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What's New?

This page is intended to provide the most direct link to major changes, additions, deletions, etc., on the FFIEC Web site. Minor changes or routine maintenance items will not normally be listed.

Major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site for December 2000: (most recent first)

December 28, 2000

-- Updated the Press Release Archive Summaries with the August through December 2000 Press Releases.

December 27, 2000

-- Added the FFIEC 0002 proposed reporting form for June 2001.

-- Updated the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 proposed reporting forms for March 2001.

-- Updated the FFIEC 002 and FFIEC 002s reporting forms for December 2000 with an expiration date of April 30, 2002.

-- Updated the FFIEC 004 reporting form for December 2000. The form has not changed since 1999.

December 19, 2000

-- The FFIEC Web site has been redesigned to provide improved navigation and to implement standards for accessibility as outlined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. For more information on Section 508, please visit http://www.section508.gov.

-- The Year 2000 - Century Date Change Initiatives home page has been archived. In order to retrieve information on Y2K from the archives, please use the search engine.

December 15, 2000

-- Added an FFIEC Press Release announcing that the September 30, 2000 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR), which is being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB), is now available for sale to the public.

December 12, 2000

-- Updated the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 proposed reporting forms for March 2001.

December 4, 2000

-- Added the FFIEC Report Form 002 and the FFIEC Report Form 002s for December 2000.


Archives of major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site:

November 2000

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