First Ladies' Online Bibliography

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Welcome to the National First Ladies’ online bibliography. This is the only complete bibliography in existence including all of America’s First Ladies and is unique to the National First Ladies’ Library.  First Ladies’ scholar, historian and author : Carl Sferrazza Anthony compiled our core bibliography. Dr. Stacy Cordery, Associate Professor & Chair of the department of History at Monmouth College, updates the bibliography continually so it is always as current as possible.

Our bibliography includes books (biographies, autobiographies, juvenile, etc.), periodical articles, manuscripts, theses and papers, audio visual materials and other related materials such as play scripts. We attempt to be as complete as possible focusing on materials of substance and scholarly materials used by researchers. We do include juvenile materials and books authored by First Ladies.

To search our bibliographies select the name of the First Lady and the type of material. You may also search all materials for a specific First Lady.

Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are available in the library.

We also provide a separate list of periodicals in the library's possession in an spreadsheet available here: First Ladies' Periodicals

We are always seeking materials on our bibliography that we do not possess, specifically out of print books. If you would like to make a donation, please check the bibliography first do see if we all ready own the material. If we do not have the material in our collection please contact the library director who will be happy to assist you with your suggestion or donation.

For questions or comments, contact our library director: Martha Regula at 330-452-0876 Ex 303