National Endowment for the Humanities

Division of Research Programs

Announced: March 2004

American Antiquarian Society
Worcester, MA 01609
Dr. John B. Hench
TITLE: NEH Fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society
Outright Funds: $378,000

American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY 10017
Dr. Donna Heiland
TITLE: ACLS/SSRC/NEH International and Area Studies Fellowship Program
Outright Funds and Offer of Matching Funds: $348,000

American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY 10017
Dr. Steven C. Wheatley
TITLE: ACLS/ARHC/American Research in Humanities in China
Outright Funds and Offer of Matching Funds: $254,000

American Councils for International Education
Washington, DC 20036
Dr. Dan E. Davidson
TITLE: NEH Collaborative Humanitites Research Fellowship Program
Outright Funds: $86,000

Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ 08540
Dr. Peter Goddard
TITLE: NEH Memberships, School of Social Science
Outright Funds and Offer of Matching Funds: $267,000

Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ 08540
Dr. Peter Goddard
TITLE: NEH Memberships, School of Historical Studies
Outright Funds and Offer of Matching Funds: $267,000

Library Company of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Dr. John C. Van Horne
TITLE: NEH Fellowships at the Library Company of Philadelphia
Outright Funds: $138,000

Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA 02215
Dr. Conrad Edick Wright
TITLE: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Massachusetts Historical Society
Outright Funds and Offer Matching Funds: $235,000

National Humanities Center
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Dr. Geoffrey Galt Harpham
TITLE: Fellowships at the National Humanities Center
Outright Funds and Offer of Matching Funds: $392,000

New York Public Library
New York, NY
Mr. Howard Dodson
TITLE: Schomburg Center's Scholars-in-Residence Program
Offer of Matching Funds: $189,000