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Domestic Violence Projects and Reports

Collaborations to Address Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment:  A Public-Private Initiative

(Project of the National Institute of Justice)

This project supports the continued evaluation of a multi-agency demonstration project that is addressing the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment. The evaluation is designed to assess whether child protection agencies, child maltreatment courts, and domestic violence programs can, by participating with others in multi-disciplinary, community-based collaborations, achieve significant organizational change that helps children and parents in abusive families to become safer and more stable. Several analytical approaches are employed including network analysis and pre-post evidence of changes in agency practice. The national evaluation documents changes that take place and studies factors that contribute to project outcomes.

Ongoing:  Year Funded 2003

Efforts by Child Welfare Agencies to Address Domestic Violence: The Experiences of Five Communities

By Laudan Y. Aron, Krista K. Olson, The Urban Institute

This report focuses on recent efforts by child welfare agencies to take account of battering experienced by mothers in cases of child abuse and neglect. These efforts are in their infancy. The study’s goal is to document what child welfare agencies in five state and local communities are doing in attempting to integrate domestic violence concerns into their agency routines, and to identify and highlight issues that a child welfare agency would do well to consider before proceeding with similar efforts. This report should be read with the understanding that it presents few answers or “best practices”. Instead it raises issues that, on the basis of fieldwork, seem critical for child welfare agencies to consider as they address domestic violence among families in their caseloads.

Published:  March, 1997
Availability:  Full HTML Report  Executive Summary

Coordinated Community Responses to Domestic Violence in Six Communities: Beyond the Justice System

By Sandra J. Clark, Martha R. Burt, Margaret M. Schulte and Karen Maguire, The Urban Institute

The past two decades have seen dramatic changes in the response to domestic violence in communities throughout the United States. In many communities, the justice systems have experienced a number of important changes in their laws and agency practices related to domestic violence. At the same time, social services for battered women have become more widely available with substantial growth in domestic violence hotlines and shelters. This study by Sandra Clark, Martha Burt, Margaret Schulte, and Karen Maguire of the Urban Institute examines coordinated responses to domestic violence in six communities that have expanded their response to include a broad array of agencies beyond the justice system. Many of these efforts are in their early stages and do not provide definitive answers about the best approach to coordination or the likely outcomes. However, the experiences of these communities raise a number of important issues for other communities to consider as they seek new ways to address this complicated problem.

Published:  October, 1996
Availability:  Full HTML Report  Executive Summary

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