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     ATTACHMENT, REVISED - 12/17/08

NOTE:  This import alert is being reissued to accommodate additional candy
products subject to detention without physical examination.  Asterisks
bracket changes (***).

TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE)

NOTE: This import alert contains guidance to FDA field personnel only. It
does not establish any requirements, or create any rights for, or obligations
on, FDA or regulated  entities.

PRODUCT     :  *** See Attachment ***

PRODUCT CODE:  See attachment

PROBLEM:       Excessive levels of lead (HMPB)


COUNTRY     :  See attachment

SHIPPER     :       See attachment

SHIPPER I.D.#:      See attachment

CHARGE :       The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section  801(a)(3), in that the article appears to bear or
               contain a poisonous or deleterious substance, lead which
               may render it injurious to health [Adulteration, Section


               Its container (paper wrapper) is composed in part of a
               poisonous or deleterious substance, lead, which may render
               the contents injurious to health [Adulteration,Section


               It appears to bear or contain a food additive, lead, that
               is unsafe within the meaning of Section 409 [Adulteration

OFFICE:             LOS-DO (HFR-PA256)
                    SAN-DO (HFR-PA152)

ALERT:    From August through October 1994, lollipops from Mexico were
          detained because of high lead levels.  Lead was also found in
          some of the wrappers.  In 1995, FDA initially provided guidance
          in this import alert that it would consider action against candy
          products that exceeded 0.5 ppm lead.  This guidance allowed for a
          lead intake from these candies of no more than approximately 10
          micrograms of lead per day, based upon an estimated daily candy
          consumption of 21 grams.  More recently, FDA has learned that
          some candy products have serving sizes substantially larger than
          21 grams and FDA believes that children are likely to consume the
          entire product on one eating occasion.  In order to continue to
          provide the comparable level of protection to children when they
          eat these larger products, i.e., no more than approximately 10
          micrograms per serving, FDA has revised the import alert to
          indicate that it may also consider action against candy products
          containing 0.5 ppm or less lead, when the amount of lead per
          serving is 10 micrograms or more.

          In January 1995, SAN-DO analyzed a sample of tamarind candy
          packaged in green ceramic containers and found approximately 25
          parts per million lead.

          In July 1996, FDA learned of an investigation conducted by the
          Orange County, California, Environmental Health Division
          concerning a child with elevated blood lead levels.  The child
          had consumed Storck brand Eucalyptus Menthol Candy.

          A sample of the Storck candy was collected and analyzed by SAN-
          DO. The wrapper was found to leach 33,000 ppm lead and the candy
          was found to contain 0.880 ppm lead.  There is evidence that ink
          from the wrapper is the source of the lead and the amount of lead
          in the candy was shown to be related to the amount of pigmented
          ink that transferred to the candy.

          The Storck candy was manufactured by Storck Products, Inc.,
          Philippines under license of August Storck KG, 100 Berlin 27,
          F.R. Germany.

GUIDANCE: Districts may detain without physical sampling and analysis, all
          products identified on the attachment to this alert.

          For the individually wrapped candies, both the candy and wrapper
          should be analyzed for lead in order to overcome the appearance
          of a violation.  Additionally, adequate documentation should be
          provided showing that the manufacturer has addressed the problem
          and that the packaging materials (i.e., wrappers including inks)
          that may contact the food comply with the agency's requirements
          for contact materials.

          In order to consider regulatory action, one of the following
          conditions must be met:

          Analysis of the candy shows potentially harmful levels of lead:

          Greater than 0.5 ppm lead, or 0.5 ppm or less lead, and a serving
          size that would result in a lead intake of 10 micrograms or more
          per serving.  To calculate the amount of lead per serving in
          micrograms, multiply the lead level in the candy expressed as
          ppm, by the serving size of the candy expressed in grams.  For
          example, if the lead level in the candy is 0.3 ppm and the
          serving size is 37 g. 0.3 x 37 = 11.1 micrograms per serving.

          Evidence exists that lead has migrated from the wrapper/container
          to the Candy.

          In some cases, there are visual indications of components of the
          wrapper (ink) migrating to the candy.  SAN-DO has documented
          cases where the lead level is higher in the portion of the candy
          with a visual indication of migration.

          Wrappers should be analyzed using a 24 hour leach at room
          temperature in a 1N   HCL solution.  Recommended lead methods of
          analysis are listed in Compliance Program 7304.019.

          Districts should consider that each candy may present a different
          situation with regard to the potential for regulatory action.
          For example, the following considerations may be relevant:

          is there both an inner and outer wrapper?  If there is an inner
          wrapper, does it act as a barrier to lead migration?

          is there ink on any surface that may come in contact with
          the candy?  Is the ink on the inner or outer surface of the

The Quick Color Test may be helpful as an indication of whether a packaging
surface contains lead. Districts should contact CFSAN/DOE/Imports Branch,
Doriliz Mestey, at (301) 436-2772 for questions concerning compliance or
criteria for the release of lots.

For questions on issues concerning science, science policy, sample
collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, contact the
Division of Field Science, at (301) 827-7605.


FOI         :  No purging required.

KEYWORDS    :  Lead, Candy, Lollipop, Powder Candy, Storck
             eucalyptus-menthol candy.

PREPARED BY :  Stella Notzon, DIOP (301) 443-6553

INTO FIARS  :  June 22, 2005

              ATTACHMENT TO IMPORT ALERT #33-10 - 12/17/08

 FIRM                        PRODUCT/          MANUFACTURER/
                              PRODUCT CODE      SHIPPER


Candy Pop S.A. De C.V.                  Tamarind candy/lollipops                M
Calle 26 No. 1815 Z. Industrial         33S[][]06
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico            8/27/03
FEI# 3002809020

Carmen Patricia Guzman                  Lollipop (Sucker)                  M
Armenta Av. Plan de Iguala              33C[][]99/33S[][]06
1339 Col. Lazaro Cardenas               11/8/94
Mexicali, Baja California,
FEI #1000256653

Dulces Vero S.A. de C.V.      Lollipop, strawberry               M
aka Vero Dulces                    flavored with chili
aka Vero Candies                   coating [Vero Elotes]
Calle 26, #2395 Zona Industrial    33S[][]06
Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX      33E[][]99
FEI# 2000007136                    9/18/08

*Dulces Vero
aka Vero Dulces
aka Vero Distribuciones
Calle 26, #2395 Zona Industrial
Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX
FEI# 3004077681

*Parent company/Re-labeler/declared as Manufacturer

Fabrica de Dulces Ravi,       Pancho's Hot Orange      Manufacturer
S.A. de C.V.             Jellies
Bustamante #801               33L--07
Colonia Los Nogales
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
Mexico 64260
FEI #1000439056

Industria Dulcera S.A. de C.V.     Chaca Candy                   M
Ave Miguel Hidalgo No 13      33J[][]99
Morelia, Michoacan            33S[][]99
Mexico                        33L[][]05
FEI #3000214092                    04/8 /04

Margarita Guiltron                 Tamarind candy                M
Ramirez                            in ceramic jars
                                        Av. Rio Nilo #2038                  33Y[][]99
                                        Col Lomas                           6/5/95
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
FEI #1000333180


Storck Products, Inc.              Eucalyptus-Menthol Candy           M
West Capitol Drive                 33E[][]06
Pasig, Metro Manila                8/21/96
FEI #1000469384

The firms below are reported to be shippers for this product:

                                                            CPMulti-Commodities Corporation                   
17 Clemente St., Bgy. San Agustin
Novaliches, Metro Manila
FEI: 146

Pacific Isles International Trading, Inc.                             S
62-9th Street, New Manila
Quezon City, Philippines
EFEI: #1000168008

Productos Karla SA de CV Vasito Tamarind & Guava                 M
Carretera Guadalajara-        flavored Soft Candy
Saltillo, Km 187              33L[][]99, 33L[][]06,
Zacatecas, Tabasco, Mexico    33Y[][]99, 33S[][]99
FEI # 1000475421              11/1/06