacity for Environmental Health Surveillance 3/31/97 6322
Evaluation Synthesis of School Health Programs 5/31/97 6198
Evaluation of the Office of Minority Health Resource Center--Phase I 6/30/97 6244
County-Level Tracking of Public Health Functions and Policy Issues 9/1/97 6325
Evaluation of Models To Integrate HIV Prevention and Treatment Services Within PHS-Supported Programs 9/1/97 6321
Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels 9/30/97 6193
Evaluation of the Cooperative Agreements for Demonstration Project for Capacity Building at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) FY 1992-95 9/30/97 6246
Healthy People 2000 Consortium Group 9/30/97 6491
International Year 2000 Plan Review 9/30/97 6489
Public Health Information Dissemination 9/30/97 6493
States' and Localities' Ability To Measure Their Own Objectives 9/30/97 6488
The Role of Health Plans in Community-Level Health Improvement Activities 10/31/97 6492
Evaluation of Coordinated Public Health Information Releases 1/31/98 6328
Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficacy of the Office of Minority Health's Bilingual/Bicultural Service Demonstration Grants Program 3/31/98 6247
Analysis of State and Local Public Health Policy and Program Activities 9/28/98 6326
Integrated Information Action Plan 9/30/98 6324
Science Panel on Interactive Communication Technology and Health 12/31/98 6327
NHIS 1998 Supplement 9/30/99 6490
Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes 9/30/2000 6323

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Project Title
Date of
Evaluation of Demonstration Treatment Programs in Job Corps 10/1/96 4523
National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES) 2/28/97 5346.1
Evaluation of the Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Infants Demonstration Program 9/20/97 5674
Outcome Evaluation for the Community Partnership Program 12/20/97 4997
DC Courts Initiative Evaluation 6/20/98 4998
National Evaluation Data Coordination Center 9/20/98 5994
Evaluation of High-Risk Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Initiatives Funded in 1994 4/20/99 6044
Cross-Site Evaluation of the Community Prevention Coalitions Demonstration Grant Program 5/20/99 6042
Evaluation of the HHS Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Supports Program 12/20/99 4980.1
State Substance Abuse Managed Care Evaluation Program 9/26/2000 6454

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