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IA #80-06 - 9/28/92, "Automatic Detention of Fraudulent and Deceptive Medical
             Devices", Attachment - Revised 2/18/09

TYPE OF ALERT  :  Automatic Detention

PRODUCT      :  Fraudulent and deceptive medical devices
               (See Attachment)

PRODUCT CODE   :  80-------

CODE           :  N/A

PROBLEM      : Distribution of medical devices determined to be fraudulent
               and deceptive due to unsubstantiated labeling claims (DVFR)

COLLECTION     :  82002

COUNTRY      : All importing countries (multiple, 999)

SHIPPER      : All


I.D.#         :   N/A

CHARGE    :    "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be a device which
               is misbranded in that its labeling is false or misleading"
               [Misbranding, Section 502(a)]."

OFFICE       : CDRH, Division of Compliance Operations, Regulatory
               Guidance Branch, (HFZ-323)
ALERT        : Devices listed in the Attachment are misbranded due to
               false or misleading labeling claims

INSTRUCTIONS : Automatically detain all designated devices from
               importation into the United States.

FOI          : No purging is required

KEYWORDS      :   Fraudulent, deceptive, misbranded, devices

PREPARED BY   :   Linda A. Wisniowski, DIOP, 301-443-6553.

Attachment to IA #80-06                           Revised 2/18/09

ARTICLE                            CLAIMS

All Intraocular Lenses Manufactured          Counterfeit PMMA intra-
in Pakistan (PK)                        ocular lenses.  Packaging
86H[][]QL                          may show manufactured by
Class III Device                        Rayner's Ltd., U.K.

Amulets (ornamental articles worn  Therapeutic claims of next to the body,
                                   as on a necklace,
                                   physiological capabilities
bracelet, or carried in pockets),       i.e.,"shielding "alignment", on the body
magnets                            etc.

Small, polished, circular "dots"        Any reference to acupressure,
to be used singly (stuck on the         or meridian therapy to achieve
body), or grouped (such as on an        a therapeutic effect.
insole to be worn in the shoes).

Quartz Crystals, usually worn           Any therapeutic capabilities
as a necklace or body jewelry.          derived from the quartz or its
                                        emissions (energy).

Pyramid Tents (various sizes)           Any therapeutic claims related
                                        to concentrating the "power"
                              of the sun, when properly
                              aligned magnetically, to
                              achieve any beneficial effect.

Therapeutic Blankets or                 Therapeutic claims such as
mattresses usually filled with          blood pressure or
lambs wool.                             any physiological action.
                                   Includes claims of general
                                   well being.

"Roller" therapy products.              Any claims of therapeutic
These are banks of rollers              capability including
or cones to be drawn over parts         references to acupressure.
of the body, or to massage the

Ear rings and/or Ear molds              Claims related to appetite
                                   control using acupressure
                                        points on the ear.

"Radio-active" earth filled             Any therapeutic claims about
pads and pillows.                       the healing properties of
                                   radio-active earth.

Miniature bar magnets to be             Any therapeutic claims of
used singly or in groups, used          resurgence in the body due
in mattress pads, bandages              to energy induced by magnets.
to promote healing, etc.

Magnetic Band, Mens           Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Band, Womens              Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Knee Support              Relief of pain and stiffness

Magnetic Lumbar Support            Relief of Stiffness and pain in muscles

Magnetic Patch, 5/Strip            Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Bead Bracelet             Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Steel Necklace            Relief of neck, shoulder and
                                   back pain and stiffness;
                              improvement of circulation

Magnetic Men and Lady              Relief of pain, stiffness and
SS Band                       soreness

Magnetic Twist Bead Bl.            Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Twist                Relief of neck, shoulder and
Bead Necklace                 back pain and stiffness;
                              improvement of circulation

Magnetic Wrist Support             Relief of pain, stiffness and

Magnetic Life Field           Protects biological systems Polarizerand
                              all forms of life from all forms of
                              radiation; Cancels out all x-ray effects
                              from such items as food and water

Magnetic Trifield Meter            Current Interface with normal
                              transport of ions across cell

Acupuncture Magneto-Therapeutic    Improved circulation,
device consisting of approximately heighten blood oxygen
10 discs used piece by piece in    level, relieves pain,
affected areas                etc., from the effects of
                              magnetic force in medical treatment

Eye massagers, (battery operated)  "Massage" the eyes as
                              action have stimulated
                              the self-disciplined Known
Shipper:                      nerves of the eyes and
                              helped them to resume
Laxus Products Ltd.           their normal function.
62 W 4th Ave #110                  Thus the stress can be
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5Y 1G3    released; "help promote
ID# XCLAXPRO11OVAN            stronger blood circulation,
                              prevent near sight or short
                              sight; may reduce the speed of
                              increase of short sight;
                              may delay the coming of
                              presbyopia; may prevent
                              eye bags, eye-palpebral
                              black eyes bags or little
                              wrinkles around the eyes."

Magnetized drinking cup       The product which include, but are not limited
                              to, the prevention and cure of urinary
                              calculus, renal calculus, thrombus,
                              arteriosclerosis, hypertension, oral sores and
                              digestive system diseases.

Ceramic Magnetic Cups              The supplementary curative effect on the
                                   calculus in the gallbladder, the bile
                                   duct and the kidney; diabetes;
                                   hypertension; and coronary heart disease.

Metal circular bowl entitled       Any therapeutic claims the
"SUPERCONDUCTOR"                   including but not limited
                                   to diabetes, leukemia,
                              meningitis, multiple
                              sclerosis, and tuberculosis.

Robert McFarland
dba Radionics Institute
411-75 Eastdale Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

Shanghai Electronics          China, Peoples Ceramic Magnetic
Componen                 (CN, 280)      Cup
816 Yan An Road                              5/16/94
Shanghai, PROC

Auricular Candles                  Effective in treatment of ear wax
with Otoska oil.                   build-up, hearing problems, sinus
                              congestion, frequent migraines
                              and ear aches.
Europe Cosmetiques
3471 Bld. Thimens
St. Laurent, Quebec H4R 1 V5

Nature Beaute Sante
750 Montain Sights
Montreal, Quebec
FEI# 1000481474

Automatic Electronic          Treats diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia (lipid
Stimulator                    metabolism), atherosclerosis, relieves stress
a.k.a: Autonomous             and depression, chronic constipation, sexual
Electronic Stimulator,        disturbances, detoxification, ischemic heart
AES, Life Saver               disease, cardiac arrhythmia, paralysis, and
(a small capsule for          enhances immunity level
swallowing, inserting in
vagina, rectum, or through    Product Code = DE
incision in intestine)


Aoot, Zavod Komponent,
Factory Komponent, or
Alta Company
Ismailovskow sh71
Hotel Izmailovskow Delta
Moscow, Russia
FEI: 100058935

Alta Company (same address as above)
FEI: 1000589836

Kencayd Consulting       Ear Candles         Promotes better hear-
AKA Candela Earcandles        (77[][][])          ing, better lymphatic
555 Ridley Drive              2/5/97         circulation, pressure
Victoria, B.C., Canada                       regulation, etc.
FEI# 3000189108

Q-Tech Laboratories      Bio-Electric Field  Relief of arthritis
Level 1\453 Ruthven St        Enhancement Unit         muscular aches & pains
Toowoomba QLD            (EEFE)/84---        allergies, incontinence
Australia                8/30/00             Etc.
FEI #3003088672

Superior Ear Candles          Ear Candles         Promotes better hear-
Division of J&P Holdings (77[][][])          ing, better lymphatic
Box 137                  2/5/97         circulation, pressure
Parson, B.C., Canada                         regulation, etc.
FEI# 3000189110

Shenzhen Supernatural Hand                   Supernatural Hand Super Low
 Electronic Co. Ltd.                         Frequency Massager
903, 9/F, Bldg C.                            Model NM-166
Shenzhen Tainan Intlþl Bldg
Renmen S. Road                          Product Code = 89ISA
Shenzhen City, China                         5/9/97
FEI #3000280636

Bruce Copen Enterprises Ltd.       Radionic Instruments          Diagnosis
Lindfield Enterprise Park          (including models MK7,        of internal
Lewes Road, West Sussex            MK12, ASLD95, MARS III)       disease
England RH16 2LX                   & accessories
FEI #3001746577                    GPI - DE

Sussex College of Technology
Waltham Forest Business Center
5 Blackhorse Lane
London, E17 6DS, England
FEI #3003766867

Globe Traders Inc             Ethicon Prolene Mesh II       Counterfeit-
15, Dr. VB Gandhi Marg        79FTL                         Packaging may
1st Floor, Fort               2/10/04                  Show ethicon logo
Mumbai, India                                     printed in Copper
FEI #3003249367                                        plate rather than
                                                  Helvetica & pouch
                                                  lacks single
                                                  piece of adhesive

High Hope International Group      Prolene Sutures          Counterfeit-
91 Baixia Road                     79GAW                    Package labeling
Nanjing, China                     11/8/05             may indicate
FEI# 3002718323                                        manufactured by

Heze Healthicon Medical Instruments Co. Ltd.
12 Jie Fang Da Jie
Heze Shandong, China
FEI# 3004947929

S.A. Wilson              Coffee Enemas       Liver detoxification
2891 Regional Rd.#20 Unit #2  78F--CE             Pancreatic cancer
Bowmanville, Ontario          2/23/07             detoxification
Canada L1C 3K6                               Relief from migraines
FEI# 3005507009
^                             ^

Ecolosion KFT.           Electro Physiological         "Bio-energetic
aka QX Ltd.                   Feedback Xrroid (EPFX);* medicine" for the
aka Quantum Xrroid, Ltd. Quantum Xrroid           treatment of
aka Maitreya KFT.             Consciousness Interface  disease or
Kalvaria Ter. 2               (QXCI); QXCI Accessories;     medical
H-1089 Budapest               Scientific Consciousness
Hungary                  Interface Operations System (SCIO);
FEI# 3004444071               Virtual Reality Imagery (VRI);
     3004216495               Ascultacardiogram;
                         CLASP 32 Master Program 1 CD;
                         CLASP 32 Master Program 2 CD;
                         Living Information Forms
                         Energy (L.I.F.E) System

* The EPFX has a premarket notification for therapeutic biofeedback to
control stress and to teach a patient to relax.  The EPFX was not given
marketing clearance for evoked potential biofeedback technology, to read the
client's subtle energy fields, for electro-dermal screening, or for measuring
the physical, mental, and emotional levels.

NOTE: CDRH has indicated this firm/product combination meets the criteria for
DWPE as per information found in Import Alert #89-08.


Consultative &           ENART- a Tens device          Claims related to
Commercial Centre        89IPF                         disorders of the
"INVET"             2/6/08                   Central Nervous
Ac. Zabolotny St. 35/37                           System, the
Odessa, Ukraine 65069                             Peripheral
FEI # 3006362803                                  Nervous System,
                                             the Respiratory
                                             system, etc., as
                                             well as dental

ARTICLE                  CLAIMS

PAP-IMI Device           Promoted for use in treating immune system
Unclassified             Conditions, liver and prostate cancer, prostate
Industry Code 84              Gland disorders, bone or joint diseases,
                         arthritis, lupus, heart disease, high blood
                         pressure, and diabetes.


The Quantum Alliance     Electro Physiological         The firm's website
Corporate Headquarters   Feedback Xrroid (EPFX),       contains statements
27 Cougar Ridge View SW  software (CLASP32 -      which represent or
Calgary, Alberta         MASTER Program), and          suggest that the device
Canada T3H 4X3      accessories                   is adequate and
FEI #3006463073          84HCC                         effective.  The
                    9/24/08                  representations or
                                             suggestions are false
                                             or misleading or other-
                                             wise contrary to fact
                                             because the device is
                                             Not adequate or
                                             effective for stated

NOTE:  CDRH has indicated this firm/product combination meets the criteria
for DWPE as per information found in Import Alert #89-08.

Manufacturer                  Product/Product Code

Savec Health Systems               Omnivir Device
120 Deramore Avenue           Possibly listed as:
Belfast                       oxygen generator
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom                73CAW
FEI # 3007126468                   12/17/2008

Product labeling for the Omnivir device contains statements which represent or
suggest the device is adequate and effective to "Fight HIV/AIDS and related
opportunistic infections and protecting the immune system," which
representations or suggestions are false or misleading or otherwise contrary
to fact because the device is not adequate or effective for such purposes.

NOTE:  CDRH has indicated this firm/product combination also meets the
criteria for DWPE as per information found in Import Alert #89-08.


Shenzhen Breeze Technology         Eye Massager,            I
Co., Ltd., 2/f, Jinlong            89ISA
Industrial Bldg,                   2/18/09
Shenzhen, China
FEI# 3006206425
FEI# 3003412022

Attachment Import Alert #80-06        Revised 5/16/94     Page 4


The following devices are excluded from coverage under this Import Alert and
any investigation of such devices should not be included.

     a.   Devices intended exclusively for use upon
          animals (non-human), check with the Center for
          Veterinary Medicine.

     b.   Prescription devices, which are being marketed as such.