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ETA News Release: [May 14, 2008]
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Jennifer Kaplan
Terry Shawn
 U.S. Department of Labor announces $49.5 million competition to  enhance education and career opportunities in high schools
 Six school districts called upon to compete for funding

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $49.5 million limited competition to enhance education and career opportunities in troubled high schools.  The competition, announced in today’s Federal Register, calls on six school districts to offer proposals that incorporate education, mentoring and employment programs as part of broader efforts to combat low educational achievement and joblessness. Faith and community-based organizations working with the districts are also eligible to apply.  

Among its features, this competition focuses on enhancing learning opportunities for 9th graders and implementing internships that provide career experience for high school juniors and seniors. Mentoring, led by community-based organizations, will be available in various forms for each class.

Through partnerships with local major corporations, high schools will place students in internships that allow them to earn wages and learn the skills needed to enter a particular field. Schools will work closely with regional workforce investment boards and other members of the workforce system to forge business connections and provide students with meaningful work.

Applications must demonstrate how mentoring programs will be implemented; develop new educational strategies designed to decrease dropout rates and reduce school violence; and devise strategies to improve overall student behavior and performance.

The six districts eligible for this effort are in Baltimore City, Md.; Berkshire Farms, N.Y; New York City, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Puerto Rico; and Salem-Keizer, Ore. This competition will close on June 11, 2008.

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Created: May 15, 2008
Updated: January 13, 2009