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Newest Branch Member
September 26, 2007
Dr. Ralph Kahn joined the Climate and Radiation Branch as a Senior Research Scientist on September 4, 2007. He comes to us from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, where he was a Senior Research Scientist and Aerosol Scientist for the NASA Earth Observing System's Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument. Full Story

MODIS Workshop held in Mexico City, August 27-29, 2007
September 18, 2007
Climate & Radiation Branch members Richard Kleidman and Roberto Borda Fernandez, accompanied by Mike MacDonald and Ewa Kwiatkowska of the Hydrospheric & Biospheric Science Laboratory traveled to Mexico City to deliver a training workshop on how to use MODIS data products. The course first offered locally in January of this year provides hands-on experience in accessing and using different types of software tools with MODIS data. Full Story

Aerocenter Seminar Series Begins September 18
September 18, 2007
The AeroCenter seminar series begins with a talk by Brent Holben on September 18, 2007. The Center of Excellence for Aerosol Research at Goddard (AeroCenter) began the Fall season with a seminar titled "Herding CATZ" that was delivered by Brent Holben, head of the AERONET group and member of the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics. The topic addressed an informal local field campaign (Calipso and Twilight Zone -- CATZ) held this summer on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Pennsylvannia and Virginia. Full Story

May 7, 2009 in Publications
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