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What's New?

This page is intended to provide the most direct link to major changes, additions, deletions, etc., on the FFIEC Web site. Minor changes or routine maintenance items will not normally be listed.

Major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site for August 2001: (most recent first)

August 28, 2001

-- Added the September 2001 FFIEC 031 Reporting Form
-- Added the September 2001 FFIEC 041 Reporting Form

August 21, 2001

-- Updated the UBPR order form.

August 16, 2001

-- Added a memo outlining corrections to the March 31, 2001 UBPR.

-- Added a memo outlining changes to the June 30, 2001 UBPR.

August 14, 2001

-- The FFIEC InfoBase on Financial Privacy is now available on the FFIEC Examiner Education Office Web site.

August 8, 2001

-- Added an FFIEC Press Release announcing the release of guidance on the risks and risk management controls necessary to authenticate the identity of customers accessing electronic financial services.

-- Added a memo outlining changes to the March 31, 2001 UBPR.



Archives of major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site:

July 2001
June 2001
May 2001
April 2001
March 2001
February 2001
January 2001
December 2000
November 2000

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