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NOTE:     This revision is being issued to revise the alert into the current
format and terminology.  Changes are bracketed by asterisks (***).

ALERT:    *** Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE)

          NOTE:  This import alert represents the Agency=s current guidance
          to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or
          products(s) at issue.  It does not create or confer any rights for
          or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.

PRODUCT:  Sunlamps and Sunlamp Products

CODE:          *** 95U[][]19 ***

PROBLEM:  Nonconformance with performance standard

PAF:      LBL (Labeling)
          PER (Performance)

PAC:      *** 86007 ***


ID:       All

ID:       N/A

CHARGES:  If the device is noncompliant with an applicable standard and/or
          lacks certification, charge:

          "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
          Section 536(a) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
          in that it appears to be an electronic product which fails to
          comply with an applicable standard as prescribed under this
          subchapter or to which is not affixed a certification in the form
          of a label or tag in conformity with Section 534(h)."

          If no reporting is done, charge:

          "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
          Section 536(a) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
          in that it appears to be an electronic product that does not
          comply with an applicable standard as prescribed by Section 534
          because no reporting has been provided as required by Section

CODE:          No TAG
          No REGISTR


ALERT:    During the past decade, new types of sunlamp products (tanning
          beds and facial units) incorporating high and medium pressure
          intensity discharge lamps (HID) were introduced into the United
          States from Europe.  These types of products are intended to
          decrease the time needed for tanning and/or to increase the
          tanning effect for those areas of the body which are reportedly
          harder to tan.

          According to data obtained from manufacturers' reports and
          promotional literature, the HID lamp emits short wave UV-B and UV-
          C radiation that is harmful to human eyes and skin.  Since these
          lamps operate at an over-pressure, the possibility of an explosion
          cannot be entirely excluded.  High intensity discharge lamps are
          identified as being much shorter and smaller in diameter
          (approximately 2" long x 1/2" in diameter) as compared to the long
          fluorescent type bulb and are contained in a reflector which may
          have a transparent blue or clear filter cover.
GUIDANCE: Districts may detain without physical sampling devices with no
          certification label or lacking required labeling. Contact CDRH at
          (301) 427-1172 for information regarding submission of required
          reports and guidelines for detention.

          Refuse entry unless the importer adequately corrects deficiencies
          or is able to show that the product is properly certified and
          meets the performance standard (21 CFR 1040.20). It may be
          necessary to field test some products for compliance with the
          performance standard to establish that the importer has effected
          correction of a detained product. CDRH may be contacted at (301)
          427-1172 for guidance.

          Please send copies of all detention notices to HFZ-331 so that
          appropriate foreign manufacturers and their products may be added
          to the Radiation Emitting Products detention list. When field
          tests are performed, please send copies of the field test record
          to HFZ-312 (Attention: Manny Karos).

          In accordance with Compliance Program 7386.007, "Imported
          Electronic Products," districts should continue to review all
          entries and Declarations (FDA-2877) for sunlamp and sunlamp
          products to determine if the products have been properly
          certified. Detention should be issued in accordance with the
          Compliance Program.

          In addition, physical examination should be performed on all
          sunlamps and sunlamp products that have entered under Affirmation
          B of the Compliance Program and under circumstances where
          applicable as follows:

          I. SUNLAMP PRODUCTS/Tanning Beds, Facial Units, Home Use Units,

          - CERTIFICATION LABEL: Determine if the certification label is
          present on the product in accordance with 21 CFR 1010.2.

          - LAMP LABEL: Each ultraviolet lamp should have a label which
          reads: "Sunlamp-DANGER-Ultraviolet Radiation. Follow instructions.
          Use only in a fixture equipped with a timer", along with model

          - SUNLAMP PRODUCT LABEL: Each sunlamp product should have a
          "DANGER" label which reads: "DANGER-ULTRAVIOLET
          radiation.......sensitive to sunlight."

          - GOGGLES: Check for presence of protective goggles.

          - USERS INSTRUCTIONS: Check for the presence of an instruction
          booklet in English.

          - HID LAMPS: If HID lamps are used, obtain lamp model
          identification information and contact CDRH, (301) 427-1172, to
          determine if the lamps have been certified.


          - LAMP CERTIFICATION LABEL: Determine if the certification label
          is present on the label in accordance with CFR 1010.2.

          - LAMP LABEL & USERS INSTRUCTIONS: Check for the presence of a
          lamp label, model designation, and user's instruction pamphlet for
          each lamp in the shipment.

          - FLUORESCENT LAMPS: These lamps are usually shipped as packages
          of 25 lamps each. The certification label will usually be found on
          the outside of the box.

          - HID LAMPS: These lamps may be shipped in any quantity. Depending
          on the design, the certification label will be on the lamp
          packaging, but for large lamp configurations it may be on the lamp
          housing. Contact CDRH at (301)427-1172 giving lamp identification
          information so that CDRH can determine whether the HID lamps are

          For questions or issues concerning science, science policy, sample
          collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology,
          contact the Division of Field Science at (301) 827-7605. ***


FOI:      No purging is required

KEYWORDS: Sun Lamps, Sunlamp Products, Tanning Beds, HID lamps

BY:       Linda A. Wisniowski, DIOP, 301-443-6553.