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  NOTE:     The revision of this Import Alert dated 2/23/2009 updates the text of the alert, updates the PAC
            code, updates FDA contact information, and includes information regarding third-party laboratory
            testing of detained articles. Changes are bracketed by asterisks (***).

  (Note:    This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the
            manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue.  It does not create or confer any rights for or on an
            person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

  TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE)

  PRODUCTS:      Cat Food/Treats
                 Dog Food/Treats
                 Pet Food/Treats
                 Fish Food/Treats
                 Bird Food/Treats

  PRODUCT        72A[][][] -    Pet Cat Food
  CODES:              72B[][][] -    Pet Dog Food
                 72C[][][] -    Pet Bird Food
                 72D[][][] -    Pet Fish Food
                 72E[][]99 -    Other Pet Food
                 72L[][]99 -    Lab Animal food
                 72Y[][]99 -    Pet/Laboratory Animal Food NEC

  PROBLEM:       Poisonous or Deleterious Substance
                 Unsafe Food Additive
                 Unfit for Food

  PAF:           PES

  COLLECTION:         *** 71R854***

  COUNTRIES:          China, Taiwan

  SHIPPER:       See Attachment

  CHARGES:       "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in
                 that it appears to bear or contain a food additive, namely melamine and/or a
                 melamine analog, that is unsafe within the meaning of section 409 [Adulteration,
                 section 402(a)(2)(C)(i)]"
                 *** OASIS charge code: MELAMINE ***


                 "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) in
                 that it appears to bear or contain a poisonous or deleterious substance which may
                 render it injurious to health [Adulteration, section 402(a)(1)]"
                 *** OASIS charge code: POISONOUS ***


            "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) in that it
            appears to be unfit for food [Adulteration, 402(a)(3)]"
            *** OASIS charge code: UNFIT4FOOD ***


  FOR ALERT:     In March 2007, FDA began investigating pet deaths in the United States associated with
                 the consumption of pet food. FDA found melamine and melamine analogs *** and
                 melamine analogs *** in the pet food, and traced this contamination to products labeled
                 as "wheat gluten" and "rice protein concentrate" imported from China.

            As one result of the investigation, FDA issued Import Alert #99-29 "Detention without
            Physical Examination of All Vegetable Protein Products from China for Animal or
            Human Food Use Due to the Presence of Melamine and/or Melamine Analogs".  In
            addition, FDA issued field-sampling assignments for various imported human and animal
            food products containing plant proteins. To date, FDA collected and analyzed 222
            samples of a variety of human, bird and fish food as well as pet treats.  Of these 222
            samples, analysis revealed multiple pet food samples were contaminated with melamine
            and/or melamine analogs.  However, FDA's evaluation of all sample results determined
            the levels of melamine and/or melamine analogue contamination presented a health risk
            in only four of the pet food samples.

            Melamine, a compound used primarily in commercial and industrial applications and its
            related compounds have not been approved in the United States for use as an ingredient in
            animal or human food.

  GUIDANCE: *** Districts may detain without physical examination the identified products offered for
            importation from the manufacturers and/or shippers listed on the attachment to this import

            If district resources permit, sample collection is warranted of pet food including, but not
            limited to, pet treats, bird food or fish food from Chinese and Taiwanese firms not
            identified on the attachment to this alert for melamine and/or melamine analogs analysis.

            Sample collection for melamine and/or melamine analogs analysis is also warranted of
            other pet treats, bird food or fish food products not subject to detention without physical
            examination originating from the firms listed on the attachment to this import alert.

            Local district offices should forward worksheets of all FDA or private laboratory analyses
            found positive for melamine and/or melamine analogs to *** Linda Wisniowski, Center
            for Veterinary Medicine (CVM, HFV-232), 240-276-9233, for Center evaluation. ***

            ***In order to secure release of an individual shipment detained pursuant to this Import
            Alert, the importer should provide results of a third-party laboratory analysis, of a
            representative sample of the lot, which verifies the product does not contain melamine or
            cyanuric acid. Third-party laboratories may use any method that is found acceptable to
            FDA and which meets the method performance of the LC-MS/MS methods available at

            *** For questions or issues concerning science, science policy, analysis, preparation, or
            analytical methodology, contact the Division of Field Science at (301) 827-7605. ***

            In order to remove a firm from detention without physical examination, information
            should be provided to enable the agency to assess whether the firm has resolved the
            conditions that gave rise to the appearance of a violation, so that the agency will have
            confidence that future entries will be in compliance.

            Questions concerning removal from detention without physical examination, such as the
            types of supporting documentation to provide, should be addressed to the Division of
            Import Operations and Policy (DIOP) (301) 443-6553.  It is recommended that DIOP be
            contacted prior to submission of a request for removal from detention without physical

            Local FDA offices should forward requests for removal from DWPE to DIOP, HFC-170.
            Removals from detention without physical examination require CVM concurrence.

  GUIDANCE:      I

  FOI:           No purging required

  KEYWORDS:      Feed, pet food, melamine, melamine analogs,

  DATE***:       February 25, 2008

  BY***:              Cathie Marshall, CVM, HFV-232, (240) 276-9217
                 Sammi L. Hadden, DIOP, HFC-170, (301) 443-6553

  *** REVISED BY:     John E. Verbeten, DIOP, 2/23/2009 ***

  INTO FIARS:         February 23, 2009

                           Attachment to Import Alert #72-05        2/25/08

                           OR SHIPPER          PRODUCT/    DATE

  Five Eels Industry Corp.           (M)            Fish Food 2/25/08
  No. 44, Lane 74,                                  72[][][][]
  Sanchun Street
  Shulin City, Taiwan
  FEI# 3003321696

  JC-Sunny International             (S)            Fish Food 2/25/08
  Co. Ltd.                                     72[][][][]
  4f-3, No. 23, Sec. 2
  Keelung Road
  Taipei, Taiwan
  FEI# 2000009453

  Jinjiang Qimei Gifts               (M)            Fish Food 2/25/08
  and Favorites                                72[][][][]
  Dong Cheng Industrial Area
  Dongshi Town
  Jinjiang, Quanshou
  Fujian, China
  FEI# 2000012161

  Jiangsu Peidi Brand           (S) and (M)         Pet/Laboratory  2/25/08
    Food Products                                   Animal Food
  No. 8 Zhenbei Road                           72[][][][]
  Xuzhuang Town
  Gaogang County
  Taizhou City,
  Jiangsu, China
  FEI# 3004329918

  Hai Feng Feeds Co., Ltd            (M)            Fish Food 2/25/08
  NO. 7, Tzu-Li 1st Road                            72[][][]
  Nangang Industrial Park
  Nantou, Taiwan
  FEI# 3002636711