Class CAPv2SoapBindingSkeleton

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.rmi.Remote, org.apache.axis.wsdl.Skeleton, CAPv2

public class CAPv2SoapBindingSkeleton
extends java.lang.Object
implements CAPv2, org.apache.axis.wsdl.Skeleton

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static java.util.logging.Logger log
Constructor Summary
CAPv2SoapBindingSkeleton(CAPv2 impl)
Method Summary
 org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert getCAPAlert(java.lang.String in0)
          Gets the Alert that corresponds to this identifier.
 org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert[] getCAPAlerts(java.util.Calendar in0)
          Gets all Alerts since the given date-time, exclusive.
 org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert[] getCAPAlerts(java.lang.String[] in0)
          Gets all Alerts that are visible to the user that match ALL of the given search terms.
 org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] getCogs()
 org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG getMyCog()
static java.util.List getOperationDescByName(java.lang.String methodName)
          Returns List of OperationDesc objects with this name
static java.util.Collection getOperationDescs()
          Returns Collection of OperationDescs
 java.util.Calendar getServerTime()
          Retrieves the current time on the server; useful for time-synching to ensure that getCAPAlerts(time) is accurate.
 java.lang.String ping()
 void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0)
          Posts this Alert globally across the system.
 void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0, org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.CAPAttachmentDescriptor[] in1)
          This method is identitical to postCAPAlert(Alert), but also includes attachments.
 void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0, org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] in1)
          Posts this Alert to the specified list of COGs.
 void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0, org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] in1, org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.CAPAttachmentDescriptor[] in2)
          This is identitical to postCAPAlert(alert, mailList), above, but also includes attachments.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static java.util.logging.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public CAPv2SoapBindingSkeleton()


public CAPv2SoapBindingSkeleton(CAPv2 impl)
Method Detail


public static java.util.List getOperationDescByName(java.lang.String methodName)
Returns List of OperationDesc objects with this name


public static java.util.Collection getOperationDescs()
Returns Collection of OperationDescs


public org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert getCAPAlert(java.lang.String in0)
                                                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Gets the Alert that corresponds to this identifier. Since the CAP identifier is unique only for a particular sender, to retrieve a particular CAP alert, concatenate the CAP sender, a colon, and the CAP identifier to use as the "messageid". For example: Any leading or trailing white space will be removed. If the "messageid" does not correspond to a CAP Alert in the DMIS system, an error will be returned.

Specified by:
getCAPAlert in interface CAPv2
in0 - (cap sender):(cap identifier)
Alert that corresponds to this identifier.
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred


public org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert[] getCAPAlerts(java.lang.String[] in0)
                                                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Gets all Alerts that are visible to the user that match ALL of the given search terms. Search terms are sent in as an array of strings in the form: method=search string The currently available method is "xpath"; however geospatial searches are coming soon. So, for example, to use an XPath query to search for all alerts with an "identifier" field that is equal to "id5", then include the following string in the searchTerms array: xpath=/alert[identifier="id5"] Details on XPath: For more information on XPath, see NOTE that the DMI-Services XPath support is not yet complete; all basic functions are supported but some functions are not yet implemented. If you run into something that is not supported and you would like it to be, please let us know and we will try to help.

Specified by:
getCAPAlerts in interface CAPv2
All Alerts matching all of the search terms.
RemoteException - if there is some error


public org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert[] getCAPAlerts(java.util.Calendar in0)
                                                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Gets all Alerts since the given date-time, exclusive. This includes Alerts that have been posted directly to the caller's COG as well as those that have been posted globally. The Alerts are returned in chronological order, from newest to oldest. If the date is in the future or otherwise invalid, an error is returned. If there are no alerts since that date-time, an empty list is returned.

Specified by:
getCAPAlerts in interface CAPv2
in0 - a date-time cutoff for retrieving posted events. This value is being compared to the sent field of the Alert message.
An array of alerts since the given date-time.
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred


public java.util.Calendar getServerTime()
                                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Retrieves the current time on the server; useful for time-synching to ensure that getCAPAlerts(time) is accurate. Note that current server time is also returned as a SOAP header with each request; this method is here only for convenience.

Specified by:
getServerTime in interface CAPv2
current server time.


public void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0,
                         org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.CAPAttachmentDescriptor[] in1)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
This method is identitical to postCAPAlert(Alert), but also includes attachments. These attachments are ways to include resources pertinent to the alert that will be hosted on DMI-Services servers and accessible to all recipients of the alert (via a URL in a "resource" block). These attachments are included in the message, following the SOAP with Attachments specification (most toolkits have methods to deal with adding attachments; see your toolkit documentation for details). The CAPAttachmentDescriptor object contains information identifying the "info" block that the attachment corresponds to; see the CAPAttachmentDescriptor for details on these fields. The object also contains information describing the attachment, and optionally a SHA-1 digest that will be checked by DMI-Services to ensure no transport errors. The attachments will be handled in DMIS in the following manner: DMIS will pull the attachments from the message and store them on the DMI-Services servers. DMIS will assume that the first CAPAttachmentDescriptor object corresponds to the first attachment, and so on; if there are an uneven number of attachments and CAPAttachmentDescriptors, it will throw an error. DMIS will check each attachment against the digest provided in the corresponding CAPAttachmentDescriptor (if any); if there is a mismatch it will assume that an error occured in transmission and will throw an error. For each attachment, DMIS will add a resource block to the info block described in the CAPAttachmentDescriptor (existing resource blocks will not be affected). It will populate the resource block with data from the CAPAttachmentDescriptor object. It will also fill in the message digest, if it was not specified in the CAPAttachmentDescriptor, and it will fill in the size value. It will fill in the URL value with the URL that a recipient of the alert can use to view/retrieve the resource (using HTTPS). The alert, with the new resource block, will then be posted as usual.

Specified by:
postCAPAlert in interface CAPv2
in1 - Descriptions of the attachments that are added to this message via the SOAP with Attachments specification. These must correspond, one-to-one, with attachments in this message. The first attachment descriptor in the array describes the first attachment in the message, and so on.
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred
See Also:


public void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0,
                         org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] in1)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Posts this Alert to the specified list of COGs. Once posted, the Alert will be accessible to users of any of the COGs on that list, as well as the sender's COG. This is semantically identical to using CAPv2.postCAPAlert(Alert) with COG ids specified in the address field as described above. This method will ignore the address and scope fields of the Alert and post it only to the COGs specified in the array of SimpleCOG objects supplied. If any of the COGs specified in the COG array are invalid, an error will be returned and no posting will take place. The same is true if there are duplicates in the COG array, or if the sender's COG is specified in the COG array. This method does not return anything; if no error is returned then the posting has succeeded.

Specified by:
postCAPAlert in interface CAPv2
in0 - Alert to be posted.
in1 - Array of SimpleCOGs to receive the alert.
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred


public void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
Posts this Alert globally across the system. Once posted, the Alert will be accessible by users of all COGs (including the sender's) via the "getCAPAlert" methods, with the following exception: If the value of the Alert's Alert.scope field is "Private" and the org.cmis.interopserver.beans.cap.Alert#address field contains a space-delimited series COGs in the form "COGx" where x is a valid COG (for example, COG1737 COG1000 COG2) then the Alert will be posted to only those specified COGs. If any of the COG ids are invalid, an error will be returned and no posting will take place. In any other case, the Alert will be posted globally across the DMIS system (to all COGs). This method does not return anything; if no error is returned then the posting has succeeded.

Specified by:
postCAPAlert in interface CAPv2
in0 - Alert to be posted.
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred


public void postCAPAlert(org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.Alert in0,
                         org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] in1,
                         org.cmis.interopserver.beans.capv2.CAPAttachmentDescriptor[] in2)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from interface: CAPv2
This is identitical to postCAPAlert(alert, mailList), above, but also includes attachments. These attachments are ways to include resources pertinent to the alert that will be hosted on DMI-Services servers and accessible to all recipients of the alert (via a URL in a "resource" block). These attachments are included in the message, following the SOAP with Attachments specification (most toolkits have methods to deal with adding attachments; see your toolkit documentation for details). The CAPAttachmentDescriptor object contains information identifying the "info" block that the attachment corresponds to; see the CAPAttachmentDescriptor for details on these fields. The object also contains information describing the attachment, and optionally a SHA-1 digest that will be checked by DMI-Services to ensure no transport errors. The attachments will be handled in DMIS in the following manner: DMIS will pull the attachments from the message and store them on the DMI-Services servers. DMIS will assume that the first CAPAttachmentDescriptor object corresponds to the first attachment, and so on; if there are an uneven number of attachments and CAPAttachmentDescriptors, it will throw an error. DMIS will check each attachment against the digest provided in the corresponding CAPAttachmentDescriptor (if any); if there is a mismatch it will assume that an error occured in transmission and will throw an error. For each attachment, DMIS will add a resource block to the info block described in the CAPAttachmentDescriptor (existing resource blocks will not be affected). It will populate the resource block with data from the CAPAttachmentDescriptor object. It will also fill in the message digest, if it was not specified in the CAPAttachmentDescriptor, and it will fill in the size value. It will fill in the URL value with the URL that a recipient of the alert can use to view/retrieve the resource (using HTTPS). The alert, with the new resource block, will then be posted as usual; see postCAPAlert(alert, mailList) for details.

Specified by:
postCAPAlert in interface CAPv2
java.rmi.RemoteException - A remote exception occurred
See Also:


public org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG[] getCogs()
                                                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Specified by:
getCogs in interface CAPv2


public org.cmis.interopserver.beans.SimpleCOG getMyCog()
                                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Specified by:
getMyCog in interface CAPv2


public java.lang.String ping()
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Specified by:
ping in interface CAPv2