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- 05-08-2009
- Updated Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs), Certification of Compliance Agreements (CCAs) and Integrity Agreements (IAs)
- Criminal and Civil Enforcement Actions: April
- April 2009 Criminal and Civil Enforcement Report
- Review of Oxaliplatin Billing at Providence Alaska Medical Center for Calendar Year 2005 (A-09-09-00050)
- Review of New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (A-06-07-00097)
- 05-07-2009
- OIG FY 2010 Budget: Justifications of Estimates for Appropriations Committees (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2010 Online Performance Appendix (PDF)
- Review of Undistributable Child Support Collections in Los Angeles County, California, From October 1, 1998, Through March 31, 2006 (A-09-08-00024)
- Review of TrailBlazer Health Enterprises, LLC Medicare Payments to Providers Terminated From January 1, 2003, Through January 31, 2007 (A-05-09-00017)
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for Texas Medicare Part B Claims Processed by TrailBlazer Health Enterprises for the Period January 1 through December 31, 2004 (A-06-08-00034)
- Review of Medicare Part A Claims Paid by National Government Services for Interrupted Stays at Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities During Calendar Years 2005 and 2006 (A-01-08-00530)
- 05-06-2009
- Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on fraud in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and recommendations for reducing this fraud while maintaining a high level of services for providers and patients participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs
- Inappropriate Medicare Payments for Chiropractic Services (PDF) (OEI-07-07-00390)
- Review of Emergency Health Services at Florida Hospital Furnished to Undocumented Aliens Covered by Section 1011 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (A-04-06-07007)
- Review of Separately Billed Laboratory Tests Paid by National Government Services, Inc., for Medicare Beneficiaries With End-Stage Renal Disease (A-01-07-00522)
- Review of Medicaid Outpatient Drug Expenditures in California for Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 (A-09-07-00039)
- Follow-Up Review of Procurements Made by the National Institutes of Health for the Department of Defense (A-03-08-03000)
- 05-01-2009
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for Services Processed by Wisconsin Physicians Service for the Period January 1, 2004, Through December 31, 2006 (A-05-08-00022)
- Review of Interrupted Stays at Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities for Calendar Years 2004 and 2005 (A-01-08-00502)
- 04-30-2009
- Advisory Opinion 09-03 (PDF) (concerning an arrangement whereby three municipalities reciprocally waive otherwise applicable cost-sharing obligations of individuals residing within each other’s borders when providing backup emergency medical services transportation)
- 04-29-2009
- Monthly Recovery Update Report
- Whistleblower Protections under the Recovery Act
- 04-28-2009
- Michigan Medicaid False Claims Act Review Letter (PDF)
- Nationwide Review of Evaluation and Management Services Included in Eye and Ocular Adnexa Global Surgery Fees for Calendar Year 2005 (A-05-07-00077)
- Review of Palmetto GBA’s Medicare Outpatient Payments for Oxaliplatin Drug Services in North Carolina (A-04-08-07002)
- Review of Oxaliplatin Billing at San Joaquin General Hospital for Calendar Years 2004 and 2005 (A-09-09-00051)
- 04-23-2009
- Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General (PDF), before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security on Eliminating Waste and Fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
- 04-22-2009
- Aberrant Claim Patterns for Inhalation Drugs in South Florida (PDF) (OEI-03-08-00290)
- Nursing Home Corporations Under Quality of Care Corporate Integrity Agreements (PDF) (OEI-06-06-00570)
- Department of Health and Human Services Employee Travel Cards: Usage and Internal Controls (PDF) (OEI-07-07-00480)
- 04-21-2009
- Formal Statement of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General (PDF), before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance’s April 21, 2009, "Roundtable Discussion on Health Care Reform."
- Review of Inpatient Hospital Claims Billed as Family Planning Services Under the New York State Medicaid Program (A-02-06-01007)
- Review of Timeliness of West Virginia’s Retroactive Claims for Medicaid School-Based Services (A-03-06-00201)
- Review of Oxaliplatin Billing at Hilo Medical Center for Calendar Year 2004 (A-09-09-00047)
- Review of the California Department of Public Health’s Compliance With the Ryan White CARE Act Payer-of-Last-Resort Requirement (A-09-09-00037)
- 04-20-2009
- Comparison of Third-Quarter 2008 Average Sales Prices and Average Manufacturer Prices: Impact on Medicare Reimbursement for First Quarter 2009 (PDF) (OEI-03-09-00150)
- Payments to Medicare Suppliers and Home Health Agencies Associated With Currently Not Collectible' Overpayments (PDF) (OEI-06-07-00080): Re-post
- 04-15-2009
- Potential Improper Medicaid Payments for Outpatient Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries (PDF) (OEI-04-07-00340)
- Audit of Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc.’s, Medicare Part A Final Administrative Cost Proposals for Fiscal Years 2005 Through 2007 (A-06-08-00015)
- Audit of Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc.’s, Medicare Part B Final Administrative Cost Proposals for Fiscal Years 2005 through 2007 (A-06-08-00016)
- 04-14-2009
- Review of the Pension Costs Claimed for Medicare Reimbursement by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona for Fiscal Year 2006 (A-07-09-00307)
- Review of the Pension Segmentation Requirements for the Qualified Pension Plan at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, a Terminated Medicare Contractor, for the Period January 1, 2005, to September 30, 2006 (A-07-09-00306)
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for New Mexico and Oklahoma Medicare Part B Claims Processed by Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc., for the Period January 1 through December 31, 2006 (A-06-08-00071)
- 04-09-2009
- March 2009 Criminal and Civil Enforcement Report
- Civil Monetary Penalty Enforcement Actions Update
- Review of Pennsylvania's Determination of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Eligibility for the State-Operated Institutions for Mental Diseases (A-03-08-00203)
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for Medicare Outpatient Claims Processed by TriSpan Health Services for the Period January 1 Through December 31, 2004 (A-06-08-00067)
- 04-08-2009
- Exclusions and Reinstatements Occurring in the Month of March 2009
- 04-06-2009
- Updated Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs), Certification of Compliance Agreements (CCAs) and Integrity Agreements (IAs)
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for Inpatient Services Processed by National Government Services in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio for Calendar Years 2004 Through 2006 (A-05-08-00028)
- Review of Medicaid Participation Eligibility for One Indiana State-owned Psychiatric Hospital for the Period July 1, 1996, Through June 30, 2007 (A-05-07-00076)
- Audit of HealthNow New York, Inc.’s, Medicare Part B Final Administrative Cost Proposals for Fiscal Years 2005 Through 2007 (A-02-08-01003)
- Review of Missouri’s Medicaid Management Information System Expenditures for the Period October 1, 2004, Through September 30, 2007 (A-07-08-04122)
- 04-02-2009
- New HHS Recovery Act Fund Oversight Section
- Advisory Opinion 09-02 (PDF)
(concerning an employment contract entered into concurrently with a real estate purchase contract between the employer and new employee) - 04-01-2009
- Follow-Up Review of the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program in Rhode Island (A-01-08-00009)
- Review of High-Dollar Payments for New Mexico and Oklahoma Medicare Part B Claims Processed by Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc., for the Period January 1 through December 31, 2005 (A-06-08-00068)
- Review of the Termination Claim for Postretirement Benefit Costs Made by The Regence Group for the Oregon Segment (A-07-08-00283)