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Jump Back in Time Reconstruction (1866-1877)
Cover of the Official program--Woman Suffrage Procession, Washington, D.C.
Women were still asking Burnham's question in 1913 at the Woman Suffrage Procession

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%%hunt_margin%% Carrie Burnham Argued for the Right to Vote
April 4, 1873

Can you imagine not being allowed to vote once you reach eighteen years of age? Because she was a woman in the 19th century, teacher and physician Carrie S. Burnham (later Kilgore) was denied that right. Burnham took her argument to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on April 4, 1873, asking this simple question: "Have women citizens the right of suffrage (to vote) under the Constitution of the United States and of this particular State of Pennsylvania?" She told the court that she believed a woman should have that right and presented a thoughtful case to support her argument. By this time, Burnham's protest had been going on for several years.
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