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PIMMS v3.9j now available

If you would like to be informed whenever a new version of PIMMS is released, please contact Koji Mukai,

V3.9j is a minor update of V3.9i, the only difference being a new set of Chandra effective area curves that should be used when writing Cycle 11 proposals.

If you already have V3.9i, it is sufficient to download the file, chandra11.tar.gz, and unpack the contents into the PIMMS "data" subdirectory.

PIMMS - Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator


PIMMS, as described here, is software for high-energy astrophysicists, and has nothing to do with PIMMS, the Project to Increase Mastery of Mathematics and Science. The program was named quite independently of this worthwhile project at Wesleyan University.

Time-Variable Instrumental Response

PIMMS currently does not support time-variable calibration of instruments. Because it is primarily intended as a planning tool for future observations, the responses in PIMMS is often applicable for upcoming observations.

For example, if you are a Chandra user who wishes to convert count rates in a past observation to flux, please see this note.

Command-line version and World-Wide Web version

PIMMS had originally been written as a stand-alone, interactive program (the "command line PIMMS").

WebPIMMS implements a subset of the functionalities of the command line PIMMS. While allowing easy access, without the need to install the software, it probably will not have all the functionality of the command line versions in the foreseeable future.

Installation Guide

PIMMS is currently supported on several flavors of UNIX workstations, on Linux PCs, Macs running OS X/Darwin. It requires a Fortran77 compiler, and make on UNIX machines. Please consult the Installation Guide for details, then download the latest version.

Revision History