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Multiparameter: GEOSAT Altimeter Geophysical Parameters Colocated with NDBC buoy data (Glazman)



Product 012

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Data Set Guide N/A N/A 1986 1988 Ship Irregular N.Atlantic


Source/sensor: National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Geosat Altimeter

Coverage: 1986-1988, global

Abstract: The data product "Geosat altimeter geophysical parameters colocated with NOAA/NDBC buoy data" is an oceanographic data set. The data cover three years (1986-1988) and are located at data points determined by buoy locations in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. The data consist of selected Geosat altimeter measurements collocated with measurements from 22 buoys at fixed locations. Measurements derived from Geosat consist of the radar cross section, wind speed based on the algorithm by Brown (1981), and significant wave height. Measurements from the buoys consist of wave spectra, significant wave height, wave period, wind speed, sea and air temperatures and atmospheric pressure. The data consist of three 2-dimensional arrays. The Geosat data is collocated with the buoys in time and space. The maximum distance between a satellite footprint and a buoy is 0.5 degrees longitude. The time difference between a satellite overflight and a buoy data is less than one hour. The collocated data sets were compiled in 1990-1991 by Roman Glazman and Stuart Pilorz at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. The data is available via FTP or on magnetic tape.

Data Set Volume: Approximately 140 MB

Smallest order: Entire data set unless accessed via FTP

Comments: None

Data/Media Format:

Media Type 
9-Track 8mm(8500) 3480 Electr Trsfr

Media Format 	
VMS Backup     X      X          X  Yes see Notes
ANSI labeled   X      X          X     
Unlabeled      X      X          X
LINUX Tar             X                   

These data are also available via anonymous FTP to in the pub/data_collections/geosat_ndbc directory.


a) Glazman, R. E., "Statistical Problems of Wind-Generated Gravity Waves Arising in Microwave Remote Sensing of Surface Winds," IEEE Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 29, 1, 1991, pp. 135-142.

(b) Glazman, R. E., and S. H. Pilorz, "Effects of Sea Maturity on Satellite Altimeter Measurements," Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, C3, 1990, pp. 2857-2870. Logo Privacy/Copyright NASA Logo User Services:
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