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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Students Recognized for Knowledge of Their World

Nixon Docents host 15th annual Geography Awards


El Dorado HS Grad and four-time Olympic gold medalist swimmer, Janet Evans, delivers an encouraging speech about commitment, determination and acheivment.

Tuffree Middle School student recieves his gold medallion and certificate from a Nixon Library Docent for his outstanding achievement on the test

April 10, 2009 

    Four-time Olympic gold medal swimmer Janet Evans congratulated local 7th graders who won awards for their knowledge of the world, and urged them to step up to being champions, not just winners.
    "Don't just work for instant gratification, work for the future reward of being a champion," Evans, an Orange County resident, told more than 800 attentive and enthusiastic students, faculty, administrators and parents who packed the East Room on April 7 for the Nixon Library Docent Guild's 15th annual Student Geography Awards. 
    "Swimming took me around the world," said Evans as she traced her journey to success from practicing 12 hours a day at the Fullerton Y  as a 99-pound school girl, to competing in her third Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 where she carried the torch in the opening ceremonies.  "Champions inspire and encourage others to believe in themselves, and get out there to do their best," said Evans.  'I'm proud of all of you, and hope you'll strive to be champions." 
    The program started in 1994, the year of President Nixon's passing, and was inspired by his lifelong interest in foreign affairs.

    Congratulatory remarks were also offered by Bill Habermehl, Orange County Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Dennis Smith, Superintendent of the Placentia/Yorba Linda School District.

    Honor certificates and medallions were given to 300 students from ten schools in the Placentia/Yorba Linda School District including Travis Ranch, Kraemer, Bernardo Yorba, Tuffree, Yorba Linda, Valadez Academy, St. Francis of Assisi , St Joseph, Parkview and the Community Home Education Program.

    The worldly youngsters were recognized for their ability to accurately identify continents, countries, oceans, rivers, bays, islands and other natural features.   Members of the Richard Nixon Library Docent Guild geography committee, chaired by Lori Olsen, visited schools in February and March to administer the tests.   Of the nearly 1,800 participating students, 300 achieved perfect scores and won awards.   Nearly 8,000 students have received certificates in the program's 15 year history.  



Dewey Clower, former White House staffer, recounts the February Group founding 


LETTER FROM YORBA LINDA #67 | February 24, 2009 border

Nixon Staffers Gather in DC as "February Group" Meets Again

By Steve Bull, Former White House Personal Assistant to President Nixon

     On February 10th, 1975, approximately six months after President Nixon left office, former Nixon staff member Dewey Clower, who had become a prominent association trade executive after he left the White House, hosted a luncheon for a dozen or so of his former White House colleagues, with the idea being to preserve the friendships that had developed among the men and women who had worked together during the course of the Nixon Presidency. Later that year it was suggested that a similar gathering be organized for that group of people that “met back in February,” hence the name “February Group.” In response, Dewey organized a second function that served to transform the February Group into a semi-permanent organization that, over the next quarter-century, would grow to have a membership of nearly five-hundred men and women who had proudly served the thirty-seventh President of the United States. And thanks to Dewey, who served as its unofficial head and organized two or three gatherings per year for the next quarter century, the February Group thrived as a collection of politically active men and women, many of whom went on to serve in important positions in subsequent Republican administrations.  

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