National Endowment for the Humanities
Rediscovering Afghanistan Awards, 2004
Division of Preservation and Access
National Geographic Society, Washington, DC
Project Director: Fredrik T. Hiebert
Outright: $30,000

Cataloging Afghanistan's Bactrian Hoard Archaeological Collection
The training of 17 Afghan museum staff in current international museum cataloging standards and the cataloging and preservation of 22,000 gold objects from the archaeological site of Tillya Tepe located in northern Afghanistan (first century B.C. to second century A.D.) excavated in 1979.
National Geographic Society, Washington, DC
Project Director: Fredrik T. Hiebert
Outright: $30,000

Cataloging the Rediscovered Treasures of Afghanistan's Kabul Museum: The Historic Collections
The cataloging and preservation of the historic era collections of the Kabul Museum comprising objects from Greco-Bactrian and Greco-Gandharan sites, Buddhist materials from Hadda and other locations, and materials from the Sassanian era through the Islamic periods to the 20th century.