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New HEASARC Director Announced

Dr. Alan Smale has been appointed the new Director of the HEASARC and will take up the position on August 4, 2008. Alan currently serves as Program Executive for Mission Operations and Data Analysis (MO&DA) in the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters, where he is responsible for managing the MO&DA for the Chandra, GALEX, Gravity Probe-B, INTEGRAL, RXTE, Spitzer, Suzaku, Swift, WMAP, and XMM-Newton missions. He has also served as Program Scientist for RXTE, and Program Executive for the astrophysics data archives, including HEASARC, MAST, and IRSA.

Prior to his 5 years at NASA HQ, Alan worked as a Senior Research Scientist for USRA at Goddard, managing the RXTE Guest Observer Facility from 1994-2003, as well as the Swift Science Center from 1998-2003. He was also a Co-Investigator on the Swift mission. At the RXTE GOF he supported the community through the design and testing of data analysis software, data archiving, and the organization of Peer Reviews. Alan received his D.Phil in Astrophysics from the University of Oxford in 1986 and was a postdoctoral research associate at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 25-Jun-2008 09:58:39 EDT