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ETA News Release: [July 17, 2008]
Contact Name:
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Jennifer Kaplan
Terry Shawn
 U.S. Department of Labor presents 2008
 Recognition of Excellence awards

NEW ORLEANS – Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Brent R. Orrell this week presented the fifth annual Recognition of Excellence awards in New Orleans during the 2008 Workforce Innovations Conference. The awards recognize talent development programs from around the nation that have achieved outstanding success. This year’s top honorees are from West Memphis, Ark.; West Palm Beach, Fla.; Chicago, Ill.; Minneapolis, Minn.; and Seattle/King County, Wash.

The Workforce Innovations conference offers opportunities for representatives from all levels of government, private sector workforce and economic development officials, and educators to collaborate on workforce issues.

“Each of this year’s honorees has proven its ability to collaborate with others and excel in delivering better opportunities for workers,” said Orrell. “Their exceptional results are examples for others to apply to their own talent development strategies.”

The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration 2008 Recognition of Excellence awardees competed in five categories:

The “Educating America’s Workforce to Serve Emerging Industries” category recognizes programs, projects and initiatives that educate and prepare workers for jobs in emerging fields.

Honorees in the “Building a Regionally Focused Workforce Strategy” category are recognized for meeting the needs of workers, businesses, employers and job seekers through regional collaboration.

The “Leveraging the Power of Partnerships” category recognizes programs, projects and initiatives that demonstrate sustained partnerships among workforce development organizations, businesses, the K-12 education system, community organizations, four-year and community colleges, and other groups.

“Tapping the Talents of Special Populations in the Workforce” honors programs that provide effective employment services to populations with barriers to employment. These include people with disabilities, older workers, military spouses, individuals with limited English proficiency, ex-offenders and others.

“Connecting America’s Youth to the Workforce” recognizes programs that actively collaborate with the K-12 education system, community colleges, and other partners to prepare youth for careers and help young people overcome barriers to employment.

Editor’s Note:
A complete list of honorees and honorable mentions follows this news release.


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Created: July 22, 2008
Updated: January 13, 2009