U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Office of Seafood
May 2001

For current information, see the March 2004 advisory
What You Need To Know About Mercury In Fish And Shellfish (March 19, 2004)

References: Consumer Advisory on
Methylmercury in Commercial Seafood

This section contains documents FDA considered in making its decision on the revised methylmercury advisory, which was issued in January 2001 and reissued in March 2001 with a clarification added.
FDA Methylmercury Advisory
Commissioner's Meeting with Background  |  Focus Group Testing
NAS, Other Methylmercury Studies and Data
Stakeholders Meetings, Correspondence
2001 Appropriations Conference Report  |  Congressional Correspondence
Related Documents Since February 2001

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FDA Methylmercury Advisory

  1. Revised FDA Consumer Advisory, "An Important Message for Pregnant Women and Women of Childbearing Age Who May Become Pregnant About the Risks of Mercury in Fish," March 2001. (available in PDF)

  2. FDA Office of Seafood, "Mercury Levels in Seafood Species," May 2001. (available in PDF)

  3. FDA Consumer Advisory: "An Important Message for Pregnant Women and Women of Childbearing Age Who May Become Pregnant About the Risks of Mercury in Fish," with accompanying "Dear Colleague" letter from CFSAN Director Joseph A. Levitt, January 2001. (available in PDF)

  4. FDA "Rationale for Issuance of Revised Advisory on Methylmercury and Fish Consumption," February 2001. (available in PDF)

  5. FDA Talk Paper: "FDA Announces Advisory on Methylmercury in Fish," January 12, 2001. (available in PDF)

  6. Education Plan on Methylmercury Advisory, November 21, 2000. (available in PDF)

  7. FDA Consumer article: "Mercury in Fish: Cause for Concern?" September 1994, Revised May 1995. (available in PDF)

  8. FDA Consumer article excerpt: "Is Mercury in Fish a Safety Concern?," from complete article revised May 1995. (available in PDF)

Commissioner's Meeting with Background

  1. Office of the Commissioner Meeting Executive Summary with background information, November 14, 2000. (available in PDF, 924 Kb)

Focus Group Testing

  1. Focus Group Testing Report to Interagency Working Group on Mercury Communications, October 23, 2000. (available in PDF)

  2. Focus Group Testing Information, including various consumer messages from which tested portions were excerpted. (available in PDF, 2,337 Kb)

NAS, Other Methylmercury Studies and Data

  1. Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council (NCR), Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 2000. (Available on the Internet at www.nap.edu/books/0309071402/html/) (available in PDF)

  2. D.C. Bellinger, M. Bolger, C. Carrington, E. DeWailly, L.P.A. Magos and B. Petersen, WHO Food Additives Series: 44, Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, "Methylmercury," 2000. (Available through the WHO Publications Center). (available in PDF)

  3. List of members, 55th Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, June 6-15, 2000. (available in PDF)

  4. EPA, Methylmercury Study Report to Congress, December 1997. (Available on the Internet at www.epa.gov/ttnatw01/112nmerc/mercury.html). (available in PDF)

  5. ATSDR Key Communications Points, April 19, 1999. (available in PDF)

  6. ATSDR Q's and A's Supplement to Key Communication Points, April 19, 1999. (available in PDF, 1,236 Kb )

  7. Table: "Uncooked Fish Consumption Estimates, U.S. Population - Mean Consumption by Species within Habitat" based on 1994-1998 USDA data. (available in PDF)

  8. Florida methylmercury analyses of retail fish samples, January 17, 2001 (available in PDF)

Stakeholders Meetings, Correspondence

  1. "Planned Meetings on Methylmercury" draft list. (available in PDF)

  2. "FDA Questions on Methylmercury" (questions to guide meeting discussions) (available in PDF)

  3. CFSAN Memorandum of Meeting with fish industry on methylmercury, September 25, 2000. (available in PDF)

  4. Letter, with attached paper, concerning issues related to methylmercury, addressed to CFSAN Director Joseph A. Levitt, from John R. Cady, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Food Processors Association, September 25, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,554 Kb)

  5. "Dear Colleague" letters of invitation to meetings on consumer exposure to methylmercury in commercial fish, from CFSAN Director Joseph A. Levitt, October 17, 2000. (available in PDF)

  6. Letter, with attached statement, regarding the issuance of a new consumer guidance on methylmercury in fish, addressed to CFSAN Director Joseph A. Levitt, from U.S. Tuna Foundation, October 31, 2000. (available in PDF)

  7. Report on "Estimated Usual Intake of Fish and Mercury from Fish by U.S. Women Age 15-44," prepared for the U.S. Tuna Foundation by ENVIRON International Corporation, November 1, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,656 Kb)

  8. Report on "Estimated Usual Intake of Canned Tuna by U.S. Women Age 15-44," prepared for the U.S. Tuna Foundation by ENVIRON International Corporation, November 9, 2000. (available in PDF)

  9. Letter concerning consumer guidelines on methylmercury in fish, addressed to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from John Cady, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Food Processors Association, Richard Gutting, President, National Fisheries Institute, and David Burney, Executive Director, United States Tuna Foundation, October 23, 2000. (available in PDF)

  10. Memorandum of meeting with National Fisheries Institute on methylmercury, October 20, 2000. (available in PDF)

  11. Overheads from National Academy of Sciences presentation on methylmercury, October 4, 2000. (available in PDF, 2,916 Kb)

  12. Letter requesting clarification on issues relating to Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury report, addressed to Robert A. Goyer, Chair of National Research Council Committee on Toxicological Effects of Mercury, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, November 9, 2000. (available in PDF)

  13. Letter of clarification regarding Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury report, addressed to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from Dr. Robert Goyer, Chair, Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Mercury, December 1, 2000. (available in PDF)

  14. FDA Notes from meeting with American Academy of Pediatrics, October 25, 2000. (available in PDF)

  15. Response to FDA "Questions on Methylmercury in Fish," from the American Dietetic Association, November 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  16. FDA Memorandum of Meeting with fish industry on methylmercury, November 6, 2000. (available in PDF)

  17. "Review of Mercury in Seafood" report by the U.S. Tuna Industry, November 6, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,530 Kb)

  18. "Re-evaluation of the NRC Methylmercury Committee Estimates of 'Over 60,000 Newborns...at Risk' Annually from Fish Consumption" report prepared for the National Food Processors Association by Murray and Associates, November 6, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,578 Kb)

  19. Overheads of November 6, 2000, "Re-evaluation of the NRC Methylmercury Committee Estimate" presentation by Murray and Associates at meeting with National Food Processors Association. (available in PDF)

  20. Letter regarding methylmercury concerns, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, Harvard School of Public Health, November 1, 2000. (available in PDF)

  21. FDA Memorandum of Meeting with consumer groups on methylmercury, November 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  22. Consumer and women's health groups' agenda for meeting with FDA, November 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  23. Letter regarding setting a regulatory limit for methylmercury in seafood, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Center for Science in the Public Interest, July 17, 2000. (available in PDF)

  24. Letter regarding methylmercury issues, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from the Mercury Policy Project, November 6, 2000. (available in PDF)

  25. Correspondence regarding methylmercury and state health counterparts, between Michael Bender, Mercury Policy Project, and FDA Food Safety Initiative Staff Acting Director Louis J. Carson, November 14, 2000. (available in PDF)

  26. Letter proposing FDA actions on methylmercury, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Michael Gochfeld, Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, November 6, 2000. (available in PDF)

  27. Letter of response to Michael Gochfeld, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, December 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  28. Letter regarding consumer guidance on methylmercury, to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families, November 16, 2000. (available in PDF)

  29. Letter of thanks for participation in November 8, 2000 meeting on methylmercury in fish, to Diana Zuckerman and Patricia Lieberman, National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, November 28, 2000. (available in PDF)

  30. Letter reiterating suggested FDA actions on methylmercury, to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from Center for Science in the Public Interest, November 21, 2000. (available in PDF)

  31. Letter of thanks for participation in November 8, 2000, meeting on methylmercury, to Caroline Smith DeWaal, Center for Science in the Public Interest, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, November 28, 2000. (available in PDF)

  32. Letter addressing FDA's six questions on methylmercury, to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from American Public Health Association, November 21, 2000. (available in PDF)

  33. Letter of thanks for participation in November 8, 2000, meeting on methylmercury, to Sarah A. Lister, American Public Health Association, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, December 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  34. Letter regarding the FDA's seafood consumption advisory, to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from the Mercury Policy Project, January 11, 2001. (available in PDF)

  35. Note of FDA meeting on methylmercury with Seychelles study investigator, November 9, 2000. (available in PDF)

  36. Note of FDA meeting with EPA on methylmercury, November 20, 2000. (available in PDF)

  37. EPA "Response to National Food Processors Association Analysis of 'At-Risk' Children from Mercury," November 17, 2000. (available in PDF)

  38. FDA Memorandum of meeting with U.S. Tuna Foundation's David Burney on methylmercury, November 22, 2000. (available in PDF)

  39. Letter with attachments -- "Impact of Mercury Statement on Seafood/Tuna Consumption," "Revising Methylmercury Fish Advisories," and "Draft Interim Advisory" -- to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from U.S. Tuna Foundation, December 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  40. FDA Memorandum of Conference Call on methylmercury with Canadian health agencies, December 6, 2000. (available in PDF)

  41. FDA Notes of Conference Call with 10 states on methylmercury, December 8, 2000. (available in PDF)

  42. E-mail Correspondence regarding state health organizations interested in methylmercury, to FDA Food Safety Initiative Staff Acting Director Louis Carson,, from Michael Bender, Mercury Policy Project, November 15, 2000. (available in PDF)

  43. "Review of Mercury in the Environment (Its Occurrence in Marine Fish)" report, by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, November 1, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,778 Kb)

  44. E-mail response to publication of methylmercury fish advisory from NRC Committee Chair Robert Goyer to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, January 16, 2001. (available in PDF)

  45. E-mail letter regarding FDA's consumer advisory on methylmercury in commercial fish sent to Heinz Wilms, Food Safety Initiative Staff, from Michael Gochfeld, Chair, New Jersey Mercury Task Force, January 17, 2001. (available in PDF)

  46. E-mail letter, "The Australia New Zealand Food Authority Issues Advisory Statement on Mercury in Fish for Pregnant Women," to CFSAN's Charles Cooper and others, from Marilyn Veek, January 19, 2001. (available in PDF)

  47. Letter requesting meeting to discuss the FDA's revised advisory on methylmercury in fish, to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from National Fisheries Institute President, January 22, 2001. (available in PDF)

2001 Appropriations Conference Report

  1. 106th Congress, 2nd Session, House of Representatives, Report 106-1033, "Making Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2001," Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 4577, December 15, 2000. (available in PDF)

Congressional Correspondence

  1. Letter of inquiry regarding the risk posed to consumers by mercury-contaminated foods, to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from Senators Patrick Leahy and Thomas Harkin, October 7, 1999. (available in PDF)

  2. Letter of response to October 7, 1999, inquiry regarding the risk posed to consumers by mercury-contaminated foods, to Senator Leahy, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda K. Plaisier, February 15, 2000. (available in PDF, 1,107 Kb)

  3. Letter regarding human methylmercury exposure, to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from Senators Patrick Leahy and Thomas Harkin, August 15, 2000. (available in PDF)

  4. Letter regarding the revision of the consumer advisory on methylmercury in commercial seafood, to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from Senators Patrick Leahy and Thomas Harkin, January 11, 2001. (available in PDF)

  5. Letters responding to August 15, 2000, and January 11, 2001, letters from Senators Leahy and Harkin regarding methylmercury, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda K. Plaisier, February 7, 2001. (available in PDF, 1,076 Kb)

  6. Letter, with attached constituent inquiry, regarding the presence of mercury in fish, to Diane Thompson, Good Contact:IND/Drug Approval, from Senator Diane Feinstein, September 27, 2000. (available in PDF)

  7. Letter responding to constituent inquiry regarding methylmercury in seafood, to Senator Diane Feinstein, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda Plaisier, December 21, 2000. (available in PDF)

  8. Letter regarding the revision of the consumer advisory on methylmercury in commercial seafood, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Senator Trent Lott and several colleagues, November 30, 2000. (available in PDF)

  9. Responses to November 30, 2000, letter from Senator Trent Lott and several colleagues, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda Plaisier, January 31, 2000. (available in PDF, 2,487 Kb)

  10. Letter regarding re-assessment of consumer guidance for methylmercury in fish addressed to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from Senator John Breaux and several colleagues, September 15, 2000. (available in PDF)

  11. Letters of response to September 15, 2000, letter from Senator Breaux and several colleagues, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda Plaisier, January 31, 2001 (available in PDF, 2,506 Kb)

  12. Letter regarding re-assessment of consumer guidance for methylmercury in fish, to HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, from Senator Patty Murray, September 18, 2000. (available in PDF)

  13. Response to September 18, 2000, and November 30, 2000, letters from Senator Patty Murray, from HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, January 31, 2000. (available in PDF)

  14. Letter regarding re-assessment of consumer guidance for methylmercury in fish, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Representative William Coyne , December 7, 2000. (available in PDF)

  15. Response to December 7, 2000, letter from Representative William Coyne, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda Plaisier, January 31, 2001. (available in PDF)

  16. Letter regarding re-assessment of consumer guidance for methylmercury in fish, to FDA Commissioner Jane Henney, from Senator George Voinovich, December 19, 2000. (available in PDF)

  17. Response to December 19, 2000 letter from Senator George Voinovich, from FDA Associate Commissioner for Legislation Melinda Plaisier, January 31, 2001. (available in PDF)

Related Documents Since February 2001

  1. Letter containing comments and questions on methylmercury advisory, from North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, to Betsy Southerland, Director of EPA's Standards and Health Protection Division and Bernard Schwetz, FDA's Acting Principal Deputy Commissioner, February 7, 2001. (available in PDF)

  2. Response to February 7, 2001, letter from North Carolina, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, April 6, 2001. (available in PDF)

  3. Letter containing proposed revision to FDA's methylmercury advisory, to Janice Adair, Director of State of Alaska Division of Environmental Health, from CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, March 2, 2001. (available in PDF)

  4. Letter concurring with proposed revision to FDA's methylmercury advisory, to CFSAN Director Joseph Levitt, from Janice Adair, Director of State of Alaska Division of Environmental Health, March 6, 2001. (available in PDF)

Consumer Advisory on Methylmercury in Commercial Seafood
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