Colonial Hall -- Biographies of America's Founding Fathers

-Signers of the Declaration
-Signers of the A. O. C.
-Signers of the U. S. Constitution
-Wives of the Signers
-Other Founders

Documents of Freedom
Reproductions of America's four most important documents on authentic-looking parchment paper.

Featured Founding Founder
   Gouverneur Morris, the peg-legged, anti-slavery delegate from Pennsylvania spoke more on the floor of the Constitutional Convention than any of the other founding fathers. As Jefferson was chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence, Morris was chosen to write the first draft of the Constitution. Colonial Hall is now proud to have the first seven chapters of the full-length biography of Gouverneur Morris, by Jared Sparks.
George did what?!
The Declaration of Independence—A line by line history
   Most are familiar with the beginning of the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." But what about the long list of accusations against King George III that follows? Find out the history behind the accusations in the Declaration from historian Benson J. Lossing.
Biographies of America's Founding Fathers Biographies
  Colonial Hall now has the biographies of 111 founding fathers and 34 biographies of their wives.
The Homes of the Founding Fathers and other Historic Sites Historic Sites
  New for 2007! We've just added a new section on the homes of the founding fathers along with other historic sites of interest..
Biographies with New Portraits
   Not only have we recently purchased the portraits of 20 founding fathers from Independence National Historic Park, we have also been travelling around the country taking pictures of their homes. Little by little you can expect to see these photographs and portraits added to our site. The following is a list of biographies with these new pictures:

Help Make Colonial Hall Better
  In our attempt to create the best site possible we've added a user survey. Please take a couple of moments to fill it out. We appreciate your input.
Historical Documents
  While our document collection only contains the Declaration of Independence, we hope to add other documents in the near future and to provide each document's historical background.


Designed and Edited by John Vinci
Last modified Auguest 21, 2008

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