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The AgSTAR Program
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Upcoming Events

Waste to Energy Workshop: Advances and Opportunities in Ohio's Livestock and Food Processing Industries
April 7, 2009
Wooster, Ohio
Workshop topics include technologies and experiences in anaerobic digestion of livestock manure and food processing wastes, interconnection with local utilities, biogas clean-up and direct use, energy recovery from landfill gas, and state and federal financial incentives. The event organizers include the Ohio Department of Development's Ohio Energy Office, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and the Midwest Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Application Center.

BioCycle Annual Conference
April 27-30, 2009
San Diego, California
BioCycle is celebrating its 50th year of providing information about composting, organic recycling, and renewable energy. At this year's conference, they have organized training workshops, conference sessions, and a trade show. Anaerobic digesters are listed multiple times on the agenda. If you wish to meet with AgSTAR during this event, please contact Chris Voell ( at 202-343-9406.

Biomass Conference and Expo
April 28-30, 2009
Portland, Oregon
BBI International is organizing six program tracks, with anaerobic digestion as one of the topics on the agenda. The event is designed to foster public and private partnerships that help bioenergy producers identify and assess available production resources and viable technology solutions for improving operational efficiencies and reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions.

Commercial Use of Non-Traditional Methane Resources
May 26-27, 2009
Moscow, Russia
In conjunction with the 6th International Exhibition Trade Fair "WasteTech-2009," a conference has been developed to discuss reduction strategies, utilization, and experiences of projects that have used methane from agriculture, landfills, coal beds, and oil and gas systems for energy production. AgSTAR will be supporting the Methane to Markets Partnership at the event.

World Pork Expo
June 3-5, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
Boasting an attendance of almost 18,000 last year, the National Pork Producers Council bill this event as a must for the professional pork producer. The event allows producers the chance to learn about the science, products, and partnerships that will improve farm economics and have a positive impact on the industry. If you wish to meet with AgSTAR during this event, please contact Chris Voell ( at 202-343-9406.

2009 National Biomethane Summit
June 23, 3009
Sacramento, California
Hosted by the California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership, this event includes the latest information, applications, success stories, and technology in the fields of: dairy waste methane recovery, landfill gas-powered vehicles, wastewater processing plants, greenhouse gas emission reductions, and other sources of renewable natural gas.

Wisconsin Farm Technology Days
July 21-23, 2009
Waterloo, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is one of the state's largest outdoor agricultural shows and will be held at Crave Brothers Farm. As part of the farm tours being offered during the event, attendees can learn about the farm's anaerobic digester system.

AgSTAR: Past Events

2009 AgSTAR National Conference
February 24-25, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland

NW Digester Workshop
November 18, 2008
Sunnyside, Washington

NC Swine Manure Workshop
September 18, 2008
Clinton, North Carolina

2007 AgSTAR National Conference
November 27-28, 2007
Sacramento, California

Methane to Markets Partnership Expo
October 30-November 1, 2007
Beijing, China
The Methane to Markets Partnership Expo, held October 30-November 1, 2007, was the first international forum promoting methane recovery and use project opportunities and technologies.

2006 AgSTAR National Conference
April 25-26, 2006
Madison, Wisconsin

Farm Tour and Program: Castelanelli Bros. Dairy Digester System
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
401 W. Armstrong Road
Lodi, CA 95242

A one-day tour of the Castelanelli Bros. Dairy covered lagoon digester in Lodi, California. These systems were designed for dairy farms that handle flush manure from feedlanes or freestalls. The event was free. Complete details of the tour can be found in the invitation brochure (PDF, 2 pp, 422 KB, About PDF) and the agenda (PDF, 1 p., 82 KB).

2004 AgSTAR National Conference
March 24-25, 2004
St. Louis, Missouri

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