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Innovation Ambassadors Developmental Assignment
Qualified NASA employees are invited to apply to be Innovation Ambassadors under a new program sponsored by the Innovative Partnerships Program at NASA Headquarters.

The Innovation Ambassadors program will provide a temporary developmental assignment for select members of NASA's technical workforce. These employees will be assigned to work with a host external organization for up to one year. Shorter assignments of three months or more will also be considered. The host organization will have the benefit of the expertise of the NASA employee at no cost. The NASA employee will focus on improving their technical and management skills while learning, on a day-to-day basis, about the innovative technologies and processes used by the host organization. The Innovation Ambassador can also share ideas and approaches from their NASA experience. Following the assignment, the NASA employee will be expected to disseminate their new knowledge within NASA and lead efforts to implement new technologies and process improvements based on their experience. An additional benefit for NASA and the host organization is the potential for the Innovation Ambassadors activity to lead to future business partnerships and other interaction.

Innovation Ambassador applicants must be civil servant engineers, scientists, project managers or program managers at the GS-11 to GS-15 level. The host organization can be a private company, academic or research institution, national laboratory or another government agency. Innovation Ambassador applicants can propose work assignments at an external organization with which they have established their own contact. Also, the Innovative Partnerships Program Office is requesting information from external organizations interested in hosting an Ambassador and a list of those organizations will be provided to each Center Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP) Office for reference by June 27. The NASA Headquarters IPP Office will fund the travel expenses for the Innovation Ambassador. However the salary of the Ambassador must be paid by their home organization and so the concurrence of the home organization supervisor is essential.

Interested employees should contact their Center IPP Office for additional guidance and to submit their application packages. Center IPP Offices will begin reviewing Innovation Ambassador applications by July 14, 2008. The Center IPP Office will forward a limited number of applications to NASA Headquarters for final selection by August 1, 2008. The date for submitting Center nominations has been extended to August 15, 2008.

For more information about the Innovation Ambassador program and the application requirements see the Developmental Assignment Guide and other links below. For Center IPP Office contacts see the list at this link: Innovation Ambassadors Contact List.

Links to Innovation Ambassador Application Forms and Guidelines:


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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Official:Janelle Turner
Last Updated: July 18, 2008
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