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Educational Resources

The educational resources listed on this web page are designed to increase national awareness of the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). Eligible professionals (EPs) are encouraged to contact their professional organizations for additional information and tools that will facilitate participation in the PQRI.

CMS educational resources include:

  • MLN Matters Articles
  • PQRI Educational Products
  • PQRI National Provider Call PowerPoint Presentations

PQRI educational resources for 2008 and 2009 are described below and are available in the "Downloads" and "Related Links Inside CMS" sections at the bottom of this web page.

PQRI MLN Matters Articles

New! MLN Matter Article - Program Overview: 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) And The 2009 Electronic Prescribing (E-Prescribing) Incentive Program. This MLN Matters Article provides a high level overview of the 2009 PQRI and is available under the "Related Links Inside CMS" section below.

All MLN Matters Articles related to the 2008 PQRI are available as a zip file in the "Downloads" section below.

PQRI Educational Products

A variety of educational resources are available to assist EPs with PQRI reporting:

The following educational products are available to assist EPs with 2009 PQRI reporting and are available in the "Downloads" section below:

• 2009 PQRI Tip Sheet: Satisfactorily Reporting 2009 PQRI Measures. This Tip Sheet provides information on how to get started with PQRI reporting as well as tips to assist professionals and their staff with reporting 2009 PQRI measures data accurately.

•  2009 PQRI Fact Sheet: What's New for the 2009 PQRI.  This Fact Sheet provides an overview of the 2009 PQRI and highlights the changes from the 2008 PQRI.

• 2009 PQRI Tip Sheet: PQRI Made Simple – Reporting the Preventive Care Measures Group. This Tip Sheet provides quick, easy to understand, instructions on how to satisfactorily participate in the 2009 PQRI for those who wish to report quality data using claims for the Preventive Care Measures Group.

• 2009 PQRI Patient-Level Measures List. Many PQRI measures require only one-time reporting per patient per reporting period per EP. This document provides a list of the subset of the 2009 measures for which the reporting frequency is a minimum of once per patient per reporting period per each individual EP (that is, per NPI).

Several educational resources were developed to assist EPs with the 2008 PQRI reporting. The following educational products are available to assist EPs with 2009 PQRI reporting and are available in the "Downloads" section below:

• 2008 PQRI Tip Sheets: A zip file containing the following Tip Sheets: (1) PQRI Made Simple – Reporting the Preventive Care Measures Group, (2) Getting Started with Claims-Based Reporting of Measures Groups and the corresponding errata sheet, and (3) Successful Participation.

2008 PQRI Fact Sheet: A zip file containing the following Fact Sheets: (1) Program Overview and (2) New Reporting Options and the corresponding Quick Reference Chart

2008 PQRI Patient-Level Measures List - Many PQRI measures require only one-time reporting per patient per reporting period per eligible professional. This document provides a list of these "one-time-reporting-only" measures.

PQRI PowerPoint Presentations

Presentation materials from PQRI National Provider Calls are available by clicking on the "CMS Sponsored Calls" link at left.


2009 PQRI Tip Sheet: Satisfactorily Reporting 2009 PQRI Measures [PDF 267 KB]

2009 PQRI Fact Sheet: What's New for the 2009 PQRI [PDF 541 KB]

2009 Patient-Level Measures [PDF 83KB]

2009 PQRI Tip Sheet: PQRI Made Simple-Reporting Preventive Care Measures Group [PDF416 KB]

2008 PQRI MLN Matters Articles [ZIP 145KB]

2008 PQRI Tip Sheets [ZIP 1 MB]

2008 PQRI Fact Sheets [ZIP 1MB]

2008 PQRI Patient-Level Measures List [PDF 348KB]

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Page Last Modified: 05/06/2009 3:35:27 PM
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