FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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CFSAN/Office of Plant and Dairy Foods and Beverages
July 1999; Updated June 2003 and September 2004

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Total Diet Study


Structure of Elemental Analyses Files

Note: Only records for analysis type "O" (original) should be used when reviewing or using the analytical results. All other records (analysis type "Q") are quality control results.

Field Order Field Name Field Description
1 MB Total Diet Study market basket designation represented by a 6-digit number. The first 4 digests indicate the US government's fiscal year in which the market basket was collected and the last 2 digits indicate the sequence collected within the fiscal year.
2 Food No Number designation of a Total Diet Study food. Field is blank for samples that are not Total Diet Study foods.
3 Food Name Name of the Total Diet Study food. Field is blank for samples that are not Total Diet Study foods.
4 Anal Type Analysis type.
  • O = Total Diet Study food original analysis
  • Q = Total Diet Study quality control analysis
5 Sample Qualifier Codes used to provide additional definition of the type of sample.
  • RAP = Replicate analytical portion
  • UAP = Unfortified analytical portion
  • FAP = Fortified analytical portion
  • FAS = Fortified analytical solution
  • MBK = Method blank
  • FMB = Fortified method blank
  • RM = Reference material
  • OTH = Undefined sample qualifier not listed.
6 Replicate # Indicates replicate number if more than one analysis performed. Replicates other than Anal Type=O reported with Anal Type=Q.
7 Element Full name of the element determined.
8 Conc Concentration of element found in analytical sample.
9 Unit Unit of value in Conc, LOD, and LOQ fields.
10 Trace Contains 'TR' if the value in Conc field is greater than or equal to the limit of detection and less than the limit of quantification. Applicable to Total Diet Study foods and reference materials.
11 LOD Limit of detection for element in Total Diet Study food or reference material.
12 LOQ Limit of quantification for element in Total Diet Study food or reference material.
13 Reference Material Code for reference material when Sample Qualifier = RM.
14 QC Level Concentration of the element associated with the quality control analysis (Anal Type = Q).
15 QC unit Unit of value in QC Level field.
16 QC% Recvd Percent recovery of element associated with quality control analysis (Anal Type = Q) if applicable.
17 Result Qualifier and Remarks Result qualifier and any associated remark.
  • NC = Not certified
  • NFE = Not fortified with this element
  • OTH = Other
18 Method Reference to document describing analytical method.
19 Instrument Abbreviation of analytical instrument used to determine element.
  • GFAAS = Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
  • HGAAS = Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
  • CVAAS = Cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry
  • ICPAES = Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
20 Batch ID Analytical batch identification

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