The New York Times

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Last Update: 1:23 AM ET

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Commander’s Ouster Is Tied to Shift in Afghan War

The replacement of Gen. David D. McKiernan less than a year after he took over marks a major change in leadership in a worsening war environment.

News Analysis

Obama’s Push for Health Care Cuts Faces Daunting Odds

If history is a guide, the commitments of doctors, hospitals, drug makers and insurance companies may not produce their promised savings.

Journalist’s Release Shows Divide Among Iran’s Leaders

The release of an Iranian-American journalist underlines divisions within Iran’s leadership about how to respond to President Obama’s recent overtures, as Iranian elections loom.

Egyptians made their way to work through a neighborhood in Cairo.
Shawn Baldwin for The New York Times
Memo From Cairo

Egypt Prepares for Center Stage

President Obama’s decision to deliver a speech in Egypt, a once powerful and now frustrated ally, is fraught with perils. Above, pedestrians in Cairo.

We’re Dull, Small Banks Say, but Have Profits

Community banks have hardly suffered in the credit crisis, in part because the industry prefers its business to be boring — and safe.

Print Books Are Target of Pirates on the Web

E-reader technology is making it easier to obtain and distribute copyrighted material on the Web for free.

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Potential Justice Offers a Counterpoint in Chicago

Judge Diane P. Wood, who has served as a liberal counterweight to conservative judges on the court of appeals, ranks high on many Supreme Court short lists.

Photographs Pictures of the Day
Pictures of the Day

Afghan teenagers were hospitalized after a gas attack on a girls’ school.

Talk to the Newsroom
N.B.A. Reporter

Jonathan Abrams will answer questions from readers.

Op-Ed Columnist
Douthat: Faking Left

How do President Obama's stands on gay marriage and abortion fit into his plans to win the culture wars?

The New Forensics »

Plugging Holes
Plugging Holes in the Science

There has been a push in forensics for rigorous research.

Judging Honesty

How to identify clues in the accounts of liars.

A Hit, Maggots and All

Think kids dislike science? Forensics proves otherwise.

My Portfolios »

Classic-Car Auctions Turn on the Charm
Classic-Car Auctions Turn on the Charm

At an annual sale of vintage Ferraris, bidders will be able to sample some cars on the company’s test track.

Collectible Cars Photo Gallery & Event Calendar »

Submit photos and view and comment on other readers’ cars. Also, view and submit events to the Automotive Events Calendar.

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Nurses’ Supporting Role in Law and Order
Nurses’ Supporting Role in Law and Order

Nurses trained in forensics collect and analyze evidence, often working as consultants to lawyers.
