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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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July 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1

Human Health Impact and Regulatory Issues Involving Antimicrobial Resistance in the Food Animal Production Environment

Mohamed S. Nawaz, Bruce D. Erickson, Ashraf A. Khan, Saeed A. Khan
Jairaj V. Pothuluri, Fatemeh Rafii, John B. Sutherland, R. Doug Wagner, and Carl E. Cerniglia

Division of Microbiology
Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, Arkansas 72079


Reports of antibiotic-resistant bacteria isolated from farms and animal carcasses are raising concerns that antibiotic use in agriculture may play a role in selecting for antibiotic resistance among foodborne bacteria. Emergence of antimicrobial resistance is a very controversial issue. Some contend that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in agriculture creates a reservoir of resistant microorganisms in the environment that could infect humans through the food chain. Others contend that the abuse of antibiotics in human medicine may instead be largely responsible for the increase in antibiotic resistance. Animal drug industry representatives feel that there is not enough evidence to conclusively demonstrate a link between the use of antibiotics in food animals and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The research and regulatory issues on antimicrobials used in food-producing animals are of great importance to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This report will cover recent developments and describe some of the collaborative research (see Table 1 which follows this paragraph) that is being conducted in the Division of Microbiology at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR).

Table 1.  Research protocols in the Division of Microbiology concerned with antimicrobial resistance.

Protocol Description Principal Investigator
Validation of in vitro culture systems to measure the effects of antimicrobial compounds on the human intestinal microflora. Dr. Bruce D. Erickson
Studies on mechanism of fluoroquinolone resistant Salmonella spp. isolated from animal feeds (poultry), animal production and the development of molecular methods for screening the drug resistance genes. Dr. Ashraf Khan
Molecular screening methods for the determination of vancomycin resistance in selective competitive exclusion product bacteria. Dr. Saeed A. Khan
Studies on the fluoroquinolone resistance in Campylobacter sp. isolated from poultry. Dr. Mohamed S. Nawaz
Microbial degradation of drugs and feed additives used in fish farming (aquaculture). Dr. Jairaj V. Pothuluri
Mechanism of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from the human intestinal tract. Dr. Fatemeh Rafii
Microbial models for biotransformation of fluoroquinolones. Dr. John B. Sutherland
In vitro model and molecular analysis of competitive exclusion products. Dr. R. Doug Wagner



Antibiotics are the "miracle drugs" that are extensively used for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in humans and pets, as well as in food-producing livestock, poultry and fish. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 50 million pounds of antibiotics are produced in the United States alone each year, with roughly 40 percent used in agriculture. Antibiotics have greatly enhanced human life expectancy, reduced mortality, improved quality of life and almost won the war against many infectious diseases. However, to avoid possible extinction, the bacteria have adapted their own defenses against antibiotics (1). Thus, the development, proliferation, and persistence of antimicrobial resistance are major public health concerns (2). Furthermore, ingested antibiotics may affect the microbial dynamics of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the consumer. The resultant decrease or elimination of susceptible bacteria, or overgrowth by foreign microorganisms, may contribute to antimicrobial resistance within the human GI microflora (1).

Another trend that has contributed to the widespread prevalence of antimicrobial resistance is the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals (See Figure 1 which follows this paragraph). Antimicrobials are mixed in chicken and turkey feeds for the prevention and treatment of colibacillosis and staphylococcosis. They are also used for the treatment of mastitis and respiratory diseases of cattle. However, a significant percentage of antibiotics are used, not as therapeutics to treat infections, but in subtherapeutic concentrations as "antibiotic growth promoters" (AGP) (3-4). AGPs enhance meat production; however, they can also increase the prevalence of drug-resistant bacteria. Residues of some of these antibiotics are also known to linger in farm products (4-6). Very little is known about the effects of long-term exposure of humans to these residues.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the use of antimicrobials in human clinical and veterinary medicine. Adapted from reference 3.(28808 bytes)

From an environmental standpoint, the discharge of antibiotics and their metabolites in farm wastes could create a reservoir of resistant microorganisms in the environment. Several antibiotics enter aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems through the discharge of effluents from farms (7). Drug residues in aquatic environments have gained much interest because pharmaceutical compounds can frequently be found in effluents from fishpond and river waters at concentrations of up to several micrograms per liter (8). In addition, residues of antibiotics and their metabolites bind to organic matter and persist unchanged for long periods of time in soils. The human health implications of these drugs in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are still unknown. Studying the effects of effluents containing antibiotics on the natural microflora may help to reduce the occurrence of drug resistance and provide a basis for regulating the use of drugs in the future.

Key Regulatory Issues

The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) reviews and approves the use of antibiotics in veterinary practice. The agency reviews data submitted in support of New Animal Drug Applications (NADAs) and Food Additive Petitions (FAP) to assure product efficacy, target-animal safety, human food safety, and environmental safety. Nevertheless, several public health agencies and private citizen groups attribute the occurrence and prevalence of numerous drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria) in food-producing animals to the use of antibiotics in veterinary practice (2-4). Use of these drugs as AGPs may have played a major role in selecting for increased resistance among bacteria pathogenic to humans that are transferred to humans primarily through consumption or contact with contaminated food, thus compromising the clinical treatment of infections. Higher rates of salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and listeriosis have been observed in people with compromised immunity, and infections are more likely to be severe, recurrent, or persistent in those individuals (9).

Bacteria resistant to several antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin and vancomycin, have been isolated from poultry and beef (10). In poultry, infections can arise by transmission from infected breeder birds at the hatchery, by the use of contaminated feed, or by exposure to Salmonella spp. from a variety of environmental sources, including wild birds, rodents, insects and inanimate objects. Farm personnel, too, may introduce the organisms into poultry houses when adequate precautions are not observed. The FDA is most concerned about the increase in multiple fluoroquinolone and vancomycin resistance in pathogenic bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes (11,12). The potential for transfer of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria from animals to man presents a risk to public health and could limit the choice of antibacterial therapy for pathogenic bacterial infections. Since this is a safety issue, as defined by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FFD&C) Act, the FDA needs adequate information on the prevalence of drug-resistant bacteria and the factors that contribute to their spread.

On October 26, 2000, the CVM proposed withdrawing the approval of the animal drug application (ADA) for use of a fluoroquinolone antimicrobial, enrofloxacin, in poultry. This action was based on the CVM’s determinations that (a) the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry causes the development of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. in poultry, (b) this fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter is transferred to humans and is a significant cause of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter sp. infections in humans, and (c) fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter infections are a hazard to human health. CVM’s conclusions were based on data from the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS), a national surveillance program, a case-control study on campylobacteriosis in humans conducted by the CDC and published literature.

To estimate the risk posed by the use of antimicrobials, the CVM conducted a quantitative risk assessment that modeled the human health impact of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. attributed to the consumption of chicken. Risk assessment included a review of how surveillance data are collected and the identification of measurements that are most relevant for linking drug-resistant foodborne pathogens to human disease.

The CVM recently released a draft quantitative-risk assessment that modeled the human health impact of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. and factors associated with the consumption of chicken. They used data from NARMS, CDC’s case-control studies, FoodNet, and other sources. The preliminary results indicate that there is an impact on human health from fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. that is associated with chicken consumption.

Virginiamycin has been used as an animal growth promoter (AGP) in Europe and North America for more than 20 years. Last year, a structurally related antimicrobial, Synercid® (quinupristin/dalfopristin) was approved in the U.S. for use as a last-resort weapon against antibiotic-resistant enterococci and other bacteria in humans. However, Synercid®-resistant bacteria are being found in patients who have never been exposed to this drug combination before, suggesting a non-human source (13). The use of virginiamycin in food-producing animals may have selected for resistant enterococci, which can contaminate food, enter the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and pass the new resistance genes to enterococci of the human intestinal microflora (14). A second risk assessment is being conducted to assess both the plausibility of a link between the use of virginiamycin in animals and quinupristin/dalfopristin resistance in humans and the human health impact attributable to use of virginiamycin. Ultimately, the FDA wants to ensure that significant human antimicrobial therapies are not compromised or lost due to virginiamycin use in production of food animals.

Since there has been concern about the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in agriculture, other approaches are being developed to minimize contamination of animal products with foodborne human pathogens. Reducing colonization of animals by pathogenic bacteria by using competitive exclusion treatment, phage therapy, vaccines, and farm hygiene is being considered as an alternative to antimicrobial feed additives (15).

The extensive use of antibiotics in animal production to promote growth, increase feed conversion efficiency, and for the prevention of intestinal infections has led to an imbalance in the beneficial intestinal flora and the appearance of resistant bacteria. The use of probiotics to competitively exclude colonization by intestinal pathogens has been proposed for poultry, especially after the European Commission (EC) banned certain antibiotics that are frequently included in poultry feed as growth promoters (16).

For widespread commercial use, it is essential that any competitive exclusion preparation for poultry be free from all known human and avian pathogens and from any organisms with unusually high resistance to antimicrobials (17). Competitive exclusion products are applied to newly hatched chicks as soon as possible at the hatchery or on the farm. The FDA has approved a competitive exclusion product designed to prevent the colonization of chicken intestines by pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and E. coli, and also to reduce the use of antibiotics in farm animals and the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes (17). However, the product itself contains several bacteria resistant to vancomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Clinicians have expressed serious concerns about the prevalence of vancomycin-resistant bacteria because vancomycin is considered the "silver bullet of last resort" (7). Thus, the FDA is concerned about the spread of vancomycin-resistant bacteria to the human food supply via competitive exclusion product use in poultry.

In recent years, there have been questions concerning the consumption of trace levels of antimicrobial residues in foods from food-producing animals and the effects of these residues on the indigenous human intestinal microflora (18). Bacteria from the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract are exposed to antimicrobial agents during treatment for diseases and also through the consumption of food products from antibiotic-treated animals that contain low concentrations of drug residues (1-4). The effects of therapeutic doses of antibiotics on bacteria have been documented, but the effects on the intestinal microflora of low levels (i.e., ppb or ppm) of antibiotics in food from treated animals, especially on selection for resistant organisms, are not well defined (18). The CVM is concerned about the effects on the human intestinal microflora of antibiotic residues in food, and issued a guidance document in January 1996 entitled "Microbiological Testing of Antimicrobial Drug Residues in Food", which indicates that additional microbiological testing will be necessary for microbiologically active residues present in food at levels higher than 1 ppm (1.5 mg/person/day). This threshold acceptable daily intake (ADI) was believed to produce no adverse effects on the human intestinal microflora of the consumer. The CVM is validating both in vitro and in vivo model systems that could be used to study how antimicrobials perturb the human gastrointestinal (GI) microflora. After reviewing the data, the FDA recently concluded that the threshold it had set is not appropriate for all classes of antimicrobials. Microbiological endpoints that could be of public health concern are affected to different degrees by different classes of antimicrobials. The FDA needs methods that are standardized and validated as useful tools to scientifically determine the levels of antibiotic residues that would cause no adverse effect on the human intestinal microflora.

Animal waste is another route of human exposure to antimicrobials used in food producing animals (Figure 1). Public health concerns associated with antimicrobial resistance are directly and indirectly affected by microbial interactions in farm wastes containing resistant bacteria (pathogens and non-pathogens) and veterinary drug residues (19-21). Farm wastes containing bioactive veterinary drug residues and bacteria resistant to these antimicrobials are routinely fed to animals intended for food and may accumulate in manure. Major portions of these drugs are excreted either unchanged or as modified metabolites. Farm wastes applied to the land are susceptible to runoff into bodies of water (21-23), where they may be a potential reservoir for drug-resistant bacteria (8). The use of farm waste as a fertilizer, feed supplement, or bedding supplement may result in the transfer of pathogenic bacteria in the environment and may be hazardous to the health of animals and humans. It is important to determine the ability of environmental microorganisms either to degrade antimicrobial drugs to harmless metabolites or else to transform them to metabolites that have reduced antibacterial activity. Appropriate treatment of animal wastes could enhance the biodegradation of animal wastes containing antibiotics.

How Research in the Division of Microbiology at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) is Addressing These Issues

The Division of Microbiology research scientists are committed to providing valuable information to FDA regulatory scientists to evaluate the specific key regulatory issues outlined above. Development of surveillance techniques, unambiguous diagnostic techniques, and critical analysis of data may help limit the spread of drug resistance. Cooperation among public health agencies, research centers within the agencies, and private research facilities is important to monitor, characterize, and report the prevalence of drug resistance.

As a part of the Food Safety Initiative (FSI), the NCTR Division of Microbiology has established collaborative research agreements with several scientists at the CVM/FDA, Arkansas Poultry and Livestock Commission, and the Department of Poultry Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR (See Table 1 above). In addition, the division has also established collaborative agreements with chicken and turkey growers. Drs. Mohamed Nawaz and Ashraf Khan have collected litter, feed, and water samples from these farms to isolate drug-resistant bacteria. These scientists also have sampled poultry products sold at local grocery stores. Their research indicates that poultry meat sold in supermarkets, especially the liver, could act as a reservoir of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. A low percentage of campylobacters were resistant to fluoroquinolones, and most of these strains were resistant to multiple antibiotics. These isolates have been divided into six different subgroups based on the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of the flaA gene amplicon digested by the endonuclease, DdeI (See Figure 2 which follows).

Figure 2. Graphic showing restriction fragment length of polymorphic patterns of Ddel digested flagellin (flaA) gene from different fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp. 29967 bytes)

Investigations of the drug resistance profiles of Salmonella spp. indicate that most strains of these pathogenic bacteria are resistant to multiple antibiotics, such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol, florfenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline (ACSSuT-type). No simple, rapid, sensitive detection technique to identify pathogenic, drug-resistant strains was available. To fill this void, Dr. Ashraf Khan developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method that is both rapid and sensitive for the detection of Salmonella typhimurium DT104 (ACCSSuT-type) from clinical, food, and environmental samples (24). Currently, this method is used by the field labs (Office of Regulatory Affairs, ORA) to detect S. typhimurium DT104 in food samples (See Figure 3 which follows this paragraph). Drs. Nawaz and Ashraf Khan, with technical support from Mr. Donald Paine, Mr. Roger Steele, and Ms. Christine Summage-West, are also investigating the possibility of establishing a baseline for the occurrence of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and E. coli in poultry products. By establishing a baseline, the FDA can accurately monitor the spread of fluoroquinolone resistance in pathogenic strains over time and assist in managing their spread.

Figure 3. Gel patterns of vir, flo, int and inv gene fragments from S. typhimurium DT18 strain.(13010 bytes)

Competitive exclusion products fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA when they are linked to claims of treatment of infectious diseases (i.e., salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis). As new animal drugs, competitive exclusion products must adhere to the FDA regulations that indicate that the bacterial mixtures must be well-defined. The data submitted for approval of the competitive exclusion product by the manufacturer report that the product contains 29 well-defined isolates of facultatively and obligately anaerobic bacteria (25). However, investigations by Dr. Doug Wagner (Division of Microbiology) indicate several discrepancies between our conventional identification and the list of components reported to be in one such product. The comparison of conventional phenotypic identification techniques with genotypic techniques also revealed numerous discrepancies. Our results indicate that FDA will need to standardize which types of identification techniques will be used to characterize the components of competitive exclusion products. Dr. Wagner, with assistance from Mr. Mike Holland, has also standardized a quick and accurate assay for determining the efficacy of potential competitive exclusion products (See Figure 4 which follows this paragraph). In addition, Dr. Saeed Khan has determined that all lactobacilli in the competitive exclusion product are resistant to vancomycin and contain a vancomycin-resistance (DdlA/B) gene. He has developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that can simultaneously amplify all the multiple markers for vancomycin resistance (VanA, VanB, VanC1, VanC2, and DdlA/B) in any bacterial strain (See Figure 5 which follows).

Figure 4. Graphic showing in vitro competitive exclusion assay procedure.  (10992 bytes)

Figure 5. Gel patterns of vancomycin resistance determinant genes VanA, VanB, VanC1, VanC2/C3 and DdlA/B. (18016 bytes)

The Veterinary International Cooperation on Harmonization (VICH) Microbial Safety Task Force is evaluating in vitro and in vivo methods for determining "no observed effect levels" (NOELs) for antibiotic residues in food. In collaboration with the CVM, the Division of Microbiology has been performing pre-validation studies on an in vitro system that examines the effect of low-level antibiotic residues on the human intestinal microflora by using a chemostat to model the human intestinal tract (See Figures 6A and 6B which follow this paragraph). The effect of the antibiotic residues is determined by (a) changes in cell numbers of target intestinal microflora species, (b) changes in the metabolic activity of the fecal flora, (c) development of bacterial strains resistant to the test antibiotic, and (d) disruption of the resistance to colonization by pathogenic microorganisms (barrier effect).

Figure 6A. Figure of chemostat system including medium, culture, and waste vessels. (8518 bytes)

Figure 6B. A photograph of the chemostat in operation. The large vessel on the left is the feed vessel. The small spin-flask with multiple ports is the culture vessel and contains 500 ml of a steady-state culture of colonic bacteria. The waste vessel is located behind the culture vessel and peristaltic pump. (94036 bytes)

Using this in vitro system, three different concentrations of the fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin were tested by Dr. Bruce Erickson and Ms. Latriana Robertson for their effect on the intestinal microflora. Results show that many types of bacteria are unaffected by the tested levels of antibiotic in the growth medium, but some bacteria, such as E. coli, demonstrate an increase in ciprofloxacin resistance. Our study clearly indicates that the in vitro culture system can be a valuable tool to evaluate the effects on the human intestinal microflora of low levels of antimicrobial agents in food.

The microbiological risk associated with residues of antimicrobial agents used in food has also been evaluated by international organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Dr. Carl E. Cerniglia meets at least once a year as an expert advisor to JECFA on the safety assessment of veterinary drugs in foods. After consulting various scientists from animal health industries, contract laboratories, regulatory authorities, and universities, Dr. Cerniglia prepared a systematic approach to assessing the safety of antimicrobial drug residues for the human intestinal microflora (18,26). This new approach is currently being used by JECFA and is proposed for adoption by the FDA in the review of antimicrobials used in the food animal production.

Another essential study, conducted by Dr. Fatemeh Rafii and Ms. Rebecca Wynne, is the elucidation of the mechanism of resistance to antimicrobial agents among bacteria from the human GI tract, the majority of which are anaerobes. Some of these bacteria cause serious infections, especially in debilitated hosts. Some antimicrobial agents, like fluoroquinolones, have low activity against anaerobic bacteria. The susceptibility spectrum of clinical anaerobes is changing, and some commercially available quinolones are now inactive or only marginally active against these bacteria. Different surveys report MICs of various quinolones that range from 0.8 to >400 µg/ml (27). It is important to determine if the low rates of susceptibility are a consequence of poor drug penetrability, low affinity of the drugs for the target, activity of a multi-drug efflux pump, mutation in DNA, or another mechanism. It is imperative to understand the variation in resistance in anaerobic bacteria and relate this variation to the mechanism of resistance.

Development of resistant strains of bacteria has concerned microbiologists tremendously, because the dissemination of resistance genes may result in the spread of diseases that cannot be treated with known antimicrobial agents. The presence of resistant bacteria in the GI tract are of particular concern, because not only do they act as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance genes, but also if they get out of place and establish themselves in other parts of the body, they can cause diseases that cannot be treated. The increased threat of antimicrobial resistance necessitates the development of new antimicrobial agents, and elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of resistance is important for the design of effective new drugs.

The environmental fate of veterinary drugs and the factors that influence the persistence and biodegradation of antibiotics used in farm animals are not yet well understood. Metabolites resulting from the biotransformation of these drugs may have either enhanced or reduced biological activity compared to the parent compound, and may affect the soil microbial ecology. The environmental fate of fluoroquinolone compounds has been investigated in the Division of Microbiology. Dr. John Sutherland, Dr. Igor Parshikov, and Ms. Anna Williams screened several fungi for the ability to biotransform ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin and sarafloxacin (See Figure 7 which follows this paragraph).   A common saprobic fungus, Mucor ramannianus, was found to transform ciprofloxacin to N-acetylciprofloxacin; enrofloxacin to enrofloxacin N-oxide, N-acetylciprofloxacin and desethylene-enrofloxacin; and sarafloxacin to N-acetylsarafloxacin and desethylene-N-acetylsarafloxacin (28-30). These compounds were also analyzed by Ms. Joanna Moody of the Microbiology Division and by the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at NCTR. These studies indicate the potential of fungi to play a role in the detoxification and removal of veterinary fluoroquinolones from animal waste and contaminated sites.

Figure 7. Structures of the fluroquinolones ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and sarafloxacin. (5528 bytes)

Dr. Jairaj Pothuluri and co-workers have investigated the fate of erythromycin, a macrolide drug used in both fish farming and clinical medicine. New analytical methods and bioassay procedures to detect erythromycin in aquaculture sediments and water samples were developed (31-33). Microbial and chemical degradation of erythromycin in aquaculture sediment samples were determined using the NCTR microcosm test system (See Figure 8 which follows this paragraph). These studies, performed by Drs. Pothuluri, Kyungran Pak and Yong-Hak Kim, indicate that erythromycin is mineralized exponentially after a 120-day lag phase. The successful completion of these investigations has resulted in further collaborations with scientists from CVM and USDA/ARS on the environmental impact of two other aquaculture drugs, oxytetracycline and sulfadimethoxine-ormetoprim (Romet-30).

Figure 8. Photo showing Flow-through Microcosm Test System17611 bytes)


The spread, transfer, and prevalence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microbes may have a major public health impact. The cost of treatment for these infections in patients with higher susceptibility to foodborne pathogenic bacteria could strain the public health-care system. Monitoring the prevalence of drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria is important to assess the magnitude of the problem and to guide prudent therapeutic recommendations. Public health surveillance to identify the reservoirs of drug resistance genes, curtailment of farm practices that aid and abet the spread of resistance genes, and development of new technologies for the rapid and sensitive detection of pathogenic microbes that have these genes, and elucidation of the mechanism of resistance development could be useful to control this problem. We, at the Division of Microbiology, NCTR, are equipped to find scientific solutions to this emerging public health issue. The findings of our investigations are provided to the FDA to assist in formulating regulations to help contain the spread of drug-resistant microorganisms and protect the efficacy of the miracle drugs for future use.


We wish to thank Pat Fleischer and Sandra Malone for assistance in preparing the manuscript.


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The Authors
First Row: Dr. Mohamed A. Nawaz (left), Dr. Ashraf A. Khan, Dr. Fatemeh Rafii, Dr. John B. Sutherland, Dr. Carl E. Cerniglia, Dr. Jairaj V. Pothuluri.
Second Row: Dr. Bruce D. Erickson (left), Dr. R. Doug Wagner, Dr. Saeed A. Khan, May 3, 2001 (NCTR Photo, Danny Tucker)

Carl E. Cerniglia is the Director of the Division of Microbiology at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), Jefferson, Arkansas, and is a Senior Biomedical Research Service Scientist for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Dr. Cerniglia received his Ph.D. in Microbiology from North Carolina State University in 1976 and worked as a National Cancer Institute Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin until joining the NCTR staff in 1980. He currently serves on a panel at the World Health Organization on Antimicrobial Residues in Foods. He serves as a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Microbiological Methods, Microbial Ecology, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, and Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality. Dr. Cerniglia has also been elected as a fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology. Dr. Cerniglia’s principal research interests involve the biodegradation of pollutants in the environment; the role of intestinal microflora in the metabolism of xenobiotics, microbial transformation of drugs as models of mammalian metabolism, the biochemistry and genetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism, and new methods in foodborne pathogen research.

Bruce D. Erickson received a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology in 1990 from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He did post-doctoral work at GE Corporate Research and Development from 1990 to 1993, studying the enzymes involved in the bacterial degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls and the enhancement of this degradation through genetic engineering. He joined the Division of Microbiology at NCTR as a staff fellow in 1994. The focus of his research is using in vitro culture systems that mimic the human intestinal tract to investigate the effect of low levels of antibiotics in food on the human intestinal microflora.

Ashraf A. Khan received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, in 1987. He was a postdoctoral associate at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, from 1988–1992. He joined the Microbiology Division of NCTR in 1992 and is currently working on the genetics of multidrug resistant strains of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter spp. isolated from poultry.

Saeed A. Khan received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry/Virology from Banaras Hindu University, India, in 1989. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow, senior research associate, and instructor from 1989–1997 at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas. Since joining the Division of Microbiology in July 1997, Dr. Khan has worked on the mechanisms of erythromycin and vancomycin resistance and the transfer of their resistance determinants. He has developed a fast multiplex-polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of erythromycin and vancomycin resistance determinants. He has also developed a method to study the transfer of drug resistance between organisms that are resistant to the same antibiotic but carry different genetic markers for the resistance.

Mohamed S. Nawaz received his Ph.D. in Microbiology/Botany in 1986 from Brigham Young University. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow/Assistant at Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, and Selma University, Selma, Alabama. He began working at the NCTR in 1990 as a postdoctoral fellow and is currently studying antibiotic resistance and the pathways of degradation of these antibiotics. His other interests include purification of proteins responsible for the synthesis of useful chemicals and enzymes capable of being utilized as drugs in the treatment of cancer.

Jairaj V. Pothuluri received his Ph.D. in Soil Chemistry from Kansas State University in 1985. He taught soil science at the University of Kentucky and conducted research in herbicide interactions and biodegradation at USDA/ARS, Stoneville, Mississippi. Dr. Pothuluri joined the Division of Microbiology in June 1989, and his current research interests are in the microbial degradation of drugs and feed additives used in fish farming systems (aquaculture). The isolation of microorganisms and utilization of these microorganisms to elucidate the metabolic pathways for erythromycin and oxytetracycline in aquaculture are the main emphasis of his research.

Fatemeh Rafii received her Ph.D. in Veterinary Microbiology from Washington State University. At present, she is working in the Microbiology Division. Her research has focused on the involvement of enzymes from bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract in the metabolism of xenobiotics, food additives, and phytoestrogens, in addition to the development of methods for the rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. Currently, she is studying the effect of antimicrobial agents on colonic bacteria.

John B. Sutherland received his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Washington State University in 1978. He has been a faculty member at Texas Tech University, Michigan Tech University, and the University of Idaho. Dr. Sutherland began his research at NCTR in 1988 and is currently working on the microbial transformation of fluoroquinolone drugs and the detoxification of recalcitrant aromatic compounds by fungi and actinomycetes. He is on the editorial board of Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

R. Doug Wagner received his Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Biology from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1989. He was a postdoctoral research associate at Washington University in St. Louis from 1989 to 1991 and the University of Wisconsin at Madison from 1991 to 1997. Since joining the Division of Microbiology in 1997, Dr. Wagner has been working to develop advanced technologies for microbial diagnostics. He is developing rodent models with human intestinal microflora for colonization resistance and developing an in vitro assay for antimicrobial drug residue effects on the intestinal microflora.

Regulatory Research Perspectives Editorial Board

Daniel A. Casciano, Ph.D. - National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)
Thomas A. Cebula, Ph.D. - Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)
Lireka P. Joseph, Ph.D. - Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
Frank D. Sistare, Ph.D. - Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Michael C. Olson - Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
Linda D. Youngman, Ph.D. - Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
Joanne N. Locke - Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Note: New members from CBER, EPA, ATSDR, NIEHS, and NIOSH will join the Regulatory Research Perspectives Editorial Board in future issues.

Editorial Matters:

Address for editorial matters:   
DHHS/FDA/Jefferson Labs
National Center for Toxicological Research
3900 NCTR Road, HFT-1
Jefferson, Arkansas 72079-9502
Telephone: (870) 543-7516
web site: http://www.fda.gov/nctr
Article may be republished without permission.  Credit to Regulatory Research Perspectives as the source is appreciated.
Managing Editor/Layout: Virginia B. Taylor  (email: virginia.taylor@fda.hhs.gov).


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