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(University of Toronto English Library) 

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Major Research Projects and Centres Related to English Studies

Course Web Pages


Some courses use restricted Web sites, that is, they are unavailable to the public or the university community.

The Library's WebCT site lists, among undergraduate courses, ENG 120Y (Genre and Meaning); ENG 185Y (Introduction to the Study of Literature); Joaquin Kuhn's HUM 199Y, ENG 201Y (Reading Poetry) and ENG 269 (Writing at University); ENG 234H (Children's Literature); ENG 308Y (Romantic Poetry and Prose); and ENG 4430 (19th-cent. Religious Poetry). The graduate courses it lists are A. J. Bewell's ENG 4275Y (Romanticism and the Culture of Natural History), and C. Bolus-Reichert's ENG 4513F (Aestheticism and The Practice Of Every Day Life).

The School for Continuing Studies Prometheus System has Ian Lancashire's section of ENG 201Y (Reading Poetry).

Other Web Sites of Interest at the University of Toronto

UTEL [ History of English | English Composition | Literary Authors | Literary Works | Literary Criticism ]

This page last updated August 8, 2006.